The online racing simulator
Quote from Scawen :Heh, it's not that easy!

Somehow your computer is behaving differently from others. That's how this bug is, it just appears on someone's computer, they can reproduce it for a while, then it goes. It sounds like an uninitialised data type of bug but I can't count the number of times I have been through that code and I can't see any problem with it...

Please could you attach a zip of your path rubber files WE1.trs and WE1R.trs (from your data\knw folder) and we'll see if we can reproduce the bug with your Westhill path rubber files. Though I have a vague memory I've tried this before and it didn't reproduce the bug on another computer.

Oh hell, it's one of those things, eh?
I tried it out on another PC and indeed it doesn't do this despite the installation being essentially a copy from the PC that does do it (only the player profile differs AFAIK). Further investigation showed that the PC which does it (older installation) doesn't have a .trs file for WE1R whereas the one that doesn't do it has one.

Despite this matter which my keen and restless eye has spotted only due to it being so obvious, I've included the set of files that I see accessed by LFS (.trs, .lyt and the player profile) from both PCs.
Attached files - 14.5 KB - 247 views - 28.6 KB - 233 views

I removed my WE1.trs and WE1R.trs and saved your WE1.trs...

Now my LFS reports road tyres on rallycross tracks when I switch to WE1R...

Strange because the trs file is for WE1... anyway maybe now I can track down and fix this ancient bug!
good, i use Y14, no problem in graphics
Quote from Scawen :I still can't reproduce it - please can you describe exactly how to do this?

Single player -> on the entry screen change track, wait for the track to load and now select another track,
Once you have selected the new track, click on the Garage button and select a setup or go to the Car selection and change car, say select a GTR,
Click on OK (twice if needed) and if you're fast enough you're back to the entry screen while the track is still loading and bingo! You get the message.
Happens online too if you select another setup during a track change. Works with any track. FYI I'm mostly driving the GTR's (including the 'small' ones) and the single seaters.

Quote from Scawen :As LFS is non-unicode

Oh I have misunderstood then as I thought LFS was now fully unicode compliant.
OK I got it, thanks for the answer.

BTW there is a little interface annoyance since patch Y:
When you're on the main menu if you hit Esc to exit the game you are prompted for confirmation but if you click on the Exit button there is no prompt.
I sometimes click that fast and once too much that I exit the game while I only wanted to go back to the main menu.
That old bug that was reproducable at Westhill is now fixed. It could happen if you changed to a config with no trs, from a config which did have a trs and it was seen "reversed" and this could mean the rubber was on the grass. This bug combined with another bug that the rallycross calculation did in fact depend on the rubber positioning, caused that message to come up sometimes. Both bugs are now fixed, the rubber is zeroed at the right time and the rallycross calculation is no longer affected by the rubber position.

Quote from Lotesdelere :Single player -> on the entry screen change track, wait for the track to load and now select another track,
Once you have selected the new track, click on the Garage button and select a setup or go to the Car selection and change car, say select a GTR,
Click on OK (twice if needed) and if you're fast enough you're back to the entry screen while the track is still loading and bingo! You get the message.
Happens online too if you select another setup during a track change. Works with any track. FYI I'm mostly driving the GTR's (including the 'small' ones) and the single seaters.

This is different and I'll have a look at that soon.

Quote from Lotesdelere :BTW there is a little interface annoyance since patch Y:
When you're on the main menu if you hit Esc to exit the game you are prompted for confirmation but if you click on the Exit button there is no prompt.
I sometimes click that fast and once too much that I exit the game while I only wanted to go back to the main menu.

That is a deliberate change.

I understand that it is annoying if you make a mistake and end up on the credits screen.

BUT It's even more annoying how it was before, every time you clicked to exit, LFS would ask "Exit LFS?".
You feel like saying : YES!!! That's why I clicked EXIT!!! :mad:

So, it's better that you sometimes annoy yourself by your own mistake, than LFS annoying you 100% of the time. This was requested by a user, by the way and I agreed, it annoyed me too, sometimes programs are annoying when they don't just do what you want. It's not like you're going to lose some unsaved data or anything like that.

With the key it's different, it's so easy to press, it needs the confimation.
Moved some spam and off topic requests to other threads.

No off topic requests in here please, I don't have spare time to read by repeated requests that are already on my list and not related to this test patch, and to have to read through unnecessary posts. I'm trying to use the test patch thread as a reference for test patch issues.

With the exception of a couple of minor InSim and network debug message, how much value is there in running the latest dedicated server version, if the changelog doesn't indicate a change?

I try to keep with the updates on the our servers, but how much value is in it, particularly if the the clients are backward compatible? To your credit I have yet to see a dedicated server problem with the last 35 or so updates, which is great achievement, but it also raises this question.
I've noticed some troubles with some nick names which are using special characters:

Screenshot 1: how it should be and how it's displayed in patch Y
Screenshot 2: same nick name displayed in patch Y14
Screenshot 3: this nick name destroyed the whole line including "s'est déconnecté" (has disconnected)

And the screenshot 4 is showing a FXR with a TV screen on the dashboard (Patch Y14)
It's from the default TV cam, the car had stopped on the side of the track after the race.
Not sure what is the cause of that, there was no other strange glitch on screen but it vanished after switching views from TV cam to cockpit view and back to TV cam.
Attached images
Quote from Macfox :With the exception of a couple of minor InSim and network debug message, how much value is there in running the latest dedicated server version, if the changelog doesn't indicate a change?

Wel... not that much value for you really. Usually if it's important to test the dedi I'll make a post in the hosts forum. I just upload the dedi of every test patch so at least some hosts will use it and if there is any issue with it, it should get noticed. Sometimes a change I make might just break the dedi in some unexpected way, so it's good that it is tested. But from your point of view, only update it if it is convenient or seems like a good idea.

