The online racing simulator
LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
cant start lapper again c if any1 can spot anything wrong

# This is sample script for LFSLapper.
# Use non-formatting text editor such as notepad to modify script.

# Lines beginning with '#' are comments and are ignored by program.

# Lines beginning with TAB are considered as part of last key line.

# If more keys with same name exist, value of last one in file will be used.
# That way it's possible to override commands. See at end of this file.

# In all text responses you can also use colors:
# ^0 - black
# ^1 - red
# ^2 - green
# ^3 - yellow
# ^4 - blue
# ^5 - violet
# ^6 - cyan
# ^7 - white
# ^8 - no color

# If using also unicode characters, save script as unicode text document.

# Global variables, that can be used in any action:
# {ShortTime} - Local time of server in short form
# {LongTime} - Local time of server in long form
# {ShortDate} - Local date of server in short form
# {LongDate} - Local date of server in long form
# {ShortTrackName} - Current track name in short form
# {LongTrackName} - Current track name in long form
# Functions, that can be used in any action
# /pm your message - Private message sended to the player who activate action
# Symbol replacements:
# {colon} - symbol ':'
# {at} - symbol '@'
# {vbar} - symbol '|'

# General options

# Host IP. When more network interfaces are present, set it to IP of your host.

Host =;

# Insim UDP port.
# Before starting LFSLapper you must configure LFS server to use this port for InSim.
# You can do that in command line when starting LFS (/insim=29999) or in talk window of LFS (/insim 29999).;

Port = 29999;

# Change Password to match Admin password on LFS server.
# Usually this is the only value that needs to be modified for this default script to work.

Password = 7997997;

TrackInfoFile = trackInfo.cfg;

TCPmode = true;

#Register your server on FRH TEAM WEB To have a list of Server Running Lapper
EnableRegisterWeb = true;

# How much time will big text messages last (text that is started by rcm_all command).
# In milliseconds.

MessageTime = 5000;

# Identification for connect to PubStat : To obtain PubStatIdk go to,
# select My LFSW Setting and select tab Pubstat Access
# The better way is obtain and idk, send login and pass on net it's not safe

PubStatIdk = 1M7b93N673sDz46Y3Qo7RxyAHXti86JH;

# Enable if you want to show control config of players when leaving the pit.

ShowPlayerControl = true;

# FTP transfer #
# Results files can also be transferred to FTP server.
# Define following parameters to use this feature.

#FtpServer = your ftp server;
#FtpLogin = your login;
#FtpPasswd = your password;
#FtpRemotePath = your remote dir;

# Sync Database Options #
# SyncID = Sync Unique ID for this Lapper;
# SyncDir = Sync Directory name for Synchronization, all Lappers to be Synchronized must have same Directory;
# SyncIDsToSync = All Lappers ID To synchronize with you, you can't put here your current Sync Unique ID;

SyncDir= C:\Documents and Settings\LMB\Desktop\live 4 speed\HOST\sync;
SyncIDsToSync= {UK}goku;
i managed to sort this out im such a newbie took me ages to find out wat was wrong now its running
Quote from Sil3nc3r- :Since we had an annoying driver in our host tonight (race was started with only two people, and every time, when he crashed, he started a new race), i would like to give some of my other club members Kick and Ban i right to do this in this way:

!ban@Sil3nc3r-:User1:User2:User3|/ban {*} 1|


Any help would be appreciated.

Thx in advance


Push. Can no one tell me how to add some kick and ban rights to other users ?


Quote from Sil3nc3r- :Push. Can no one tell me how to add some kick and ban rights to other users ?



Sorry I didn't answer your question before, kind of missed it I guess.
But here you go:

When using S2-server, try this:

UseUsernameForAuthentication = true;

AutoAction =
!kick&./adminlist.txt|/kick {*}|
!ban&./adminlist.txt|/ban {*} 1|
!ban14&./adminlist.txt|/ban {*} 14;

Then you have to make a file adminlist.txt with all the usernames of the people you want to be able to execute those commands. Make sure you write one name per row. Like this:

Thx man!

