The online racing simulator
They want an XRR with 45° of lock and super long lasting road supers.
Okay, for those bashing on the drifters, which I am one of.

I don't know about the guy who posted that horrendous Peugeot, but some styling would be nice. Aerodynamics being affected by your kit, and not those ugly flared things alot of racers think we're all about. Something small and effect, maybe a XRT front end stretched a tad lower, or maybe the ability to "stretch" the whole body down. I could do that in reality with just a cardboard box.

What would be even more pleasent is making the XRT wing an optional extra. I don't want or need downforce on FE Club. And don't rant about me not wanting it, that spoiler is blah anyways... looks "ricer" to me.

Quote :They want an XRR with 45° of lock and super long lasting road supers.

^- Noob.

I'd also like to tell the guy who wants "a car built for drift," to go look at the XRT. Or the LX6, the RAC... you've got plenty of choices. I never realized, after all, that the Nissan Skyline R34 was built for drift, or the Silvia series of vehichles. All cars are driftable, it's possible with the LFS physics, as realistic as they are. Stop complaining, make do with what the devs give us.
i drift RAC and LX6 , they are farley easy but lx6 has a consistancy to let loose when it is clutch kicked
As far as i know, the R34 GTR is FAR from made for drifting. If you mean the R34 Skyline series maybe, but i doubt any car was made specificaly to drift. Modified yes, designed from the ground up, doubt it. And the GTR is more or less undriftable (at least it goes against it) with it's 4WD system and rear wheel steering and other stuff like that.

Cardboard box? That's just rice then. And you want the aerodynmacis being affected by the kit - why would you put a box there then? It will only cause mroe drag. But in reality most of the kits won't change the aerodynamics that much or at least it wont be noticable. Same goes for the rear spoiler. And IMO the XRT would look stupid without it - look at the XRG. Different people and different oppinions but IMO a nice lip on the back really makes a car.

Never saw the problem drifting a bone stock XRT to be honest... The LX (both of them) are driftable too but you need some skill. Never was a fan of the FZ but a lot of people use that too. And mind you, 2 years ago i quit drifting. So i think i know a thing or two about it, don't you?
The bit about the R34 and Silvia being "made" to drift was sarcasm (You know, the Skyline that was made RWD to drift in the Japanese D1? And other Skylines that have it.) It's just proving my point that customization is a good thing, it can get us what we want. Of course, within reason. The cardboard box bit was putting emphasis on how freakin' simple things can be. Rice, yeah. But it gets by. And how on Earth did you come to the conclusion the kit doesn't influence aerodynamics? The whole CAR does, INCLUDING the shape of it. The car includes the "kit" that is on it. Spoiler doesn't affect it much either? Never realized that, why do they even bother weighing it down then.. oh, you're too ricey. Sorry.
As for your last little bit you wrote, there isn't a problem with it. There are setups made to fit specific people for their specifics needs and style. That's their business, I wonder why people don't race "bone stock" BF1's, or XRR's, or FZR's? Of course, speed! Or for some drifters it's for some angle.

The whole point I have been trying to make is modifying cars isn't a bad thing, it isn't necessarily rice. Just because some guy comes through and wonders if it would be possible to change out a body part on a car doesn't mean it's automatic rice... and that happens alot here on the forums.

As far as I can tell, you don't understand quite that much about aerodynamics and it's affect.. a wing on the back of an XRT on an oval could be causing it's suspension to bottom out because the downforce, and shoving it down to give it mad grip.. but using more fuel and going slightly slower than it could be, but of course... it'd look stupid without it.

And if you really want to go on about how long we've been drifting, I've done nothing but drift since my demo days. That's been a very, very long time my friend. So if you want to go on about who knows what, then I know quite a bit more since you quit two years ago. Not just how-to, but the whole LFS "social" concept of it that is so hard to ignore.

Quote from Ca18Slider :<tears>

Are you saying that those wings and bodykits and spoilers and rims in mid-priced cars does anything? I doubt the manufacturer haven't even tested them on windtunnel. They just include them to their car (It costs 1.99$ more to build) so F'n'F freaks drools and tells their daddy to buy one.

I understand wings on Porsche 911, and they have even tested it in windtunnel. But how about mazda or any other bling-bling?
I'm assuming, that in LFS, they serve there purpose. Forget the price, it's the efficiency of the cars as they are... and apparently because F'n'F says that Mazda and Nissan and the lot that tuner ricey boys use, that we want it for bling bling, right? All that's being asked is the ability to modify the car to an understandable point. Hell, I can understand lower profile tires too, less tirewall bend. That's understandable, but of course in your world that's only for the Escalades and Pathfinders that gotta have 5600W worth of speakers in the back, and hoes'in'da front right?
THe big majority of the aftermarket body kits do nothing to affect aerodynamics, at least not on a visible scale. A splitter will do much more, since it will cut the air more efficiently and force it over the top and speed up the (less of it) air under car lowering the pressure thus sucking the car down. Yes, the spoilr on the back does make a big difference, especially at high speeds. But i just can not imagine the XRT without it. Call me a rice boy, i don't care, i know i'm not.

