I like to see a good flag system ,but its hard to improve.
1. the flags have to be shown by a man, from the wayside. (but first, I like to see a well dressed pit crew
2. As I know the yellow flag (and few others of course) have two levels. The first, when the falg is just shown. In this case the driver can take over. This is just a warn.
The second is when the flag is waving. In this case, you cant pass, and you have to slow down ... etc
The global yellow flag would be fine, with speed limit (majorly in oval), but hard to observe.
I think the best would be an AI controlled safety car, and who pass, or hits it, get a penalty.
Generally in S3, when a huge amount of debris could be in the track, and needs maybe a minute to diappear
The safety car could come, just when about 5-10 car damages, in the same turn.
This is a really complex system
The sector yellow flag ... For this needs other improvements, I think
The first, is to see in a map, which sector dangerous. The whole sector have to be yellow, so you can see where is the end of the yellow flagged part.
On the other hand, one sector is too big, to go slow, and try to not pass anybody. It contains about 4-5 turns, and just one of them dangerous.
Maybe in the oval, it can be managed, but on the other tracks
Huh, it became too long
Sorry for it, and for my bad english