The online racing simulator
Quote from Gnomie :You could always try downloading my config file and see if it works. I have configured it so that pitspotter is the only thing that runs. (except 0-100 acceleration, but that shouldn't bother you too much)

That is a cfg-file to older version...
Hi, all!

After killing my config I do not get AutoMessage to work

Always when a Race starts and my Message comes I get an Error in Relax and LFS closes Relax after about 20 seconds...

Any Clue??

This is the Error Message:

LFSRelax, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Copyright (C) 2007 Robert B.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. Read LICENSE for details.

Connection OK
Product:S2 Version:0.5Y18 InSim Version:4
LFSRelax is running...
The following error occurred:
Der Index war außerhalb des Arraybereichs. (= The index was outside the bounds of the array.)
bei LFSRelax.LFSRelax.LFSRelaxClient.Loop(Connect insimConnection)
bei LFSRelax.LFSRelax.LFSRelaxClient..ctor(String scriptfilename, Boolean deb
bei LFSRelax.LFSRelax.Main(String[] args)
Void Loop(InSim.Connect)

I attached my config so perhaps there is an error...
Attached files
LFSRelax.cfg.txt - 7.2 KB - 448 views
Not sure if this would cause it but there is a missing # in the following lines of data

EnableAutoMessage = true

# Default car to show, when no car is specified..

#DefaultCar = UFR
DefaultCar = FOX
#DefaultCar = FO8
Well this is to activate the FOX to be my default car...

Or am I wrong?
Is it me or does the first post not explain what LFS relax does? What's this program for and what does it do?
It did before...

Well its pretty much 3 programs in 1 (hence the name).

Pitspotter for warning you about cars getting to close
Teamspeak control
Race position data, Best times/lap data, Fuel warning, virtual speed for cars that have lost it since Y.
The only problem I have (but it really bugs me) is the fuel calculation that stops working as soon as you enter the lobby (i.e. the session is ended). This is a problem in league races (the place where this feature is the most useful) because in most of them you go to the lobby between quali and race.

It'd be great if you could fix that, Gai-Luron!
Hi All,
Don't know if this has been mentioned as looked thro thread and cannot find anything. The low fuel icon doesn't show using Test Edit Y31.

Instead of the fuel icon I now get a speech mark like this "

Hope this helps.

i look for it when official patch will be released. I'am waiting if Scawen do another changes.


how do i use it online wthout it being like in the server? but its running on my machine? So like im on someone elses server and i want it to work like that how?
Thx for digital speedo.
#313 - gru
found 2 bugs in 1.52 version

1. program always closes Outgauge, doesnt check if its disabled in cfg file
even if OG is disabled, it sends SSG with outGreplyFreq = 0 (OG close request)

Main.cs line 915
if (newConnection.Flags == 0)
byte[] ssg = InSim.Encoder.SSG(outGreplyFreq);
insimConnection.Send(ssg, ssg.Length);

IMO should be
if (EnableOutGauge && newConnection.Flags == 0)
//do stuff

2. digital speed is incorrect
method getSpeed (Player.cs line 229) is type of double, speed 100.6 is rounded to 101
IMO getSpeed should be integer type

Thank's, i look for this ASAP!. But for now, i work on LFSLapper to improve it.

I would like to use only Split time,distance and Pit Spotter, he will give oneself somehow whole the rest to "switch off" ?

I tried in cfg, but every change she did not give changes, or she gave the mistake
just look through the cfg for following lines and enter true or false to turn each system on or off.

EnableTSView = false
EnablePitSpotter = true
EnableAutoMessage = false
EnableGameStat = false
EnableVirtualSpeedo = false

Hope this helps.
such setting seem to be ok, im test, but near such configuration, nothing works except digitalspeedo

I use the newest testpatch, there here is the hook maybe
I have issues with new test patch but its graphical on fuel display, all other functions of Relax work fine so its not Y22 Patch.
# This is sample script for LFSRelax.
# Use non-formatting text editor such as notepad to modify script.
# If using unicode characters save script as unicode text document.

# Lines beginning with # are comments and are ignored by program.

# General options

# Host IP.

Host =

# Insim UDP or TCP port.
# Before starting LFSRelax you must configure LFS server to use this port for InSim.
# You can do that in command line when starting LFS (/insim=29999) or in talk window of LFS (/insim 29999).

Port = 29999

# TCP mode.
# true if you want to use TCP
# false if tou want to use UDP
TCPmode = true

# Enable or Disable Outgauge
EnableOutGauge = true

# Change Password to match Admin password on LFS server.
Password = yourpass
# TEamSpeak
# Position of button and size
# Hbutton = Heigth
# Wbutton = Width
# TButton = Top position ( 0 to 200 )
# LButton = Left position ( 0 to 200 )
# SeeHimSelf = true or false . You can view your button when you speak when set at true

EnableTSView = false

Hbutton = 10
Wbutton = 30
Tbutton = 100
Lbutton = 2
SeeHimSelf = true

# Pit Spotting
# DxR = Distance between Viewed car an a car on the rigth in meter
# DxL = Distance between Viewed car an a car on the Left in meter
# DxF = Distance between Viewed car an a car Forward You in meter
# DxB = Distance between Viewed car an a car Behind You in meter
# This will make a rectangle around you to determine the area of pitspotting
# minSpeed: Minumum own speed required to do spotting (km/h)
# maxSpeeDiffFaster: Maximum speed difference to do spotting when a faster car passes (km/h)
# maxSpeedDiffSlower: Maximum speed difference to do spotting when passing a slower car (km/h)
# maxAngleDiff: Maximum angle difference between own car and spotted car
# stillThereInterval: Interval in milliseconds between "still there" voices

