The online racing simulator
cheat ??
(345 posts, closed, started )
Quote from LSDBlackWolf :Managed to printscreen this guy out going 300+Km/h on Aston National with FXR.
He was using some kind of handbrake cheat which then kicked him a few km/h more.
Unfortunately, i didnt have the replay activated, but still managed to get a print screen on the guy.

Im using S2Y patch 16 and was playing on ConeDodgers [1] server. Did a quick search on the guy, but i see no v[r]oom member...

Hope the devs get this issue sorted out.

And v[r]oom now has a lifetime ban on all our servers as will anyone that use a cheat.

However one thing is very clear there are getting more and more about and the Devs should close the hack down as soon as possible without fail
Quote from fat-oil :
Yes I allow this mod on my server, and this is no cheat, just fun.
Its a real challenge to master a full drifting lap with this insane power at wheels, much harder than regular car. This pushes the demo a step further.

It gets worse, Demo User has a server running the Oval, just what are the devs doing about this.
Quote from fat-oil : And I wish u could be able to grasp the difference between a game and a competition : one can only cheat a competition.
If u stick to competition point of view, u will miss most of life, and love.

This is Live For Speed. The one and only car racing simulator available for home users. Nothing else can get even close to LFS physics. And it is made by racing souls of the devs.If they were thinking like you, we should probably never have LFS. Don't use lfs for joking and fun.
Please go out and catch the life, play need for speed or rtracktor, and love.

ZORER I cant imagine you used your brain to write such bullshit/
Really distressing. Opened door to discrimination, privileges and xenophobia. Am stunned.

This is Life. The one and only life. Nothing else can get even close to life. And it is made by living souls of the gods. If they were thinking like you, we should probably never have life. Don't use life for joking and fun.

Love of Power
Power of Love
The choice is up to you.
Quote from birder :It gets worse, Demo User has a server running the Oval, just what are the devs doing about this.

As u said, its getting worse.
And this is the one reason I changed my mind about hackers.
As a server admin, the workload just exploded as the hack was made available.
To a point I couldnt manage all of them.
So i stopped blocking the idea and thought about it.

One dont stand facing a wave to stop it.
The best way is to go with the flow, or step out of the path.
Closing server or allowing the 'hack', as a new challenging feature to every drifter around.
Maybe a new system similar to the wrecker's barricade could be set up in conjunction with the LFS devs? If someone is reported for cheating even once, they get /ban999 from all servers connected to the Master Server...Seems to be the only way to stop it really...If you're stupid enough to use it online, and even more stupid to use it in S2 mode ( - Thanks Mutt ), then you deserve to be banned for life
Quote from Kristjan.J :... hackers are there all over the place spinning their cars and failing like noobs...

Quote from NathanRx-7 :Cheating is stupid.[...]If you wanna cheat go play NFS

Quote from JO53PHS :I just got kicked from their stupid server ...

Quote from mutt107 :anyone who hacks cheats = suck ass. i had to say that lol.

Quote from dougie-lampkin :If you're stupid enough to use it online, and even more stupid to use it in S2 mode

Dont tell me you want a world full of respect, that ain't really showing the way to build.

lol we got 2 cheaters at once on our server right now.


there´s a third one on our server atm, i was told he used the speedhack as well earlier. "unfortunatelly" he wasn´t active since i joined the server.


replay going to the wreckers barricade
Quote from eimer_ :lol we got 2 cheaters at once on our server right now.


there´s a third one on our server atm, i was told he used the speedhack as well earlier. "unfortunatelly" he wasn´t active since i joined the server.


replay going to the wreckers barricade

All 3 of team -TR-...
that team is full of cheaters
i dont get it.

Are you telling US to be tolerant about hacking?

Hacking and going with the flow or whatever, is stupid, just a lousy excuse, and wont be tolerated here.
I understand very well there are places, servers, where hack is unwanted.
I respect this and wouldn't cheat a competition where a nos hack is forbidden, because yes, it kills the race spirit.

What i would like you all to grasp is that instead of using much energy and time to hunt them (spectating, screenshoting, replaying, forum complaining, insulting etc...), i prefer taking advantage of it as a new challenge, on a server where rules explicitely allow the hack so no one is cheated.

Respect must come from the two sides, hack users, and normal fuel players, to be effective and sustainable, then the noise becomes music, enjoyable music.
The thing is that it isn't a 'new challenge'.

The good people on your server, who choose not to use the speedhack, are being denied the race wins that they deserve because of stupid people speedhacking.
Quote from Bose321 :All 3 of team -TR-...
that team is full of cheaters

... ho hum.. also wreckers too... ho hum...
As well as cheating at FM Oval Junkies, Arox has just been caught cheating at FRO #4
why cheat in an xrt when there is the bf1? why use the cheat to get a "new challenge" when the competition comes with other players, not new 'programs'?

lfs alone provides enough room to have races against others, and depending how high the ping to another player is, it gets more and more dangerous racing online the faster the car goes. above a certain speed it doesn´t make much sence anymore.

i don´t want to use the speedhack, i don´t need to use it, and i certainly hope i´ll not be forced to use it just because everyone else has it already.

just about 20hours ago we had a 1hour race on fern bay club with the UF1 - and everyone loved it.

if you think you need or want to use the speedhack, you´re simply playing a different game, different rules, so you´re wrong on our server.

something like that... i hope i made myself clear.

edit: P.S. respect is more like what cheaters don´t have. they don´t respect the fact that no decent racer wants to see his opponent suddenly accelerating to twice the maximum topspeed on straights.

