Not really the right place to ask imo.
If your failing at school, either take away what is making you fall behind, or just dont use it as much.
I dont know how it works in canada, but in the UK, providing your not a rebel and dotn act like an idiot, then grades dont really matter until you get to about year 5, but never the less, you should still work hard. Working hard always pay's off and you can still have free time.
I have worked hard at school, and it has payed off. In my mock exam's, i got one A, one B and the rest were A*'s. This then put me at the top of my subjects in year 11 and im now taking my GCSE's.
So far, i have had 3 Exam's and i have one tomorow. I am in higher for them all, and so far, i have found them very easy.
Due to being in higher for all my subjects, i have been offered 3 apprenticeships.
One in car bodywork repair, one in the gearbox and one in construction.
So overall, i think working hard at school has paid off extrememly well for me, and it has also gave me alot of confidence so i am ready for whatever life throws at me.
All i can suggest is work hard at school, and resist the temptation to mess about with freinds during class. Just remember that there is recess for that. In the end, it will all pay off. You will be the one cruising around in a cool car with a cool job while all your mates are working at McDonalds...but only if you work hard at school.