I've been reading this interesting post because i have the same initial question. Is LFS real, or we're driving 1 and 0 from our PC.
Probably I will be this summer one of the drivers of a Formula SAE. We're building one of this cars in my university so I know i'll drive in the competition or simply to set up it for the race.
I know LFS have a FSAE , so i asked myself if training with this car will teach me on the car behaviour. I haven't tryed this car because I don't have the license but i'll buy in few time if it helps me to undestand what is going to do my real car when i take a corner.
It is clear that our university car will not have the same geometry and the behaviour will be different but the car "soul" will be the same because is the same kind of car.
Has somebody tried this car, it is quite real? It will help me or will be a easy way to waste time?
(sorry , i'm learning english at the moment... :banghead