About the drifting, i did it for over 2 years (started at the end of 2003, on Xmas, with a keyboard, got a wheel and S2 in spring 2004). I quit just because of the thing you say you know very well - the society. Everybody wants body kits, mroe power, more steering angle, better tires, etc. Why can all the old school guys drift like nothing happened? Oh, nothing did happen. And they just pwn. That's the thing. Take a look at CObalt BLue for example (used to be in nsane, dunno where he's now). Take a look at some SWC (if they still exist) or Saiko D guys. THey did the things the same 3 years ago.
what i woud like to see
i woud like to see some muscle cars for example som old school like camaros plymouths and dodge and really woud like to see a roadrunner
Mhhm, and I'm still doing the same thing I did several years ago, just like I did in MIDWEST and Wangan Ghost back in demo. I'm not asking for rice either, just the freedom to change the car in a way, that believe it or not, can make a difference.
Ford Transit ftw

Optional sandbags for rear axles!
I would like Formula Offroad Cars and Tracks
wouls bw cool if there was a bmw 740i v8 engine 2001 year
one car that i would like to appear on S3 its something like a honda, N/A...10000 rpm.. a metalic kind of engine sound...
We need a more powerful 4x4, Something like an FQ400 or New Nissan GTR. Also something like a New BMW M5...

A super car type motor could be fun too, Something like a Lamborghini LP640 or Ferrari F430
Haven't heard <insert_your_favorite_super_car_manufacturer_here> club racing. Neither have I heard <insert_your_favorite_super_car_manufacturer_here> cup.

To be honest, they are too expensive for racing-purposes. They have "other purposes", like helping you to get laid with a moviestar or something. Nothing else.
Quote from Gekkibi :Haven't heard <insert_your_favorite_super_car_manufacturer_here> club racing. Neither have I heard <insert_your_favorite_super_car_manufacturer_here> cup.

To be honest, they are too expensive for racing-purposes. They have "other purposes", like helping you to get laid with a moviestar or something. Nothing else.

sorry, can't leave this post untouched

what do you mean with "other purposes" and "nothing else"? they are not supposed to race? following your thought, there are no cars for racing purposes. cars were originally made to take you from point A to point B in a faster and more comfortable way, only then competitions for the fastest cars started.

seriously, what's the problem of supercars? they have an engine? Yes. They have 4 wheels? Yes. They have a seat and a steering wheel? Yes. So yes, i think they can be raced. "they are too expensive"? afaik there is no money system in lfs, so why should you bother with that? I'm not a fan of supercars myself, but i see no reason to leave them out of the game, since they have lots of fans, as you probably already noticed.

and finally, to the topic question, my answer is: anything with wheels, an engine, a steering wheel and in someway resembling a real life car, is worth adding to lfs.
Quote from jonny__27 :...

LFS tries to simulate real racing, and have you ever seen race where were Bugatti Veyron's? Nope, because they are too expensive for racing-purposes.

Because monster cars have wheels, seatbelts, engines etc etc, should they be included to a racing simulator? How about fire-trucks?
Quote from Gekkibi :LFS tries to simulate real racing, and have you ever seen race where were Bugatti Veyron's? Nope, because they are too expensive for racing-purposes.

Because monster cars have wheels, seatbelts, engines etc etc, should they be included to a racing simulator? How about fire-trucks?

what? afaik i didn't mentioned any trucks. aren't you taking this game too seriously?
Agree with Johny(partly ), those supercars(couse we are talking about supercars, not fire trucks ) are meant to be raced on a track if a person who drives it wishes to. Btw. FZ5 resembles a Porsche... its not a cheap car . What I alson want to add... I would like to see cars LIKE Lamborghini, Ferrari etc... but not Lamborghini, Ferrari exacly(just imagine, most of the people would like to drive it because they are "real", and that would be kind of painful for the rest of LFS cars, furthermore license will be expensive ). Just cars that are around that power . I wouldn't like to see Veyron... it's ridiculous (or anything around that power , but that's my opinion ^^).
Quote from Byku :Btw. FZ5 resembles a Porsche... its not a cheap car .

However, I have heard of Porsche racing cup. In matter of fact, I belong to one.

Edit: If you check these rules, you find the word "911" used quit often.
Quote from Gekkibi :LFS tries to simulate real racing, and have you ever seen race where were Bugatti Veyron's? Nope, because they are too expensive for racing-purposes.

Because monster cars have wheels, seatbelts, engines etc etc, should they be included to a racing simulator? How about fire-trucks?

Who cares if they are too expensive for racing? This is a game.
Even if nobodies race it IRL (well there's not enough of them to make a race anyway), it is still physically possible and actually physics are the only boundaries of a simulation. Not real life behaviors.
BTW that part of the interest of a simulation. You can also do things too dangerous or too expensive to be done IRL.

Well I'm not for the Veyron but only because it's full of electronics craps that would make it far too difficult to be simulated properly. We'd probably end up with a terrible result.
Quote from Maelstrom :Who cares if they are too expensive for racing? This is a game.

Then we should have bunch of other cars not used to race (LFS is a RACING simulator, after all...). Carbage-truck cup, anyone?
Quote from Gekkibi :Then we should have bunch of other cars not used to race (LFS is a RACING simulator, after all...). Carbage-truck cup, anyone?

Well considering that you can find Bus race out there I guess you'll always find people nuts enough to race anything, from a supermarket kart to a rocket propelled wheel chair!
Quote from Maelstrom :Well considering that you can find Bus race out there I guess you'll always find people nuts enough to race anything, from a supermarket kart to a rocket propelled wheel chair!

Don't forget to mention those vehicles from Whacky Wheels. Devs should include them to LFS.

No, people wouldn't want to race with anything.

And I think it is more important to have wide variety of classes than specific cars in a same class (For example 10 "different kind of" family cars. Couple of volvos, couple of peugeots, at least three nissans etc).

Too many wants to have specific cars (And super-cars) because of the appearance.

Cars we wanna see in S3
(4458 posts, started )