First of all, about the money involved on getting this Sim....
For instance...on lfs you can see people from all over the world, because it's not that expensive, and as you all know, diferent Country's, diferent wallets. And if your really a poor guy, you can always have a go by using the free demo. If you really like it you can save money for a few months, and then buy an S1 or S2 license.
And for that i'll take my hat off to the Lfs Dev's.
They way i see it, this is going to raise a wall between, not only the wrekers and the racers, but between thoose who got money to spend and thoose who don't. You can alway be in good Leagues where you only find good, nice and clean drivers.
Don't get me wrong, because i like the idea of well organised championships, with prizes and bringing the feelling of real racing.
But that amount of money for a Sim, that has not even a comunity yet, that has not proven to be the best, simply is ridiculous.
I understand that it's just begining....and that's really my point. Maybe in a couple of years, if it is the best simulator in the world, with the best comunity, best physics, best graphics, and in general the best platform for people to do Online Professional Racing, ...maybe then spending all that money will be worth.
But that's just my opinion...
Btw...Long live the Dev's and long live Live For Speed.