The online racing simulator
oh,great. These have good look.The font bug is fixed, too.
There isn't the awfully funny letter anymore.
I haffto say yamakawa, your method of finding bugs for the languages and showing demonstration, is purely hilariously awesome. It's fantastic the effort that you go through to show stuff.
Yes, Yamakawa!

Thank you very much for the beautiful edited screenshots and demonstrations during this process. :up:

I've saved the Commands file into my patch folder and uploaded the help file to the online editing system.
Thank you

I have saved them into my patch folder.
Update pds file

Added key)

3 key, Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+up/down, Ctrl+left/right, ESC(stop time slider seach of replay), Space key(replay)
Attached files
keys_Japanese.pdf - 148.8 KB - 931 views
Thank you :up:

Saved to my patch folder.
I have some problems with japanese input in LFS.
First, I have the same problem as you had, Scawen with the question marks instead of kana and kanji. You solved it by setting japanese as the default for non-unicode applications. Is this the only way to do it? Being French, if I do this, kanji appear instead of characters like à é è etc. in other applications and some fonts become strange.
The second problem is this:

This message appears each time I select an alternative conversion for kana/kanji (with spacebar). I do not think it is related to the question marks, because it also happens when I type romaji (latin characters).
Quote from Bokujishin :I have some problems with japanese input in LFS.
First, I have the same problem as you had, Scawen with the question marks instead of kana and kanji. You solved it by setting japanese as the default for non-unicode applications. Is this the only way to do it? Being French, if I do this, kanji appear instead of characters like à é è etc. in other applications and some fonts become strange.

Yes, I think that really is the only way to do it. You do have to set the language you want to use as the default for non-unicode applications - and that is tedious because you need to restart your computer to change input language. I think Microsoft made a deliberate decision not to support non-unicode programs, they just want everyone to use unicode. I don't think it concerns them that we are still also supporting older versions of Windows - LFS still works on 98/ME so couldn't go fully unicode until we make a decision that you need XP or later. I don't know why they can't just send text input in the codepage you have currently selected. So when you select Japanese language, it would assume that you want the selected program to receive Japanese language. Sounds simple enough and sensible, even obvious - unless I am missing something - but maybe they really want to make it hard for people who don't buy XP and developers who don't use Unicode, so they provided the bare minimum of support.

Quote from Bokujishin :The second problem is this:

This message appears each time I select an alternative conversion for kana/kanji (with spacebar). I do not think it is related to the question marks, because it also happens when I type romaji (latin characters).

I don't know. I thought Japanese input worked fine in LFS. That message appears to be that Windows has told LFS to update the candidate list but has supplied a zero size list of candidates. I think it would be better to heard from someone who is used to typing Japanese into LFS.
Quote from Scawen : I don't know why they can't just send text input in the codepage you have currently selected. So when you select Japanese language, it would assume that you want the selected program to receive Japanese language. Sounds simple enough and sensible, even obvious - unless I am missing something - but maybe they really want to make it hard for people who don't buy XP and developers who don't use Unicode, so they provided the bare minimum of support.

Thanks for your answer.
I totally agree with you about the way this is done, and I also think the possibility to choose which non-unicode applications have to use a specific language should be an option to set, so we can mix several languages.
Even though it will make my computer display weird things, I will try to set japanese as the default language, and see what happens.

I made a translation file which contains more natural Japanese words. Smile

And I did it for non-translated words.

It's originally coming from LFS/data/language.

If there is missing translate or something, reply me so I can fix it!

By the way, the Japanese advertisements on the Kyoto ring is sooo creepy for us... Uh-hu

Would you tell us what you wanted to write please?

Thank you!
Attached files
Japanese.txt - 57.6 KB - 573 views