The bit about the R34 and Silvia being "made" to drift was sarcasm (You know, the Skyline that was made RWD to drift in the Japanese D1? And other Skylines that have it.) It's just proving my point that customization is a good thing, it can get us what we want. Of course, within reason. The cardboard box bit was putting emphasis on how freakin' simple things can be. Rice, yeah. But it gets by. And how on Earth did you come to the conclusion the kit doesn't influence aerodynamics? The whole CAR does, INCLUDING the shape of it. The car includes the "kit" that is on it. Spoiler doesn't affect it much either? Never realized that, why do they even bother weighing it down then.. oh, you're too ricey. Sorry.
As for your last little bit you wrote, there isn't a problem with it. There are setups made to fit specific people for their specifics needs and style. That's their business, I wonder why people don't race "bone stock" BF1's, or XRR's, or FZR's? Of course, speed! Or for some drifters it's for some angle.
The whole point I have been trying to make is modifying cars isn't a bad thing, it isn't necessarily rice. Just because some guy comes through and wonders if it would be possible to change out a body part on a car doesn't mean it's automatic rice... and that happens alot here on the forums.
As far as I can tell, you don't understand quite that much about aerodynamics and it's affect.. a wing on the back of an XRT on an oval could be causing it's suspension to bottom out because the downforce, and shoving it down to give it mad grip.. but using more fuel and going slightly slower than it could be, but of course... it'd look stupid without it.
And if you really want to go on about how long we've been drifting, I've done nothing but drift since my demo days. That's been a very, very long time my friend.

So if you want to go on about who knows what, then I know quite a bit more since you quit two years ago.

Not just how-to, but the whole LFS "social" concept of it that is so hard to ignore.