Just wanted to give a quick introduction to myself.
I'm from Norway and am 29 years old. I have over the last few years developed a poorly tended love for racing sims (and flight sims for that sake), but have not really tried playing online before recently. After "waking up" and realizing that online racing gives about 40 times a better experience than any AI out there can give, I decided that LFS was the only "real" option for me (rFactor just feels plain wrong for me). I also amateurishly play GTR2, RACE 07', Richard burns rally and some few other racers.
Now, I dont actually expect winning any races anytime soon, but I surely look forward to seeing some of you people on the track in near future.
Greets from Chris!
(PS: Childishly looking forward to getting my g25 in a few days time, but then again who didn't or doesn't?
