1) Players must be on the server before qualify starts within the ten minute time.
2) During practice players may pit and leave as they wish to get the correct set etc.
3) During qualify players can also change sets etc, qualify is 20minutes long
4) During the race players are not permitted to pit/spec to change sets after the 1st 5laps
5) After a crash you may re-join the race if you won’t cause any inconvience to other racers, or you will be spectated.
6) No insim will be run you must go by the rules.
7) Teams are allowed but a maximum of 3racers per car per team.
8) Any cheating of any sort will mean a very fast kick and exclusion from the race
9) Drivers must do everything in their power not to disrupt the progress of another driver’s qualify
10) During the safety lap players must travel at the same speed as the safety car (62mph, 100kph) in single file, leaving a sutible gap to the car in front.
11) Drivers may not weave to build up heat in there tyres because of the risks involved, this behavor will result in spectate
12) When overtaking on straights and corners account must be taken for lag.
13) Drivers must remain in the pit exit lines when exiting the pits
14) When a blue flag is shown drivers Must stay on the racing line and allow for the driver lapping to pass
15) If a time-out or lose of connection happens players may rejoin the race but will lose there place on the grid.
16) If a Yellow flag is shown due to a car stoped on track the safety car will be deployed and the car stopped removed or pushed
17) Following on from rule 16: If a car is flipped onto its roof or side and unable to right itself, the driver must remain in the race until the safety car has collected the field and the admins instruct the driver to spectate. Failure to abide by this rule will result in exclusion from the race.
18) Cars must stay behind the safety car during the whole time it is out until it exits into the pits
19) As in race start drivers may not weave during safety cars laps
20) Chat is not allowed during the race, chatting during race will result in a spectate
21) Any messages important to the drivers will be displayed in the center of the screen
22) Any objections can be taken up after the race via personal message, Do not ruin the race for fellow drivers
Marshall rules
1) Marshalls Must report to there server master when any offence is commited
2) Marshalls must not enter the race, if any marshall enters the race they will be kicked and excluded from the server
3) Marshalls may not talk on the server, use Msn, Xfire or Teamspeak.
4) Marshalls must say professional, any pure stupidty will be exclusion from the server