The online racing simulator
(52 posts, started )
Might as well call it Tonka 3, cause its really just a toy
it makes you want to cry doesnt it?

I must admit i was a previous owner if toca race driver the very first one and that was fun although unplayable with a wheel, well actually they all are unplayable with a wheel... but the DTM series was the most fun. After that i discovered f1 99-02 and then bought LFS..... glad i did, lfs has really showed what a simulation should be like....

to class toca 3 as a sim is a joke and ign should be ashamed!!!!

atleast we can say that toca 3 wont win the sim of the year!!! ever!!!!

Tried the demo a while back, hated hated HATED it.
RD3 is a sim. YOU don't like it as a sim,but it definately is one.
Quote from Sternendaal :RD3 is a sim. YOU don't like it as a sim,but it definately is one.

I'm sorry.. what? Tell me that's a joke? Has to be, right?
it must be a joke.. tho not very funny one although it made me chuckle reading it.... yes i know Codemasters claim Toca3 is a sim... toca has 2 modes Arcde and then Simulation in the game but when u actually turn on simulation it hardly feels any different from the arcade.. plus has anyone tried playing it with a wheel? its impossible!!!!! i gotta give codemasters credit on the graphics side of things as the game does look nice but graphics arent everything.. gameplay is very important. LFS is a good example, graphics in lfs even tho they are very nice they arent that good as they dont yet use dx9 but who really cares.. lfs physics are just brilliant and they have updated the graphics a lot from s1 to s2. Now lfs can hold the SIM title... toca3 and the word sim shouldnt be on the same cover..... they shouldnt even be used in the same sentence when talking about toca3......

Quote from Sternendaal :RD3 is a sim. YOU don't like it as a sim,but it definately is one.

Toca 3 is not a simulation of reality and it was never ment to be, it's more realistic than the average arcade game but like GT4 it has no physics driving it.
Quote from Madman_CZ :it must be a joke.. tho not very funny one although it made me chuckle reading it.... yes i know Codemasters claim Toca3 is a sim... toca has 2 modes Arcde and then Simulation in the game but when u actually turn on simulation it hardly feels any different from the arcade.. plus has anyone tried playing it with a wheel? its impossible!!!!! i gotta give codemasters credit on the graphics side of things as the game does look nice but graphics arent everything.. gameplay is very important. LFS is a good example, graphics in lfs even tho they are very nice they arent that good as they dont yet use dx9 but who really cares.. lfs physics are just brilliant and they have updated the graphics a lot from s1 to s2. Now lfs can hold the SIM title... toca3 and the word sim shouldnt be on the same cover..... they shouldnt even be used in the same sentence when talking about toca3......


I am using a wheel,and it drives great. Atleast no crashers ramming you off the track .

Think I enjoy RD3 more now than LFS
illepall Are you serious? Damn I played Toca2 with wheel and it practiclly impossible. Also you can go into corners with impossible speed and you wont loose control of car so is this a sim? I agree that when you switch from arcade mode to simulation mode there is no difference even though its says "Simualation is very hard and only for proffesionals drivers and you have to have wheel" LOL. In my opinion Toca is not a simulator.
Quote from Sternendaal :I am using a wheel,and it drives great. Atleast no crashers ramming you off the track .

Think I enjoy RD3 more now than LFS

i dont mean to have a go at u in anyway..... as i respect other peoples views and i know some people do like games like toca3 otherwise it wouldnt be worthwile for codemasters to develop them.. but!!!! u say u play toca with a wheel!!!! when racing do u actually ever make a full lock turn with the wheel??? do u ever go through a corner without tires depositing skid marks? i found that when playing toca with a wheel i just cant get any feel for the car .. its just like turn... to throw the car into a corner at an unrealistic speeds and it just seems to grip.....

now dotn get me wrong i bet its fun playing toca coz it does look good but seriously to say its a sim is just wrong!! and it an insult to games like LFS (and ok gtr to some degree) i bet toca3 doesnt even have tire temperature physics?

anyway enough.. hope ppl who bought this game enjoy it.. as i certainly couldnt....

My troll radar is beeping.
so is my gaydar.....

i think they are related :P
gran turismo feels 10x more realistic than the toca race demo i played. at least gran turismo requires some skill to geat near world record times and requires some driving technique.

Toca race driver 3 feels very similar to nfsu to me. i'm playing with the dfp 270degrees
Quote from Sternendaal :I am using a wheel,and it drives great. Atleast no crashers ramming you off the track .

Think I enjoy RD3 more now than LFS

RD2 is what inspired me to look for something better Thanks Codies the best thing you ever did for me, which was make a crap attempt at a simulation If it wasn't for that I would never have found LFS

I found LFS when I went on the codemasters forum to winge about how crappy RD2 was and found someone who was recomending LFS a few weeks later I bought S1 and the rest is history

I agree RD2 feels like NFSU it's just too easy illepall On the codies forum alot responded to my posts like so "yeah its easy but thats what we want! we just want a game we can have fun with, with our mates on the weekend while drinking a few beers " Which is not what I wanted so here I am
Quote from Madman_CZ :... i bet toca3 doesnt even have tire temperature physics? ...

It does have tyre and engine temp physics but it's not as thorough(sp?) as LFS.
Quote from deggis :My troll radar is beeping.

Quote from Leifde :It does have tyre and engine temp physics but it's not as thorough(sp?) as LFS.

Its all animated physics, not real time physics, basicly their games see you are doing this, so this is supposidly going to happen...LFS you do this, This happens, depending on how you do it..

This stern fellah is obviously a youngin or doesnt understand what exactly physics are...which is okay, games are fun for some people.
Meh, when I want good clean and fun serious racing I'll race LFS, when I want some good fun messing-around racing i'll race a game like toca 3 (well in my case its GT4 and burnout 3 right now). I don't see why the two groups are mutually exclusive, you don't play a game that has adverts all over mainstream tv and expect it to be an actual simulation do you?
Richard Burns Rally
World Racing 2
I've not seen ads for any of them here. Toca I've seen ads for most days for the last 2 weeks. Infact I went out and got it yesterday, and its good fun. Its not really a simulation, nowhere near LFS level - it feels completely canned (although it does damage better than LFS), but it is fun and thats all i particually care about.
Quote from Rtsbasic :Meh, when I want good clean and fun serious racing I'll race LFS, when I want some good fun messing-around racing i'll race a game like toca 3 (well in my case its GT4 and burnout 3 right now). I don't see why the two groups are mutually exclusive, you don't play a game that has adverts all over mainstream tv and expect it to be an actual simulation do you?

The debait here is about Sternendaal who claims that TRD3 is a sim.
Okay, I just tried it and... HAHAHA simulator, yeah right.

It is more realistic than NFS but that doesn't say much. Too fast for corner? Whoops just step in the brakes and crank the wheel, congratulations you made it. Those sandtraps are darn sticky too... ever wanted to reduce your 140 to 0 mph brake distance to 40m? Just drive in the sand! Want to drift a DTM car all around Hockenheim full throttle? Here you can do it.

Thanks but no.

this thread making it nearly 3 pages.... surely toca3 isnt worth the server space!!
Quote from Madman_CZ :lol...

this thread making it nearly 3 pages.... surely toca3 isnt worth the server space!!

It is.

TRD3, whilst it is not as realistic as LFS, is good if you take it as what it is: a semi-realistic racer with most forms of motorsport that people care about. If I had a quid from every person who slagged it off after only playing the demo, I could afford to wipe my butt with 50 pound notes.

I bought it, I am happy with it. Nuff said.

(52 posts, started )