How do i add custom commands? And how do i load it onto my server withou ptuing it on the computer running the dedi?
hello is there a way of removing a personal best laptime from the lapper for certain drivers,the lapper is on my server and set on the car park layout track but a lap i did was not right as i hit another car to get speed boost so is it possible to remove that lap time but keep all my other laps for other cars or reset all my personal best and laps done on the layout
Quote from kostus :Hello!! Who ever plzz send me Lfs lapper Setup.cfg I don't know how want to do setup it!!! my LFS lapper Version5.52

Here is my config-file.
Save it in the cfg-folder, rename the original file to and then rename this file from LFSLapper.txt to LFSLapper.cfg (otherwise I couldn't upload the file)
The only thing you have to do is put a password in the required field to get it working.
After that you can start playing with all the options.
Every line starting with ### is disabled by me.
Attached files
LFSLapper.txt - 34.7 KB - 320 views
Quote from capris :hello is there a way of removing a personal best laptime from the lapper for certain drivers,the lapper is on my server and set on the car park layout track but a lap i did was not right as i hit another car to get speed boost so is it possible to remove that lap time but keep all my other laps for other cars or reset all my personal best and laps done on the layout

This could be done using: !cleanspb or !razspb
The only problem is that this options don't seem to work at the moment.

The original line in the config file is:


I think it should be changed to:


Maybe Gai can say a little more about this.
Quote from master_lfs.5101 :How do i add custom commands? And how do i load it onto my server withou ptuing it on the computer running the dedi?

You should edit your config-file and add some auto-actions.
See my config-file posted a little bit higher.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :You should edit your config-file and add some auto-actions.
See my config-file posted a little bit higher.

but how do i add them? i want to know how to add commands to the !help command and commands like !hi

EDIT: and how do ia load it onto my dedi server without having it on the computer running the server?
Quote from master_lfs.5101 :but how do i add them? i want to know how to add commands to the !help command and commands like !hi

EDIT: and how do ia load it onto my dedi server without having it on the computer running the server?

You have to open your LFSLapper.cfg with somekind of editor (Notepad, Wordpad, Word etc.) and manually add some commands. Remember that every command should start with ! followed by the command itself, then a | and then the action you want.


!hello|/message hello;

If your command is the last of that section, it have to end with an ; otherwise it have to end with |

Can you access the files on your dedicated server?
Otherwise there's no option to edit anything.
Quote from capris :hello is there a way of removing a personal best laptime from the lapper for certain drivers,the lapper is on my server and set on the car park layout track but a lap i did was not right as i hit another car to get speed boost so is it possible to remove that lap time but keep all my other laps for other cars or reset all my personal best and laps done on the layout

Stop Lapper, edit PB file, and remove all lines for the given PB. Restart Lapper, make a copy of your PB file before do this.

Quote from Gai-Luron :Stop Lapper, edit PB file, and remove all lines for the given PB. Restart Lapper, make a copy of your PB file before do this.


i have done that,the only way i could edit the PB file was to save it first then edit it when i removed my laptime i uploaded the PB file back onto the server but it would appear on the file manager as PB.txt i then restarted the lapper and it made a new PB.txt; file so now all the laptimes on the server for everybody has been restarted i tried uploading the old PB.txt;file it did upload correctly but the name of it when in the file manager was PB.tx i then tried renaming the PB.tx file to PB.txt; but it would not let me do that the server is hosted by 500
What´s does the Flag " Throttle " mean ?
Attached images
Throttle help?
i have a problem - i can't open .cfg files please help
Quote from markorester :i have a problem - i can't open .cfg files please help

A .cfg file could be opened with all sorts of programs like Notepad, Wordpad, Word or somekind of HTML-editor.
Just start the program, chose "Open file" and select the .CFG
The other way is to right-click on the .CFG and select "open with...." then chose your desired program.
Lapper help
Fantastic post.. Lets say.. Just for instance that not everyone has the time, or wishes to be redirected to another thread. If you had read this thread you would have seen the amount of work thats been put into it and the amount of questions and answers given here.

Once again, I doubt very much you have read the thread before posting.
Quote from mkinnov8 :Fantastic post.. Lets say.. Just for instance that not everyone has the time, or wishes to be redirected to another thread. If you had read this thread you would have seen the amount of work thats been put into it and the amount of questions and answers given here.

Once again, I doubt very much you have read the thread before posting.

granted, however it would have been difficult to copy all the corrispondence from that thred so i wasent reawnsering questions aready addressed

Its possible to use /http in AutoActions?

Like this: !res&/http http{colon}//|/restart


But you can try this:

!res|/http http{colon}//{username}

Your web response can be /restart or nothing

I don't try it, but i think, it's work

Quote from Gai-Luron :No,

But you can try this:

!res|/http http{colon}//{username}

Your web response can be /restart or nothing

I don't try it, but i think, it's work


Hmm.. doesn't works

is that version on first page capitabble with the new version.
This thread is closed

LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )