downloaded. tried it myself. didnt work it out.
@ Bogey Jammer

Thanks for the tip! You take your time with V2. I got my hands full for months thanks to you I can`t thank you enough for this thread. You made me discover the creative side of my personality again^^
My last creation.

I am currently working on a American style Ricer. Sidepipes, Mag wheels and of course... A V8

Edit: Anyone else got a problem with adding new stuff like a cube or a camera? I cant get it working when I work on a loaded file, but if I make a new dokument I can make everything I want. How do I fix this?
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Quote from Bogey Jammer :Unfortunately it tooks 13H30 to render this, something sounding unacceptable... It's mainly due to the rims material and high quality ambient occlusion. I think I'll give up glossy material because it's not reflected on the floor anyway...
If you have suggestions to make the scene look more realistic, feel free. Otherwise I'll try to resolve the last problems and release the kit.

I am sorry to say that the image doesn't look as good for 13hrs. I probably can do a same looking render in less than 10 mins in Max. I know they are 2 different softwares, but the point is you may have set some setting very high but unneccesary for a simple scene like that. All the time that it used for processing details that you don't see...
Ambient Occlusion is commonly used for faking Global Illuminations, so If you use high quality AO, you can turn off G.I. Or if you use high quality G.I. you can turn off AO.
For the rim's material, because there aren't alot to reflect in the scene, you may be able to reduce the trace depth to 2 (for example, a mirror reflection inside of another mirror reflection only show 2 times only) which can reduce the processing time. This is something I can adjust in Max, Blender may have that setting too.
The mirror floor is not my favourite, but this is only my taste. I would reduce the reflectiveness or may be apply a fall off strength to the reflection, so the reflection fades off. Also apply some fine noise bumps to make the floor less 'perfectly smooth'
Yes I know that the cheap Blender renderer is not optimized at all.
There's only AO available, no GI.
Trace depth for rims was set to 3... but the gloss rendering method is visually effective but slow like shit.
bumping the floor is a good idea but takes too much time...

Compromise is very hard to find
I got the lights working
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could some1 who knows how to put background with gimp just add me in his msn (
here is my one
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Bogey Jammer you got to tell me how u got rid of those "white patches" they look super gay and rubbish. If you do ill get Blender again
Quote from DevilDare :Bogey Jammer you got to tell me how u got rid of those "white patches" they look super gay and rubbish. If you do ill get Blender again

It's a case of moving the camera, model, or light source to change the way it reflects.
Quote from Bean0 :It's a case of moving the camera, model, or light source to change the way it reflects.

Possible to expand?
Quote from DevilDare :Bogey Jammer you got to tell me how u got rid of those "white patches" they look super gay and rubbish. If you do ill get Blender again

Select the sun light above the car.
Go to the lamp menu.
Press the "No specular" button.
WOW ! Thanks for this !

I tried a basic render with my Radial Drifters (promo car) skin, i just dont like the reflection of the one car to the other, it doesnt relfect properly. Probably the design of the car ?

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Quote from Bogey Jammer :Select the sun light above the car.
Go to the lamp menu.
Press the "No specular" button.

Yes, YES! Thank you, Works nicely. Finally some nice renders without the annoying "patches". Thanks again
my first skin,Took awhile but figured out how to do the wheels/resize/select all layers of rim.
I was thinking of typing up a NON gifted tutorial for Rims so you could add it to yours bogey?
anyways heres the Image
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can you upload it plz it looks cool
#295 - ___
i know
I know im the big moron or the most retarted for asking this but how do i open a picture in the blender? Also what type of picture do i need for it? I have alot of pictures with the car itself alone on teh road or parked somewhere but from what i see in your pictures, theres nothing but just the car itself and no background. Mind helping a retard out please?
what do you need?
i think u missunderstood smth.:with this the program renders the cars, and you get an output pic, at first /wo background. then u can add one. didnt figure out how though.
#297 - ___
Nvm i figured out how to use it
#298 - ___
Very Very sorry
I have a couple of questions that are probably already asked. I read them but i just dont get it...
1. How to i turn the wheels?
2. How do i get different rims?
3. Gustix - How do i make my own body kit?? I like your alot too.
4. How do i change the angle of the reflection and shadow?
5. When i add another car the sun light is super bright and/or is dull and dim. How do i fix that?
6(Last one). How do i get the shadow of one car to go onto my second car?
Im sorry for asking these retarded noobish question because they where answered but i didnt understand them. Can someone help me?

Thanks, ImRetarted

Also here is my first render It is not my skin. I found the skin in the forums sorry i could not find where the skin was. Who ever is the owner/ creater of the skin i hope you like the render of it. Cheeras
#299 - ___
Quote from Gustix :You must know basics of Blender that body kit is made from simple plane

I know how to moce all of the little triangles and that but i dont know how to add the grillz in the front bumper
in 3ds max you can use the extrude tool for it, but you have millions of tools for do it! if i know well, you can use it in blender too

Ready-To-Render kit (free)
(973 posts, started )