The online racing simulator
LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
Gai-Luron, Is it possible to add some more event handlers such as OnLap (someone complete a lap) and OnEnterRace (someone enter a race), it will be very handy. And one more. Is it possibe to include part of config file from another file? I have two config files of lapper, one for practice and one for legue race, this files almost the same but difference in two or three parametrs, I'd like to put only this prametrs in files for race and practice and keep common part in other file. I hope you can understand me Thanks anyway for great program!
new beta version we must write PubstatIdk ?

/pbut clos,55,180,35,10,10,-1,16,^4Accept,"/cpbut pos&pos2&pos3&pos4&pos5&pos6&pos7&pos8&pos9&pos10&pos11&pos12&pos13&pos14&pos15&pos16&pos17&pos18&pos19&pos20&pos21&pos22&pos23&pos24&pos25&pos26&pos27&clos"|

push accept all poss are closed but accept button not closes

all "ok" buttons not working good.all any problem.

not:config file commands for 5.63 version.i try edit for 5.64
Attached images

For pubstatidk, i look for this! I modify many internal things for reading config file.

Yes try version 5.64. if button do not close, send me your config file, i try it!

check your pm box

i don't try it because i am at work! But i take a look and i have one question:

Why you don't use multiline button? In some case, you can do it and it is more easy to manage!

Your syntax is some lines is wrong, cmd separator is '|' and not ':'


Quote :/pbut clos,55,180,35,10,10,-1,16,^4Accept,"/cpbut clos&pos&pos2&pos3&pos4&pos5&pos6&pos7&pos8&pos9&pos10&pos11&pos12&pos13&pos14&pos15&pos16&pos17&pos18&pos19&pos20&pos21&pos22&pos23&pos24&pos25&pos26&pos27&clos":/msg WARNING{colon} DO NOT REMOVE OTHER DRIVERS FROM THE START GRID.|


- if you want DO NOT REMOVE OTHER DRIVERS FROM THE START GRID. appear when you click on accept . In this case command in quoted string is for the button

Quote :/pbut clos,55,180,35,10,10,-1,16,^4Accept,"/cpbut clos&pos&pos2&pos3&pos4&pos5&pos6&pos7&pos8&pos9&pos10&pos11&pos12&pos13&pos14&pos15&pos16&pos17&pos18&pos19&pos20&pos21&pos22&pos23&pos24&pos25&pos26&pos27&clos|/msg WARNING{colon} DO NOT REMOVE OTHER DRIVERS FROM THE START GRID."|


if you want DO NOT REMOVE OTHER DRIVERS FROM THE START GRID. appear when you connect. In this case command is not in quoted string and it's not a command for the button but for the onConnect var

Quote :/pbut clos,55,180,35,10,10,-1,16,^4Accept,"/cpbut clos&pos&pos2&pos3&pos4&pos5&pos6&pos7&pos8&pos9&pos10&pos11&pos12&pos13&pos14&pos15&pos16&pos17&pos18&pos19&pos20&pos21&pos22&pos23&pos24&pos25&pos26&pos27&clos"|/msg WARNING{colon} DO NOT REMOVE OTHER DRIVERS FROM THE START GRID.|

Replace ' with "

Quote :addCmd('!blue") = <blue>;


Quote :addCmd("!blue") = <blue>;

Replace close with close1 if you want to close your closebutton
Quote : /pbut close1,95,135,35,10,8,-1,16,^4OK,"/cpbut help&rules&rules2&about&about2&blue&blue2&track&track2&team&team2&result&result2&grid&grid2&servers&servers2&cars&cars2&credits&credits2&prefs&prefs2&help2&auth&auth2&notes&notes2&top&top2&stats&stats2&password&password2&help3&admin&admin2&rep&rep2&close"


Quote :/pbut close1,95,135,35,10,8,-1,16,^4OK,"/cpbut help&rules&rules2&about&about2&blue&blue2&track&track2&team&team2&result&result2&grid&grid2&servers&servers2&cars&cars2&credits&credits2&prefs&prefs2&help2&auth&auth2&notes&notes2&top&top2&stats&stats2&password&password2&help3&admin&admin2&rep&rep2&close1"

Hi Gai,
When I start Lapper I get:
Pas idle
Pas idle
Pas idle
Pas idle
Pas idle
Pas idle
Pas idle
Pas idle
Pas idle
Pas idle

written all down the dos window, any ideas matey.

