The online racing simulator
Also, this point is mine! (game I play on another forum when you get to the 100 post)
I've been playing for a while now. Forgot to post here hehe. Don't know if I'll ever get an S2 license. Anyone willing to give a voucher? Kidding.
Quote from :I've been playing for a while now. Forgot to post here hehe. Don't know if I'll ever get an S2 license. Anyone willing to give a voucher? Kidding.

Just keep practicing and come to the pre-qualifications of S2 Voucher Competition. Who knows who will win it...
Hey Played the Demo great game bought a license the same day now learning how to play

and Saving up for a G25
hey i'm helder, i'm from portugal, i play lfs a long time ago.Got to tell that this game may not have the graphics like gtr2 but its way more adictive!

this is a real good game!

only thing that i need its a g25
Hey ho!
Just wanted to give a quick introduction to myself.

I'm from Norway and am 29 years old. I have over the last few years developed a poorly tended love for racing sims (and flight sims for that sake), but have not really tried playing online before recently. After "waking up" and realizing that online racing gives about 40 times a better experience than any AI out there can give, I decided that LFS was the only "real" option for me (rFactor just feels plain wrong for me). I also amateurishly play GTR2, RACE 07', Richard burns rally and some few other racers.

Now, I dont actually expect winning any races anytime soon, but I surely look forward to seeing some of you people on the track in near future.

Greets from Chris!

(PS: Childishly looking forward to getting my g25 in a few days time, but then again who didn't or doesn't?)
It worth to buy the license. Oh and welcome. Now you're a part of this great community
Why not use the mouse"wheel"?
Quote from Subliminal-Shock :Thanks
I also need to buy a wheel aswell as a license! because when i go back home i'll be using a mouse

My sympathies. Simulation driving with a mouse must feel like... driving a car with a mouse...!?! (And if anyone here actually enjoy driving with a mouse, please excuse me for my ignorance (and total lack of understanding)).

Enjoy your forthcoming wheel!
hello,my name is Tom(AKA nidfrost), im 26 yo. i come from Norway.
been driving at zion/lublin for a good while.

see you all on track!
Hey all, My name is Terry, and my in-game name is «306 UK»(my car i own is a Peugeot 306 :P), Numberplate is Evo5. Had LFS, and S2 license for as long as I can remember. Never really played it though, but now im on it quite a bit so ill see you guys online sometime
Great game
I was introduced to LFS by a friend a few days ago and was immediately impressed. At the moment I'm using his old LFS license and eventually when I get a steering wheel I'll get my own license.

Even more fun than Gran Turismo and PGR. I've always wanted to play a PROPER racing game. And LFS is just that :-)
hey guys jus saying hello

i race under the name of

smithy <---

mainly drifting in a pink "hello kitty" sponcered car

lol jus for a giggle

cheers guys
hi guys..

just bought my S2 license, seems like im one of the only racers from South Africa. looking forward to some close racing... interesting to see how the game compares to real life, i race a Nissan 350Z in South african production cars.

See you on track
Quote from Dizzydarryn :hi guys..

just bought my S2 license, seems like im one of the only racers from South Africa. looking forward to some close racing... interesting to see how the game compares to real life, i race a Nissan 350Z in South african production cars.

See you on track

thanks for that. i hadnt heard of the site before. i have tried to log into one of the servers to create a password but i cant seem to get it right? any tips?
Quote from Dizzydarryn :thanks for that. i hadnt heard of the site before. i have tried to log into one of the servers to create a password but i cant seem to get it right? any tips?

Join any CTRA server you can (Race 1, Single Seater 1 or Bump & Jump). Type $password. Enter your password (NOT your game-password) to the field.
Hi there!

I'm new to LFS but already in love with it. Can't wait to run my first real race!
do i need to install any add ons or anything along those lines to get onto the CTRA servers?
Quote from Dizzydarryn :do i need to install any add ons or anything along those lines to get onto the CTRA servers?

ok, please help, still trying to connect to a CTRA server, but when i click on join server, it goes straight to a "webiste cannot be displayed" page... no idea why, i dont have firewalls or anything of that sort?
Quote from Dizzydarryn :ok, please help, still trying to connect to a CTRA server, but when i click on join server, it goes straight to a "webiste cannot be displayed" page... no idea why, i dont have firewalls or anything of that sort?

You need an additional program to connect to the server that way. Browse for Speed, if I remember the name correctly.

However, you can join it "the usual way". Launch LFS, go to multiplayer and click the "join specific host".
thanks for the help, sorry if the questions seem stupid.

any ideas where i can find that software?

New players say hi here
(3742 posts, started )