(flame ON!)
Lots of acts require great effort and acquired skill.
That alone, for me, is not reason to think that the act in question is of any significance.
Peeling an apple with a knife while having apple, knife and hands in your backpocket is a very challenging endeavour. Also sticking your ironing board onto weird places and doing your ironing "
up there"

illepall. Very challenging and widely accepted as serious... but, truth be told, silly.
Drifting is, also, somewhat silly. People who like to view it as something more "serious" are immature, in my not-so-humble opinion. I don't care if you do 720 degree spins, on two wheels, going backwards and drifting your way into a corner.
You just found another different way to take a corner.
whooptie-fscking-doo. Grace, my bottom.
Simplicity has, historicaly, always been a hallmark of advanced civilisation (i am not speaking technologicaly-wise.)
I do not know what people try to hide behind complexity, sometimes...