I haven´t seen one cheater comming online and introducing himself like "Hi, i´m going to use the speedhack. can you guys please change the server name to hackhackhack and get the program as well?" they just come in and cheat. and you´re asking us to respect them?
Quote from JO53PHS :The thing is that it isn't a 'new challenge'.

The good people on your server, who choose not to use the speedhack, are being denied the race wins that they deserve because of stupid people speedhacking.

Hi again joseph

Was nice to see u again on my server this morning, but sad to read those more unrespectful flaming words of you, which gained you another kick. Maybe another time will be more creative.

You seem to be misunderstanding some things, or maybe your are slow, which is your right.

First : the hack definitely IS, a new challenge. Give it a try before writing it is not.

Second : "...the good people... "
? who are you to say who is bad and who is good ? To me your ambient respect level is to low to read that from you.

Third : people who choose not to use the hack have 2 options :
- leave the server, as rules specify clearly that the hack is allowed
- keep drifting as usual, which what i still do when using normal fuel.

Last : '... are being denied the race wins that they deserve because of stupid people speedhacking.'
I run a drift server, there is no race, and no winners, what are u talking about ? would you please, think about that ? and stop insults too. Thanx

LFS is a Race simulator, and i am ok with that. The fact is that it is much MORE than that.
And this should be taken advantage from.
Just have some place allowing the MORE component to express itself, will dramatically reduce the amount of noise (cheaters) by redirection of most of the flow to those places.

Just a point of view.
Quote from fat-oil :Hi again joseph

Was nice to see u again on my server this morning, but sad to read those more unrespectful flaming words of you, which gained you another kick. Maybe another time will be more creative.

You seem to be misunderstanding some things, or maybe your are slow, which is your right.

First : the hack definitely IS, a new challenge. Give it a try before writing it is not.

Second : "...the good people... "
? who are you to say who is bad and who is good ? To me your ambient respect level is to low to read that from you.

Third : people who choose not to use the hack have 2 options :
- leave the server, as rules specify clearly that the hack is allowed
- keep drifting as usual, which what i still do when using normal fuel.

Last : '... are being denied the race wins that they deserve because of stupid people speedhacking.'
I run a drift server, there is no race, and no winners, what are u talking about ? would you please, think about that ? and stop insults too. Thanx

LFS is a Race simulator, and i am ok with that. The fact is that it is much MORE than that.
And this should be taken advantage from.
Just have some place allowing the MORE component to express itself, will dramatically reduce the amount of noise (cheaters) by redirection of most of the flow to those places.

Just a point of view.

I'm sorry, but you're an idiot..
i see what you mean when you say you have a sever for hackers..
but a hack is a hack and it shouldn't be welcome on any server.
In your wierd head you must be thinking its some kind of new patch.. because they dont call it a Nos CHEAT for nothing. If its a cheat its not supposed to be used.
I wanna put a denunce to license GOATSE for be cheater in a S2 Server, he drive whit a FUSION.DAN name, please is very important finish with the cheaters

I have mpr but it's so big
Quote from Seb66 :I'm sorry, but you're an idiot..
....If its a cheat its not supposed to be used.

Lets talk about rules then.
Didn't you agree with rules when signing up your membership here ?
How about public insult on a public forum ?
If its an insult its not supposed to be used... You are a cheater, i dont like cheaters... u should be banned from the forum for life etc... etc...
The fact is your writing is inconsistent.
#71 - Jakg
Quote from eimer_ :lol we got 2 cheaters at once on our server right now.


Still? Isn't this like the 3rd time he's been caught, and been banned from uploading Hot Laps for the same reason?
a sever called nooooooooooooooooob on s2 is full of speedhacker!
Quote from Cash_FLow :a sever called nooooooooooooooooob on s2 is full of speedhacker!

You'll never guess... Arox123 is on it.

EDIT: WHAT THE HELL: I tried to connect to the server multiple times, kept getting kicked for no apparent reason, and then someone said: Ban that guy!... and I was banned
Quote from Cash_FLow :a sever called nooooooooooooooooob on s2 is full of speedhacker!

Yep. Thats awful.
Joined there to see who is online.

obviously arox and rockclan, who are already banned from most of the servers
Plus some noobs trying to beg for the program.

And the saddest part:
I removed my team tag, for them to not know that im from an oval team, and asked where i could download this thingy.
I got told that its uploaded in torrents, and guys even started handing out links. OMFG!!!!!!!!!!

Cheaters, but very stupid cheaters.

See morons in action in the attachment!
Some more names to ban
(Dont ban all the names though, i was going there undercover.)
Attached files
cheaters.mpr - 214.6 KB - 303 views
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cheat ??
(345 posts, closed, started )