I think this should fixed the MCI errors.but I still haven't test it yet.

private void MCI_CarInformation(Packets.IS_MCI MCI)

for (int i = 0; i < MCI.NumC; i++)
decimal SpeedMS = (decimal)(((MCI.Info[i].Speed / 32768f) * 100f) / 2);

In this section,replace all Players.Count with MIC.NumC.
Quote from dougie-lampkin :People have been reporting this, but it hasn't happened to me. Until it does, I can't fix it. Maybe someone who already fixed it could post an updated version?

okay np ... still waiting its does it sometimes but not everytimes its pretty strange error, btw do you minds about maybe makin' a real !pay stuff to the cops around the busted?

Quote from Sheepy1977 :where did i put it ill remplace it ?? thanks

You get that error because MCI is 8 elements long no matter what. Player idx(cars on track) can go over 8. So when you have a loop going through Players it hits idx 8 but MCI doesn't have that so you are overflowing.

Quote from Sheepy1977 :I think this should fixed the MCI errors.but I still haven't test it yet.

private void MCI_CarInformation(Packets.IS_MCI MCI)

for (int i = 0; i < MCI.NumC; i++)
decimal SpeedMS = (decimal)(((MCI.Info[i].Speed / 32768f) * 100f) / 2);

In this section,replace all Players.Count with MIC.NumC.

That is a terrible way to fix it. With that players 1-8 will only be able to engage eachother same with 9-16, 17-24 etc.

because the MCI packet sends a max of 8 players data. So if you have 9 people it send 2 packets. 1 with 8 and another with 1.
(Mikjen) DELETED by the_angry_angel : Cleaning the thread.
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(Mikjen) DELETED by the_angry_angel : Cleaning the thread.
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Can playerid be 0? Or is it always non zero?
Only UCID can be zero ... afaik PLID no
(Mikjen) DELETED by the_angry_angel : Cleaning the thread.
(master_lfs.5101) DELETED by the_angry_angel : Cleaning the thread.
(Mikjen) DELETED by the_angry_angel : Cleaning the thread.
i have tryed with
for (int i = 0; i < MCI.NumC; i++)

but still getting this errror MCI - Index and elngth must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length i dont really know what to do :\
Can you add barriers with LFS_External? Or insim for that matter?
Quote from elmohellno :Can you add barriers with LFS_External? Or insim for that matter?

Nope. The only thing you can do is load a or clear a complete layout.
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I am getting two errors that are really bugging me. I wrote this code but it always give me:

1. No overload method for 'Send_MST_Message' takes '3' arguments.
2. No overload method for 'Send_MST_Message' takes '3' arguments.

My code is:
case "!giveticket":
if (StrMsg.Length == 1)
foreach (clsConnection i in Connections)
i.Cash -= 100;
if (i.Username == Msg.Remove(0, 9 + StrMsg[1].Length))
if (Connections[GetConnIdx(MSO.UCID)].IsOfficerORCadet == 0)
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^6|^7 Invalid command. Please see ^2!help^7 for a command list", MSO.UCID, 0);
if (Connections[GetConnIdx(MSO.UCID)].IsOfficerORCadet == 1)
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/msg ^6|^7 " + Connections[GetConnIdx(MSO.UCID)].Username + " gave " + StrMsg[1], MSO.UCID, 0);
InSim.Send_MST_Message("/msg ^7A fine of 100 for illegal parking!", MSO.UCID, 0);

InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^6|^7 Invalid command. Please see ^2!help^7 for a command list", MSO.UCID, 0);

Could someone please help me?
Quote from Evilvan911 :I guess no ones have found yet the solution to fix this mci-error

I did, just waiting to write up an article. So leechers can't copy and paste.

Shaun, msg to connection uses 3 parameters. Msg to all uses 1.
#86 - jur
I saw someone asking for a way to see if a player gets out of track and takes a wrong route. I've figured this out in my insim. You can check the LFS messages for a string, ending with "took the wrong route", then parse this whole string to get the player name. Afterwards you just find the player with this name and make him "safe", so he's not fined after being kicked to spectate. AFAIK this is the only way. Hope this helps someone.
How can I fix this error then?
Quote from jur :I saw someone asking for a way to see if a player gets out of track and takes a wrong route. I've figured this out in my insim. You can check the LFS messages for a string, ending with "took the wrong route", then parse this whole string to get the player name. Afterwards you just find the player with this name and make him "safe", so he's not fined after being kicked to spectate. AFAIK this is the only way. Hope this helps someone.

That's what CCC & LTC have done. But the problem is, the message comes after the spectate. So LFS sends the packet saying he's spectated, before the message. The problem then is, having to delay processing the spectate packet enough, to be able to find the message. That's why I haven't tried

Quote from shaun463 :How can I fix this error then?

It's MTC that uses (message, UCID, PLID). MST just takes (message). So just get rid of the last 2 arguments
(shaun463) DELETED by the_angry_angel : Cleaning the thread.
(jur) DELETED by the_angry_angel : Cleaning the thread.
Sorry for OT ( i dont want to make a new thread) , but how to make an "private chat" ? I have seen it an some cruise servers ... How to "mute" a chat message?
you can use the packets III
#91 - jur
Quote from Nadeo4441 :Sorry for OT ( i dont want to make a new thread) , but how to make an "private chat" ? I have seen it an some cruise servers ... How to "mute" a chat message?

AFAIK there is no way to mute a chat message. i've implemented PM's in my insim though. you can do it using the insim info messages (don't remember what packet it is). it looks like this in my insim: "/i pm <nick> <message>"
I seen it on another server as well, but u have to be close together, and someone parks near you, they listen as well


p.s i need a databse making for me insim
Quote from Mikjen :I seen it on another server as well, but u have to be close together, and someone parks near you, they listen as well


p.s i need a databse making for me insim

Simple check how close people are before dispatching the message.
(jur) DELETED by the_angry_angel : Cleaning the thread.
or creating ID for the message, for example typing !chat ReVoX and in the message put the ID created in clsplayer.cs
take the username, search through connections till you find it. If you find it send them a message.
actaully what TC does is use cordinates and when you type fro example !local Hi

it sends a /msg message not the typing message.
Quote from ReVoX :you can use the packets III

I think yes ... user types /i <message> , insim recieves a packet, then we need to make a cycle to check if car(s) is in the 150 m circle ... possible
It would be very easy to do, but I still don't see the point
Well , not that easy , how to combine mci and iii ?
III is the packet sent when a user types "/i MESSAGE", and is sent to all InSim connections on the host. It's the same as using MSO really in this instance.

To combine it with MCI, just use a variable that's in the parent scope. So that it can be shared by both methods. I already have a couple of those done, for going between the MSO and MCI. Speedtraps, engaging, etc. all use it.
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