Well...that session could have been better, but tomorow at the same time, at the same place, things will run better.
I'll be more bossy.
I will be needing about 15 drivers, that can run side by side without crashing. Soo show up and bring a couple of friends that can really drive carefully. For bad drivers...or lazy ones...they can just be the parked police cars and just stay in
one place parked.
It will be a chase, but not at full speed, soo the important thing is to maintain same distance from the runaway car and the cars around you.
Shooting plan:
1º - Download the FXO police skin.
Then upload it on lfsw.
2º - Download the fxo police setup -
Red color - XRT car ( running car/ Me) and path.
Green color - Police FXO's cars and path
Scene 2
A - (The xrt starts driving to point
B stops, and does a u turn a starts escaping the oposite direction.)
B - Stop and U turn spot.
C - position of stoped Police fxo's. (As soon as the xrt completes the u turn and start escaping, the police fxo's start the chase.)
Police drivers, must be parked as a big group, but on the chase, just make pairs side by side, and please be carefull and don't crash.
I will make the pace while escaping,,,,the 2 first police cars must have a 2 car distance from me( running xrt) at all times, and the following police cars just keep the same distance from the car in front too.
Its a chase but a controled one...othewise its impossible.
Scene 3
A- Line/spot where the chase fxo's cops stop and form the second car barrier.
B - Point/spot where runway car (xrt/me) stops.
F - Line/spot where other police fxo's will be waiting, in form of road barrier with cars.
And thats all...
i didnt do this before, because i didnt want to spoil the surprise factor...but what the hell. Its easyer.
Day: 30/05/2008
Time: 23:00 London/Lisbon time
Server: Gekkibi ( or Gekkibi - private )
Password: magicword
If you can find the server, just search driver on lfs and put : FOX 1977 (2 spaces)
Hope to see you all there.