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School Question
(28 posts, started )
School Question
Ok some of you will say this is a pointless thread i kinda do agree. But my question is if i fail a year at school (grade 7) will it haunt me for the rest of my life for example like won't alow me to get jobs becuase i failed a grade? pleaes tell me what you guys think thx I'm asking becuase i'm currently failing grade 7 and if it will haunt me for my life if a ifail it i'll make one final push to try to get the grades up but other wise i don't know i just can't seem to get them upo you have any sudgestions on how to get the marks up?
Not really the right place to ask imo.

If your failing at school, either take away what is making you fall behind, or just dont use it as much.

I dont know how it works in canada, but in the UK, providing your not a rebel and dotn act like an idiot, then grades dont really matter until you get to about year 5, but never the less, you should still work hard. Working hard always pay's off and you can still have free time.

I have worked hard at school, and it has payed off. In my mock exam's, i got one A, one B and the rest were A*'s. This then put me at the top of my subjects in year 11 and im now taking my GCSE's.

So far, i have had 3 Exam's and i have one tomorow. I am in higher for them all, and so far, i have found them very easy.

Due to being in higher for all my subjects, i have been offered 3 apprenticeships.
One in car bodywork repair, one in the gearbox and one in construction.

So overall, i think working hard at school has paid off extrememly well for me, and it has also gave me alot of confidence so i am ready for whatever life throws at me.

All i can suggest is work hard at school, and resist the temptation to mess about with freinds during class. Just remember that there is recess for that. In the end, it will all pay off. You will be the one cruising around in a cool car with a cool job while all your mates are working at McDonalds...but only if you work hard at school.
every grade u miss in ur "school life" will effect you in some way. My advice dont see it as the end of the world if u fail it badly. Just try harder next year/time. I mean no one was born perfect where they?
I work relatively hard at school, though I now I could probably put in a bit more effort. Came away from my GCSEs with 3 As 5 Bs 2 Cs and an E (don't ask!)

currently doing a sterling job of failing my AS levels...well, I say failing, doing well in history, doing well in chemistry and failing physics.

As for cocking about in class, I have to say year 10 was one of the best school years of my life
#5 - Jakg
An E at GSCE isn't the end of the world (i've got one for "Maths Extension", too!), so long as you do something AFTER that - i.e. who will care about my A at Maths and E in Maths Extension when i've got AS Maths?

If I got an E in Maths full stop, however, I wouldn't be doing 6th form and one of the main things on my CV (English / Maths) would basically shout "! FAIL !" and suggest I couldn't even count properly.

School really is the way out. It may be boring, and suck, but by god do I miss those Year 9 days when the endless work I did meant absolutely nothing at all compared to coursework etc...
yeah, you get all these young'uns complaining about SATs and stuff, but my message to them is 'enjoy it whilst it lasts' it gets a whole lot harder and more demanding after year 9
#7 - SamH
Repeating a grade will lose you all your friends.

No, seriously, it will. When all your friends graduate, get jobs and get cars, have money to do the movies or buy dope or crystal meth, you'll still be in grade school with no money for a whole year. By the time you escape that year, your friends will have gone off to do their own thing and left you long behind.

Don't do it. Work your butt off to catch up.
.. You can fail Grade 7? I live on the same god damned island, and they sorta push you through, even if you get 0 on ****ing everything.
How old is a 7 grader?
Yes it will.

I was a good student until I was 16, then I just totally lost interest. I got good Standard Grades (or advanced GCSEs as you English might want to call them ) but my Highers (or +A levels) were a disaster.
I wasn't interested in college although I could've gone if I wanted.

So as a result I found it really hard to find work after I left. Not because I needed any specific qualifications, but because in interviews it's very difficult to explain what you did in the interim. It's now 10 years since I left school and if I lost this job I would be worried about finding a new one.
Thankfully I'm good at interviews and I'm not actually as stupid as my CV might make people think, so I have managed to get by. But it's not been a smooth ride.

But my advice is that no matter how much you hate it, you have to keep trying. It's just not worth the hassle later on.