Quote from Lotesdelere :I've noticed some troubles with some nick names which are using special characters:

Screenshot 1: how it should be and how it's displayed in patch Y
Screenshot 2: same nick name displayed in patch Y14

Not really a bug. The "bug" is that the player with the corrupted name is using an old LFS and there were some characters from the Latin code page in the spaces now correctly used for lead bytes of double byte characters on the Japanese code page. This player used those characters and could fix that by using the new patch and switching to Latin before adding those characters. This kind of problem will just go away when everyone uses the new patch and corrects their names.

Quote from Lotesdelere :Screenshot 3: this nick name destroyed the whole line including "s'est déconnecté" (has disconnected)

A related issue where the final byte in the player's name is now a lead byte of a double byte character. That lead byte has "eaten" the "^" of the "^8" which would have returned to the Latin code page after the name. It's possible to protect against this and it's on my list to see if it's easy to do, though again this kind of problem would mostly disappear when the patch goes official so it's not high priority.

Quote from Lotesdelere :And the screenshot 4 is showing a FXR with a TV screen on the dashboard (Patch Y14)
It's from the default TV cam, the car had stopped on the side of the track after the race.
Not sure what is the cause of that, there was no other strange glitch on screen but it vanished after switching views from TV cam to cockpit view and back to TV cam.

Maybe you had done one of those things which can corrupt unused mirrors or dashboards. The latest one is changing to AA. Some people get this when they press ALT+TAB, or perhaps change window size in some way. Most cases are protected but sometimes the behaviour is different on different computers.

Bug reproduction request :

If anyone knows a way to reproduce corrupted mirrors or dashboards (when real dash or mirrors are switched off) then please let me know, and what graphics card you have so I can try to reproduce on ATI or NVidia. Changing AA setting to cause this has already been reported.
What is this?

Garage (Shift + P).
And then Shift + O or just O.

EDIT: sry my fault.
Mirror bug.

Start LFS. Go to any car, track. Cockpit view. Alt-tab to windows. Back to LFS. Bah, corrupted mirrors. Happens every time for me.
My card is x1950pro, drivers are official 7.12. Windows XP.

Sorry if that has been reported.
Quote from Fox 2 :Mirror bug.

Start LFS. Go to any car, track. Cockpit view. Alt-tab to windows. Back to LFS. Bah, corrupted mirrors. Happens every time for me.
My card is x1950pro, drivers are official 7.12. Windows XP.

Sorry if that has been reported.

I can reproduce this bug even in patch Y.... stock lfs and using follow view .

EDIT: for me it only does it by hitting the windows key.
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Quote from Fox 2 :Alt-tab

Don't use alt-tab. Instead make LFS windowed (SHIFT + F4) then you can go to other programs.
ALT + TAB can not be handled correctly and it can cause unexpected problems.
Quote from Scawen :If anyone knows a way to reproduce corrupted mirrors or dashboards (when real dash or mirrors are switched off) then please let me know, and what graphics card you have so I can try to reproduce on ATI or NVidia. Changing AA setting to cause this has already been reported.

Alt Tab will corrupt the dash on my Nvidia card. although it does so only twice, first one is always yellow second one always green after that it stays black like it should.

At least theyre not pink anymore... i guess thats an improvement of some sort.
Quote from Shotglass :At least theyre not pink anymore... i guess thats an improvement of some sort.

I still got this problem but don't know why, just been trying to reproduce it but could only get the yellow one to show up.
It's a back spot.
On South City.
It's 5 drifferent ways to look at the car.. use last one and watch my replay.
Attached files
Black Spot.spr - 21.4 KB - 214 views
Moved more spam to a new spam thread.
Quote from Scawen :Maybe you had done one of those things which can corrupt unused mirrors or dashboards. The latest one is changing to AA.

Yep, I have played a lot with AA and AF in-game settings during this race and also used Shift+F4 many times.
Just to let you know
Quote from Widdowmaker :Running a 8800GTX - Ran LFS with Patch Y 14 earlier this eveing no isses - was running great on the triple head - I flicked on V Sync to run the machine comfortably with 60 frames. Every thing is running full - all siders to the right - every thing maxed (as per normal)

Saw JAks post about updating drivers and thought why not - not a problem.

Updated to drivers noted by Jak - 174.16

Went back into game - its started no probs - half way round the track of a single player game -I pressed paused and went into settings and turned off V Sync - wanted to check frame rate capabilities.

Thought ahh I am running nhancer - I set it in there - so alt-tabbed and turned of v sync in nhancer. Went back into LFS - and on alt tabbing back in - the game crashed - and now -"Cannnot initialize graphics".

Ive turned of fnhancer, and the nvidia control panel - after reseting v sync in nhancer - and this version of LFS now wont work.

I have a back up copy on another HD - so updated that to y14 - but it has no skins or settings in.

This version works - but if I go to choose any AA or AF other than the default - the game crashes. it will run ok with default.

Can anyone reproduce or similar issues?

I will leave both installations as they are (for referal purposes) - and will install another fresh version onto another HD.

On consultation with my pc guru friend - he advised deleting the config file and restarting LFS.

This done - LFS now ran - but on changing the AA and AF to anything higher than default- the game crashed. Result would be to delete config file again.

Rolled back drivers to 169.28 - all working fine again.

I dont think the 174.16 are whql???
#99 - vane
this only leaves one question though...

WHY WAS THIS NOT DONE SOONER!!! i love it!!! well done programmers lfs no longer looks like pixel art, one step closer to realistic views
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