Faking suspension and chassis sounds (possibly orgasms too)
Tried searching but couldn't find good matches of what I have in mind:

1) Drive around in LFS.
1) Outsim dumps acceleration data during cornering, braking, etc.
2) App X reads it, converts into MIDI or other viable method of controlling audio with velocities.
3) Play different squeaks, clonks and rattles based on the velocities (=amount of acceleration).
4) ???
5) Profit!

I could volunteer to record the samples.

EDIT: For the record, mods deleted a whole bunch of +1's and plenty of other positive decimals. Guess that means it we/I/volunteers could try to build a proof of concept.
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Sidenote: I'm not sure whether this approach would produce much (if any) usable suspension noise when driving over, say, bumpy grass.

I assume the Outsim reads acceleration data from the cog of the chassis. If the cog does not undergo much acceleration (despite the suspension compressing very violently, it has enough travel to keep the chassis somewhat steady), the lower end of the velocity spectrum should contain only low rumble and rattle and so on, to keep things bearable under heaver accelerations.

If we could get suspension telemetry out...

The sample triggering could set on frequency, threshold, peak and hold (release?).

Frequency would simple be the internal value how often to read the Outsim data. I'm not familiar how often LFS dumps Outsim data or is it streamed.

Threshold would set a dead zone where no samples would be played. It should be synced with frequency. An example of the threshold would be that sitting idle and engine vibrating would not cause samples to be played.

Peak would determine the sample to use (higher acceleration = higher velocity = louder and more violent audio sample). There could be a few samples within different velocity ranges and the App X would randomly play one of them to avoid obvious repetition.

Most important value to tweak would be hold/release set in milliseconds. It would simply tell the App X to shut up for set amount of milliseconds after a peak would register over the threshold. This would effectively keep the App X from machine gunning samples if there happened several higher and higher peaks withing consecutive Outsim packages.
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I tried to do some 2337 Insimz Outzimz Driftzorz Outsimz Lulz code but I passed out and later found myself in a pool of my own vomit.

I need some moar time.
Guess it would work a little bit like the Backfire mod? Ask Becky for the source code and maybe that will help.