EnablePitSpotter = true

DxR = 25
DxL = 25
DyF = 5
DyB = 5

# For debugging, show collision coordonate
ViewCollision = false

# Auto Message
# Possible variables to use on all actions
# {ShortTime}
# {LongTime}
# {ShortDate}
# {LongDate}
# {ShortTrackName}
# {colon} = :
# {vbar} = |
# {at} = @

EnableAutoMessage = false

# Default car to show, when no car is specified.

#DefaultCar = UF1
#DefaultCar = XFG
#DefaultCar = XRG
#DefaultCar = XRT
#DefaultCar = RB4
#DefaultCar = FXO
#DefaultCar = LX4
#DefaultCar = LX6
#DefaultCar = RAC
#DefaultCar = FZ5
#DefaultCar = MRT
#DefaultCar = XFR
#DefaultCar = UFR
#DefaultCar = FOX
#DefaultCar = FO8
#DefaultCar = FXR
#DefaultCar = XRR
#DefaultCar = FZR
#DefaultCar = BF1
#DefaultCar = FBM

# Actions that are executed on received messages. Use '|' for next pattern/action pair and to separate pattern from action.
# If more actions or patterns, separate them with ':'.
# other variables to use with this action:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver who send the initial message ( No color )
AutoAction =
hoho|^3What's so funny,^4 {Nickname}?:isn't it!|
unnamed|no name no game:/kick unnamed|
!test|{Nickname} is testing...

# When you join a server
OnConnectServer = Hello / Hi / Ciao

# When a new player join a server
# other variables to use with this action:
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver who join
# {Username} - Username of driver who join
# {Car} - Default Car
OnNewPlayerConnect = Hello {Nickname}:/ws {ShortTrackName} {Car} pb {Username}

# When a race Start
OnRaceStart = Good Race!

# When a race End
# OnRaceEnd = Thank's for racing on {ShortTrackName}!

# When New PB
# {Username} - Username of driver who do PB
# {PBTime} - PB time of new PB
# OnNewPB = Great!! New PB {Username}, new time {PBTime}

# GameStat

EnableGameStat = false

Database = ./PB.txt

MyUsername = Gai-Luron

isMph = false

coordLibelDiffBefore = 68,185,20,5
coordButtDiffBefore = 88,185,12,5
coordButtLapDoneBefore = 100,185,10,5
coordButtLapTimeBefore = 110,185,12,5

coordLibelDiffBehind = 68,195,20,5
coordButtDiffBehind = 88,195,12,5
coordButtLapDoneBehind = 100,195,10,5
coordButtLapTimeBehind = 110,195,12,5

coordLibelSplit = 0,60,15,7
coordButtDiffSplit = 15,60,15,7
coordButtSplit = 30,60,15,7

coordDistKm = 140,193,30,7

coordButtFuel = 25,175,20,6
coordButtLogoFuel = 93,22,20,20
# Display icon fule when remain resLap lap in fuel
resLaps = 2

# At which speed to start and stop measuring time. In km/h.
AccelerationStartSpeed = 1
AccelerationEndSpeed = 100

AccelerationStartSpeedMph = 1
AccelerationEndSpeedMph = 60

# Maximum acceleration time in seconds to show message.
AccelerationPrivateMaxTime = 10

# Message to show to player.
# Possible variables to use:
# {AccelerationStartSpeed} - Starting speed
# {AccelerationEndSpeed} - Ending speed
# {AccelerationTime} - Acceleration time achieved from start to end speed
# {UnitSpeed} Unit of the Speed of the player connected

# If you don't want acceleration message put '#' before AccelerationPrivateMessage
AccelerationPrivateMessage = ^3{AccelerationTime}^7 seconds to {AccelerationEndSpeed} {UnitSpeed} !
coordButtAcc = 60,42,80,20

# Virtual SpeedoMeter
EnableVirtualSpeedo = false
coordVirtualSpeedo = 164,187,30,16
# Other

EnableShiftBip = false

he works only at me PitSpotter and VirtualSpeedo


ahh EnableGap must on. I still can not switch off virtual speedo :|
Is it LFS Relax known to not work on Vista 64? Seems to be working for about 5min then the window closes. I do not see error messages, or Event Log entries on it either. Digital speedo sat at 000 as well, but no biggie for me there.
Anybody actually got this to work on Vista 64, or is it pointless even trying.

I'm running out of patience here.
Works fine on Windows XP x64 dunno if that helps.
Anyone manage to solve Crady's problem, 2nd post page 11? I ask because I have the same problem. Keep getting a void loop and LFSRelax crashes about 20seconds after I leave the pits. I can sit there in spectator mode all I want with it on or even in the pits but as soon as I leave the error pops up within about 5 seconds and 15 seconds later it crashes. Any ideas?
I did not solve it too, yet

I am now using old 1.51 Version from my Backup... I needed 3 tries to change the AutoMessage settings to get rid of kicking a unnamed player because of having no Admin rights at most of the online servers...

But I am missing the "shift beep"...

But 1.52 only works with completely deactivated AutoMessage or in standard config... I only want to change a few statements from "Hello / Hallo / Ciao" into just "Hi!", change "Good race!" into "Good and fair race!" and I want to have an AutoMessage when someone gets a new (Lapper) - PB... Every other AutoMessages should be deactivated...
Quote from Andy King :Hi All,
Don't know if this has been mentioned as looked thro thread and cannot find anything. The low fuel icon doesn't show using Test Edit Y31.

Instead of the fuel icon I now get a speech mark like this "

Hope this helps.

Hi Gai,
I know your busy with Lapper but any chance of you sorting this out as if you cannot add the +/- differences to Lapper for car infront and behind I am going to setup LFSRelax's cfg to work with my PitBoard so info shows in the right place in relation to PitBoard.
