Modding cars is 99% of the time, simply put... STUPID.
Who would you rather trust? the Giant headed, glowing veined wizard engineers the actually designed the car from scratch, or the pot-belly beer grubbing mechanic from the corner that with a lot of luck managed to do the 1st year of university?
One thinks like "hmm if ve increze zee rear ride height by 0.05 centimeterz, ze car will have aprroximatly 0,867371 newtons of exztra downforze".
The other thinks like "if I remove this bit HERE and put this new part there, car will go faster! wee!"
A couple of cases I got first-hand contact with:
1) One of the most usual mods around here, is fitting wide tires on the front of Smart City cars. They have fat rear tires and thin front tires cause they dont have power steering, and its a short wheelbase light rearwheeldrive car. thin tires at front = understeer which balances the oversteer from the RWD. Still, in the rain, smarts are pretty tailhappy. (I know, I drive one

This guy, from a chip-tuning shop down the street from me, chipped his smart, and put fat front tires in it. Car was pretty fast, and was even more lively than usual smarts. Couple weeks ago (start of june, IIRC), he came to the shop in his wife's Espace. Asked him what happened to the smart. Answer:
"I was driving fast, having fun, then when I had to take a left turn, the rear suddenly started sliding and spun me around. I ended up in the opposite lane, facing sideways and got hit by a another car."
Car was totalled, and to add insult to injury, since the police's report of the accident said that "illegal modifications to the car" were partly responsible for the accident, the insurance company billed HIM for the 1'500€ of damages to the other car.
Obviously, fat front tires = much more oversteer, and he spun a slow-going city car with THAT smart move.
2)Guy from school bought an old 5-series BMW (dont quite know which). Sent it directly to "rice school", where he lowered the car to "look cooler".
about half a year later, he said he suddenly lost control of the car in the highway when he went over some kind of bump - car spun around and he ended up in the ditch. First thing he did after? changed the susp back to the original, is a much happier man.
Obviously, stiffer suspension, lower car = less compliance over bumps. Worse yet, if you change the roll stiffens ration from front and rear and/or the spring stiffness ration from font and rear the car will feel different. Change it too much... and you can (and problably will) crash.
And I live about 3kms from the Portuguese track of Estoril.
Every trackday is funny watching some kinds of cars crashing:
Big powered RWD cars driven by men in their mid-life crisis. (H2000, some porches, saw one mx5 having a really stupid spin and crash while braking), and... ricer cars.
Those crash with a regularity that has me betting on how many laps they gonna do before they end up in the wall/gravel.
Funniest so far was some dude with a Saxo Cup, all riced, lowered, about a billion speakers inside, supah paintjob, uber rims, super low profile tires... then flipping it LFS-style in T1 by clipping the inside kerb.. I loled the entire afternoon on that one