(Riders Motion) DELETED by Riders Motion : vvvv
You should've known I couldn't keep out of this one Jeff It started when I was asleep so I missed the first few pages
After all that effort I should get a free copy of your new CD (when done) right?
Sheesh, that's some mighty fine pasting.
OK, I'll send you a download link when the album's ready, a la Radiohead - but no CD unless you cough up some crispy Canadian dollars
I think you missed one of the keywords in my post... Where's the love? I know I haven't been around much lately... but still... And yes, my pasting is 1337 by all accounts.
I love you too man. With buckets of hetero man-love!
But love don't pay for international postage. You're a looong way from Melbourne
Quote from fragile_dog :And the king james version would of been made from other translations, done on others etc etc. so it still won't be accurate, and who cares about a little bit of wrong grammer.

not to mention that one of the prime reasons for its existence is an unfaithful king
I think the very fact that the New Testament was assembled from existing gospels to begin with - with many of them left out - speaks volumes. Surely the inerrant, absolutely true word of god wouldn't need any editing. Any decision made to leave any gospels out was necessarily made by humans, for human reasons. From a Christian viewpoint, who is any human to be omitting some words of god's truth and including others, much less a Roman emperor looking primarily to consolidate his power and unite his split empire?

Or am I just being cynical & suspicious as always? If I am, what's wrong with that? What really is wrong with asking tough questions about this stuff? The way I see it, if you're going to base your life (and after-life) on anything, be it a sacred text or a funny feeling in your stomach or the conviction that everything does have, will have or at least could have a reasonable explanation (and that maybe you won't live to see it - but you should be okay with that), you should try and find out all you can about it, and satisfy your personal standards of evidence.
the funny thing is in 9 years of religious education in school (and taking an oral exam as one of the 5 subjects in my abi) and in having to go through some of the most boring religious education ever for my confirmation (the things a 14 year old will do for money) i dont think ive ever come across the claim that the entire bible is the word of god
Really? I thought that was the whole point - it was when I was a follower. Even stranger, then, that people place so much stock in the words of mere humans
Quote from pinoykid13 :I believe that the real thing should say,"I say to you today, you will be with me in heaven."

I believe the real thing should say "I say unto you that I WOULD see you in heaven today, see, but I have to call in at hell for 3 days to drop off all these sins. Then I have to nip back here, because I know there are going to be a few questions, and Thomas is always questioning things and stuff.. so, if you can hang on til Tuesday or so.."
Quote from SamH :I believe the real thing should say "I say unto you that I WOULD see you in heaven today, see, but I have to call in at hell for 3 days to drop off all these sins. Then I have to nip back here, because I know there are going to be a few questions, and Thomas is always questioning things and stuff.. so, if you can hang on til Tuesday or so.."


/me slaps SamH's wrist


There are lots of inconsistencies in the gospels, and so it's always possible to challenge what's written. Was Mary there when they discovered the tomb had been opened on the third day? Depends which gospel you read.

As far as I'm concerned, the only verse worth quoting, out of the entire bible is John 3:16. If your quote flies contrary to that verse then you're simply not a Christian. It is not enough to believe in God. You have to live it. After all, even the devil believes in God.

I'm no longer a Christian. I got over it some years ago. I wanted dearly to be a Christian, and I tried.. but science wasn't the rot in my faith, it was all those Christians. That got me to questioning the whole thing, and here I am.
Quote from fragile_dog :1. Through the use of carbon dating technology, the layers of sediment adn rock, etc etc, theres lots of ways of proving how old something is.

Carbon dating is generally only possible for previously living material, and its half-life would be too short, anyway, for geological dating. Potassium-argon is the usual geological method.

Here is a link to a description of the method used to measure the age of a material, by measuring the extent of radioactive decay of a component of the material:

Quote from pinoykid13 :2. i believe in natural selection. researchers try to say that people evolved from monkeys. i dont believe that personally. because science says that people are 79% dandelion and a bunch of other stuff that i can't remember cause im not ae home.

Not monkeys; African Great Apes (orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees). And the idea is not quite that humans are descended FROM these, but that humans, and these, are both descended from a common ancestor, and that humans have a more recent common ancestor, with these, than with other organisms.

