I don't know if it was told (a quick search didn't shown relevant topic) but since the patch y19/20 I get random small black or white rectangles ingame. It's particulary noticable when I have a car in front of me since I'm focusing on it to avoid collison.
More details:
- I used nvidia antialiaising/anisotropic filter but I've disabled it since Y19/20. I now use the embded filtering system of lfs wich cause the problem.
- My drivers are up to date. I have no virus. All the other games are working well so I assume that it come right from LFS.
- The frequency of the glitch seems random. So times it's concentrated, other time there is none.
- Operating System: XP SP2 up to date (not SP3).
- Graphical Card: Asus 7950 GT (never had any trouble with it).
- I've also ran a memtest, nothing broken.
So does anybody had this problem? Is it already reported?
I'm going to test it more seriously (AA on/off AF on/off and so on) if it can help. Otherwise i'll just use the nvidia's filters.