The online racing simulator
Quote from Lynce :Perfect, perfec, perfect...

Really nice !!

Thank you, I appreciate it!
lol, you can see my car 14 places back :P
edited, thanks hadesko.

Quote from Lynce :edited, thanks hadesko.

No Problem

btw. just quick edit..edited in one minute
Attached images
Remake, sorry but optimized for loocking photoreal style


hades, I job very, very fast. Answer to Traxxion
Attached images
RB4 GT.jpg
RB4 GT original.jpg
Quote from hadesko :No Problem

btw. just quick edit..edited in one minute

Your front of the car is cropped, thats strange and newbie mistake... watch out next time!
Quote from Lynce :Remake, sorry but optimized for loocking photoreal style


hadesko, I job very, very fast. Answer to Traxxion

you should write tutorials
Quote from Lynce :...hadesko, I job very, very fast. ....

please call me Hades thnx
Principal problem:

I don't know english. Only a few sentences. And I haven't time with my projects(movies, wallpapers, addons, upload lfs blog, lfs, admin LPS2 and posibiily to Develop a survival horror). And, of course, my job.

I thought I would make the Screenshot of my SC skin look pretty.

First edit - feel free to laugh, mock, etc. I think I over edited it
Attached images
SC Skin.jpg
Quote from Lynce :Principal problem:

I don't know english. Only a few sentences. And I haven't time with my projects(movies, wallpapers, addons, upload lfs blog, lfs, admin LPS2 and posibiily to Develop a survival horror). And, of course, my job.


In spanish
dont worry.. its okay.. a magician never reveals his/her tricks

New one
when racing at 200 kph, unless im understanding it wrong
hm english is your mother-language so i believe in you, thank you very much

edit: corrected

here's another one

Quote from flymike91 :when racing at 200 kph, unless im understanding it wrong

In Dutch (and possibly German too(?)) we don't use the "p" of "per" only the "km" and the letter of the time, "u"(uur, Dutch), "h"(hour, English) and "s"(stunde, German) (if i'm not mistaking).
your right

I was soo sure i didnt post it yet

Edited pics
(14106 posts, started )