hi out there devs! 
Wow, how I like LFS!
After 200.000kms I have to state something:
The clutch thingy (weather realistic or not) has
not improved the game.
I just had a 45lap lague race with the GTR class
in South City Long (City Liga)
Well, I was aware of a possible clutch problem
from the beginning, but whatever You do, in
this combo the clutch can only go hotter, not
cool down.
It should become more "controlable" like the
tyre - temperature, which I can influence quiet
a bit.
If anything I wish from the developers then:
Make LFS a racing game again, rather then a
"beware of the clutch" - trail.
Greetings, Dandy Dust (Team Zone 30)

Wow, how I like LFS!
After 200.000kms I have to state something:
The clutch thingy (weather realistic or not) has
not improved the game.
I just had a 45lap lague race with the GTR class
in South City Long (City Liga)
Well, I was aware of a possible clutch problem
from the beginning, but whatever You do, in
this combo the clutch can only go hotter, not
cool down.

It should become more "controlable" like the
tyre - temperature, which I can influence quiet
a bit.
If anything I wish from the developers then:
Make LFS a racing game again, rather then a
"beware of the clutch" - trail.

Greetings, Dandy Dust (Team Zone 30)