If my working is right, it must be about 12. Since "Are You Smarter Than A 10 Year Old" is called "Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader" in the US
Quote from dawesdust_12 :.. You can fail Grade 7? I live on the same god damned island, and they sorta push you through, even if you get 0 on ****ing everything.

Its true, not only until about year 9-10 do grades really matter, let alone its really only the last year that makes a diffrence.
I hate exams, I goto pieces. In my GCSE's I answered "Why did Hitler invade Austria?" with "He wanted something big for his C.V.".

I have never passed an exam in my life, I'm just grateful I got my driving licence before the theory test was introduced.

I'm not thick, people tell me I'm good for intelligent conversation, I apparently have an I.Q. In excess of 160. I just dont hold any qualifications.

Whilst I'm not an academic I am still skilled, and outside of an exam room I can talk for hours about why Hitler did this that and the other because I have a genuine interest in history, and some other subjects too.

Employers will take you for your skills not your pieces of paper. I demonstrate I can do a job by taking the time on my applications to demonstrate my ability, rather than saying I passed exam X, Y and Z.

I earn good money these days, I dont feel that my complete absence of qualifications has held me back.

I was booted from school for truancy, failed every written test ive ever been given, took more drugs than Thin Lizzy combined, did quite a lot of crime, and still did OK because I have something to offer. So as long as you're able to give, contribute, and be a good person who can work with others you need never let anything hold you back.
Do everything you can and work your arse off to not fail.


School grades are pretty much only used to get you first job to make up for not having any experience at all. After your first job employers are much more interested in the experience and skill you gained from working.

About the only thing where it would be important is highly skilled work where a degree is needed. And even then if previous job experience shows you have what it takes, then the employer won't need you to have the formal qualification.

Be aware that this isn't an excuse to leave school with no grades at all. Becky was lucky she's the kind of person that can work hard and succeed under her own guidance (absolutely no offence inteded by this Becky, even though it might look it, reading it back to myself - its bloody impressive getting through on your own) but not everyone can do this.

[/old and serious person]
Don't fail, learn instead. I've never been in such situation, and I never wanna be. The more you learn the better your mood will be IMO. I'm always happy when I get 5 at school ( it's A according to the English system), I'm pissed off when I get the worst mark. I feel kinda shitty then. It's your decision, but I would suggest learning. Also, your parents would be proud of you
Quote from Becky Rose :Employers will take you for your skills not your pieces of paper.

That is the part of the education no one is told about though.

Every exam I ever sat in school/college/university I was told "this is the most important exam in your life" the following year was started with "forget everything they told you last year, it is wrong" which was rather comical.
While all that is technically true, you still need to get a foot in the door to start.

And if your CV is empty after "qualifactions = none" or "dropped out at 15" then nobody will even give you the chance to show your skills.

I am a good 2D graphic designer and musician. No qualifications in either though so nobody will even give me an interview. I know because I spent 3 years failing to get a job in those areas.
well.. i got an A-C-E on my exams in grade 12th... the others were marks... Anyhow i did even get into a college.. but... im not sure what to do next.. cauz.... im just sleeping in the lessons there.... But really, from my own experience... Attend school do not fail.... get on the teachers good side... I got on one of my teachers bad side... And in the end.. the only year.. when there was a (10grade system) mark below 4 @ the end of the year. was 12th grade xD I got a 3 in history... not because im stupid... (well it is... kinda..) but because, the teacher didnt allow me to write the stuff, i hadnt written... (and there were only like 4grades that year.. in that subject..)
Just attend.. study... IMHO.. if you just go to school, and do listen a little.. its kinda hard to fail.... (5-9th grade for sure)
Quote from Dajmin :While all that is technically true, you still need to get a foot in the door to start.

And if your CV is empty after "qualifactions = none" or "dropped out at 15" then nobody will even give you the chance to show your skills.

I am a good 2D graphic designer and musician. No qualifications in either though so nobody will even give me an interview. I know because I spent 3 years failing to get a job in those areas.

