I have one of these wheels gathering dust on my shelfs, because I have lost my power adaptor to it. Wouldn't be using it anyway since DFP beats it in everything.
The wheel, to my taste, is too thick. The few buttons it has are horribly placed, the precision of the wheel is far from DFP. The gear flaps aren't that good either, they are too small and badly shaped. The pedals are rather bad too, they feel like they are scrubbing the plastic cover and therefore dragging. Also, after using the wheel for a while I started noticing annoying squeking from the electric motor which wen't away (for 2 weeks) by rubbing the brushes of the motor with a screwdriver.
Good points the of the wheel are like Forbin stated, it's rock solid and has powerfull force, but that's about it.
Sorry, but I just think there are far better wheels out there these days (including MSFF).