The similarities (same nucleotide sequences) in DNA, between humans and chimpanzees, are in the high 90's percent (I forget the precise number), compared with similarities in DNA, between humans and dandelions, of 79% (I'll take your word for that) - indicating that humans have a more recent common ancestor, with chimpanzees, than with dandelions.
Quote from Samwise :There are lots of inconsistencies in the gospels, and so it's always possible to challenge what's written. Was Mary there when they discovered the tomb had been opened on the third day? Depends which gospel you read.

As far as I'm concerned, the only verse worth quoting, out of the entire bible is John 3:16. If your quote flies contrary to that verse then you're simply not a Christian. It is not enough to believe in God. You have to live it. After all, even the devil believes in God.

I'm no longer a Christian. I got over it some years ago. I wanted dearly to be a Christian, and I tried.. but science wasn't the rot in my faith, it was all those Christians. That got me to questioning the whole thing, and here I am.

For the peanut gallery:
Quote from John :3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

It was similar for me Sam. I wasn't raised as a Christian (I'm still not 100% as to my parents' beliefs actually - I think my retired biology teacher Dad is probably as hellbound as me, though perhaps ma's something of a deist, which is practically the same) but I was exposed to it a lot at school, youth group, sunday school (until ma removed my brothers and I because they were teaching the awful Hell doctrine to little kids) etc. I really wanted to be a good Christian. I believed (or wanted to believe - or believed I believed ) the gospels and prayed and honestly thought I was doing the right thing. That is, until I started thinking about it objectively, which was the complete undoing of my Christianity. I didn't leave religion by conscious choice, the same way a person leaves home or breaks up with someone - I just couldn't argue with myself and my observations of the world anymore. I discovered that arguing with me is a frustrating exercise and I gave in to reason

David33, I get intensely frustrated when creationists cast evolution in such a simplistic and naive way. "We came from monkeys" is like saying "gravity sucks stuff together" sums up Newton's theory of gravity. I just wish creationists would attempt to understand what evolution actually says before attempting to cut it down, instead of parroting the same old strawman arguments trotted out by the hacks from creationist think-tanks like Answers In Genesis, the Discovery Institute, Uncommon Descent or whatever other anti-science propaganda they're getting them from.
Quote from David33 :Carbon dating is generally only useful for previously living material, and its half-life would be too short, anyway, for geological dating. Potassium-argon is the usual geological method.

Here is a link to a description of the method used to measure the age of a material, by measuring the extent of radioactive decay of a component of the material:


I knew what I ment! :P Doesn't really matter the technique the fact is we have been able to proove that the earth is not 6000 years old :P.
Quote from pinoykid13 :/sarcasm


It may have been said in jest, but it's actually spot on biblical doctrine, but you knew that, right ?
Quote from Hankstar :Really? I thought that was the whole point - it was when I was a follower. Even stranger, then, that people place so much stock in the words of mere humans

iirc it was made fairly clear that a few bits (commandments any anything out of jesus' mouth essentially) was gods words and most everything else was parabels and other stories/conversations about ethics morals and interpretations of previously mentioned words from god which to me at least is the only way the bible makes any sort of sense at all
In any event, the words of the bible, whether spoken by god, Jesus or men, are meant to be the truth. The question still stands: why leave bits of the truth out? And why do the bits of truth that are left so frequently contradict each other?
Quote from fragile_dog :I knew what I ment!

No need to take it personally. As Hankstar has noted, there's a peanut gallery, or something.
They might be pistachios. Mmm...
To the best of my biblical knowledge God never tells anyone to make "a Bible"

On a couple of occasions he tells people to write down what they have seen i.e The Book of Revelation. but he never instructed anyone to collate several texts into one big definitive tome. It's man that came up with that idea (who would have thunk it), bit like collecting together all of Jeremy Clarksons newspaper columns, calling it a book and flogging it for a tenner.

But we must remember in the early days the Bible couldn't be bought from the local WH Smiths, and the Gideons wouldn't leave them in your hotel room. Only the Churches and Mosques had them, so common man didn't really have much of a chance to investigate to any great depth. It's quite an interesting story of how and why it was first translated into English..
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :Where's Kev?

Shame on you BBT. Are you trying the whole "Just because Kev's not posting doesn't mean he doesn't exist" rebuttal?

Something [does god exist]
(421 posts, started )