It isn't your qualifications though, it is who you know in that area. One of my house mates has a degree in Military History, but he knows someone who has got him a job as a film critic. He has no qualifications in that area, he is just a guy who likes watching films, but he knew someone who was able to get him a job as a critic for some European Film Festival, which means if he applies for a job as one he has that on his CV.

That is what you need to get anywhere in life.
I reckon it's important to stick to learning early as it gets you in the right mindset. It's been proven that the difference between those who want to learn and those who doesn't greatens with age. And it's pretty obvious thinking about it, as those who want to learn continue through education, increase both the breadth of their knowledge and the complexity of the things they learn. So if you ignore school and give up when education is no longer manadatory, and carry on with that mindset, you will become at more and more of a disadvantage compared to those who learn as time goes on. That doesn't really have positive implications to getting a job that interests you and living a comfortable life.
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :It isn't your qualifications though, it is who you know in that area. One of my house mates has a degree in Military History, but he knows someone who has got him a job as a film critic. He has no qualifications in that area, he is just a guy who likes watching films, but he knew someone who was able to get him a job as a critic for some European Film Festival, which means if he applies for a job as one he has that on his CV.

That is what you need to get anywhere in life.

I would defiantely agree, it's all about connections.

I am lucky enough to have built up a few connections since starting web development, that have enabled me to go from doing small few-hundred £ projects, to having a couple of considerably larger projects lined up over the few months, something that will look good on my CV.

...Which has got me thinking, I'm starting to dislike my course (Comp Sci) at uni more and more, if I don't do well this year I'm seriously considering investigating focussing on my work full time. Of course I have next to no experience being just 20, but I don't see it being impossible at all.

I think with work such as graphic design Dajmin, if you can work it so you have some time, maybe a year or two, to build up a portfolio, even if it includes work done for free, that's something you have to show then. Music I guess is much harder, although your band seems to be doing well
Quote from AstroBoy :Its true, not only until about year 9-10 do grades really matter, let alone its really only the last year that makes a diffrence.

Actually, Grade 10 is when grades start showing on your manuscript, but even still, schools are more reliant on Grade 11 and 12 grades, the Grade 10 marks are just for show.
Remember it's also not just about the results. My girlfriend gets her foot in the door because she has a degree, it doesn't matter so much to the employer what it's in, but the fact that she was able to successfully stick the project out til the end counts for a lot.

Me on the other hand, I have big blank spots in my history; there were no jobs in my home area because the village was so small. That meant I have to explain what I did after school. You can only get away on so long for a break I left Scotland with very little employment experience and moved to Derby. Same story again. Less so when I moved to London because by then I'd been working in Derby for a while, but it still wasn't easy.

If I'd had a qualification or I'd been to college/uni, I'd not only have 3 years less to justify on my CV, I'd have been more likely to meet people who could have helped me later on, I'd have had a more relevant qualification to apply for the kind of job I was interested in when I left and I'd have been more likely to get one of the zillion jobs I applied for over the years.
Quote from Dajmin :While all that is technically true, you still need to get a foot in the door to start.

And if your CV is empty after "qualifactions = none" or "dropped out at 15" then nobody will even give you the chance to show your skills.

I am a good 2D graphic designer and musician. No qualifications in either though so nobody will even give me an interview. I know because I spent 3 years failing to get a job in those areas.

Very true, couldn't agree more.
Thx guys for all these sudgestions. I'll make one final push to try and get the marks up but the problem is since i home school i get lots of assignements coming back as NHI (Not Handed In) and all the NHI's are all Essays or Paragraph exetra all things i hate doing but i guess i'll try and do it thx guys!
Ah wish i was in your shoes, even if it won't affect you for the rest of your life still try and get decent grades.

All i ever did in Y7 Y8 Y9 and even Y10 is **** about, i found it hard to sit in the lesson and keep my mouth shut, eventually i got kicked out, went to another school and got kicked out before i learnt anything, i just wish i paid more attention, i bet your going yeh yeh everyone says that but its true, you'll regret messing about and failing when you shouldn't, i should have alot better grades than i am aiming for now.

Rant over/


School Question
(28 posts, started )