The online racing simulator
" Tic Tac " - The movie
(102 posts, started )
Quote from FOX 1977 :lol...

Well im going to start doing one skin...btw....does anyone got a good old and rusty skin for XRT? and if soo, the name of the guy who did it too.
Im going to do a scene that involves two groups of cars,...maybe 20/22 cars anyone got a spare empty server for a hour or soo?

I do.Falken Drift Server should do it.It might lag a bit though.
My server doesn't lag. Contact me if you would like to have server up & running.
Quote from FOX 1977 :lol...

Well im going to start doing one skin...btw....does anyone got a good old and rusty skin for XRT? and if soo, the name of the guy who did it too.
Im going to do a scene that involves two groups of cars,...maybe 20/22 cars anyone got a spare empty server for a hour or soo?

Edited: It must be a good server with no lag...otherwise it won't work for the movie. ( But thanks anyway, Imp.Fantasy)

I got a familycar type skin for the FXO and a rusty skin for the UF1?
those i've got it... but thanks anyway. Its for xrt.

ok Gekkibi...
thats the darn best LFS movie i've ever seen there matey, great eefects on the camera, what u use to edit ur vids ?
Vegas 6 editor.
Did you get the XRT skin I sent you FOX?
Quote from Zachary Zoomy :Did you get the XRT skin I sent you FOX?

Yeh, thanks.
But i dont get it why you left the wire frame lines and blue bumpers. That way i wont be able to use it.
did I? oops. let me resend. he blue bumper is suppost to be there.
Hi all...

I will need drivers for some shoots for the movie tonight.
A lot of them btw.... the people interested should be able to be in this forum at 11:00 PM London/Lisbon time, to read further instructions on this thread, and then also be able to be usefull for a hour, hour and half on server.
The shoots are pretty simple, but takes time.

The parts will be as police car drivers...

Time to pull out the g25...
Great, i enjoyed it a lot !
Well guys this is it....

Server: Gekkibi - Private
Password: magicword

I need a lot of people, and when i got as many as i need, server will be closed.
Soo enter the server and wait until i arrive.
skin for movie shoot :


Well the movie shooting will be tomorow( today ), at 23:00 London/Lisbon time. The server will be:

Server: Gekkibi
Password: magicword

I will need at least 15/12 drivers for 3 diferent scenes.

On the 1º scene, drivers can use road cars, using default setup, with default skin, simple and with different colors like the ones people use in real life. And involves good parking skills.
On the 2º and 3º scene(chase scene), people just need to use the fxo skin i've posted before and use this set: Police Setup
Soo if you want to help, just show up tomorow for a hour or soo.
All drivers will be on movie credits.
Quote from FOX 1977 :Well the movie shooting will be tomorow( today ), at 23:00 London/Lisbon time. The server will be:

Server: Gekkibi
Password: magicword

I will need at least 15/12 drivers for 3 diferent scenes.

On the 1º scene, drivers can use road cars, using default setup, with default skin, simple and with different colors like the ones people use in real life. And involves good parking skills.
On the 2º and 3º scene(chase scene), people just need to use the fxo skin i've posted before and use this set: Police Setup
Soo if you want to help, just show up tomorow for a hour or soo.
All drivers will be on movie credits.

Is that server actually "Gekkibi - Private" ? I'm in there. right now.

Also, is that skin already at LFSW?
Quote from Mp3 Astra :Is that server actually "Gekkibi - Private" ? I'm in there. right now.

Also, is that skin already at LFSW?

yes , its on lfsw.
The server is - Gekkibi going to the server now
Need drivers!!! ...come on everybody!!!
Get on ther server!!!
Okay, well that was frickin' ridiculous. The guys who were also taking part in that were complete a-holes. Good luck.
For future reference for people directing things like this, be VERY clear about where you want people to be, and don't let people who are not in charge take over. Tell everyone else to STFU and make sure only you are giving out directions. Also, show where you want them to go by physically driving to a spot, where you want them to be.

FOX is doing a pretty good job, but it's hard when you have a bunch of morons as your cast.
I agree.Fox is trying his best to make this movie but some of the morons taking part in the movie just ruins it all.This is what happened in Sueys movie...Just make sure you invite the people you know who arent complete A'holes and it would make more progress.
Well...that session could have been better, but tomorow at the same time, at the same place, things will run better.
I'll be more bossy.

I will be needing about 15 drivers, that can run side by side without crashing. Soo show up and bring a couple of friends that can really drive carefully. For bad drivers...or lazy ones...they can just be the parked police cars and just stay in one place parked.
It will be a chase, but not at full speed, soo the important thing is to maintain same distance from the runaway car and the cars around you.

Shooting plan:

1º - Download the FXO police skin. Then upload it on lfsw.
2º - Download the fxo police setup - Setup


Red color - XRT car ( running car/ Me) and path.
Green color - Police FXO's cars and path

Scene 2

A - (The xrt starts driving to point B stops, and does a u turn a starts escaping the oposite direction.)

B - Stop and U turn spot.

C - position of stoped Police fxo's. (As soon as the xrt completes the u turn and start escaping, the police fxo's start the chase.)

Police drivers, must be parked as a big group, but on the chase, just make pairs side by side, and please be carefull and don't crash.
I will make the pace while escaping,,,,the 2 first police cars must have a 2 car distance from me( running xrt) at all times, and the following police cars just keep the same distance from the car in front too.
Its a chase but a controled one...othewise its impossible.

Scene 3

A- Line/spot where the chase fxo's cops stop and form the second car barrier.

B - Point/spot where runway car (xrt/me) stops.

F - Line/spot where other police fxo's will be waiting, in form of road barrier with cars.

And thats all... i didnt do this before, because i didnt want to spoil the surprise factor...but what the hell. Its easyer.

Day: 30/05/2008
Time: 23:00 London/Lisbon time
Server: Gekkibi ( or Gekkibi - private )
Password: magicword
If you can find the server, just search driver on lfs and put : FOX 1977 (2 spaces)

Hope to see you all there.

Actually, I'll have to shut down my server temporarily for the weekend. It will be online on sunday evening (Not sure about the time yet).
I'll try to find a server.
If someone can arrange a non lag server for a hour or two tonight, will be great!

Quote from FOX 1977 :I'll try to find a server.
If someone can arrange a non lag server for a hour or two tonight, will be great!


I doubt that anyone will be on the Kyoto 500 server tonight, so you can have that if you want

PM me if you want it set to whatever

" Tic Tac " - The movie
(102 posts, started )