Also this doesn't work anymore:
/pbut clos,74,140,25,10,10,-1,32,I Agree,"/top GTR:/cpbut welc&pos&clos&ref"|

It opens Top GTR screen but doesn't close welcome message

Thanks for even better program
"Pas Idle" is a remaining debug trace for excludeIdle option, this don't block prog

Now Separation between command is '|' and not ':'

Quote :/pbut clos,74,140,25,10,10,-1,32,I Agree,"/top GTR:/cpbut welc&pos&clos&ref"|


Quote :/pbut clos,74,140,25,10,10,-1,32,I Agree,"/top GTR|/cpbut welc&pos&clos&ref"|

Hi Gai,

Sorted Thanks. Have you tested the voting system as it can get stuck in a loop if one racer keeps voting as it resets voting back to as if no-ne has voted.

5 Racers on track

Racer 1 Votes Restart. Voting Shows (1/5) 4 Needed
Racer 2 Votes Restart. Voting Shows (2/5) 4 Needed
Racer 3 Votes Restart. Voting Shows (3/5) 4 Needed
Racer 1 Votes Restart. Voting shows (1/5) 4 Needed

It goes round and round if Racer 1 keeps voting within the 30 secs or all 3 other Racers have voted and it restarts before Racer 1 has chance to vote again and reset the whole thing again.

Hope this helps

No i look ASAP, i have only 2 licenses, for testing it's not the best way . I need to find another players to test it better.

Hi Gai,
Let me know when and where and I will do my best.

Bug I don't think the RCM messages are taking any notice of MessageTime = 5000; They are not closing after 5 secs and can only be removed with rcc_all

Bug Idle Spectate is ignoring the time added in cfg, I have 30 and 45 seconds set. It sets me to spectate after 2 seconds. Sorted

IdleExclude works brilliantly also.
push rules or anothers lapper close all commands.this is perfectly working.but after doesnt open <rules>.lapper crash.
again sended.please check your pm box

last pm title "LAST CFG File" dont look previous pm.
Hi Gai-Luron,

Great work on the recent Lapper versions and as far as I can see, most functions are working great. One old bug is still present I think. When you type !razspb you get the message SPB Cleaned. If you type !spb you still get your SPB. So !razspb isn't working at all. Second thing is the way SPB is displayed, all characters are displayed in one big line, maybe at some spaces between the values. Last thing is the layout of the config-file and the english explainations. I tried to make the layout the same in every section of the config-file and I changed some comments in the proces. I think there has to be done more but here's a first contribution.
Attached files
LFSLapper.txt - 40 KB - 274 views
Minor version: 6.4.1

Quote :+----------------------------+
|Changes from v5.640 to 5.641|
1. Fix bug on button ( Max Torque reporting )

2. Fix bug on OnIdleTimeout1 et OnIdleTimeout2. Now in second

!razsbp or !cleanspb work only on session SPB, not on saved SPB. To have session SPB, you can press shift+I ans select session SPB.

SPB are splitted on two line! it's strange what's you say. Do you edit file in editor using UTF-8 format or ansi?

Thank's for your contribution, i put this new file in LFSLapper

hey my cfg in zip file

file temporary removed

Lapper don't wont to display сyrillic symbols with commads /pbut, lapper display only latin symbols.
PS: To use сyrillic I post ^C before text, that I wont.

Gai, help please.
Hi Gai,
I have a request, any chance of a sound wav being added for messages sent to me as when racing on a busy server and lots of messages happening if Admin send me a message which could be important like about lagging or something I tend to miss it.

Perhaps you could add it to SHIFT+I to make it configurable to racer.

Like: Message Warning: Yes/No

Then we can just replace whatever wav you add with our own naming it whatever you have by default.

Just an idea, makes sure racers don't miss important messages from Race Admin.
Quote from Gai-Luron :
!razsbp or !cleanspb work only on session SPB, not on saved SPB. To have session SPB, you can press shift+I ans select session SPB.

SPB are splitted on two line! it's strange what's you say. Do you edit file in editor using UTF-8 format or ansi?

Thank's for your contribution, i put this new file in LFSLapper


Maybe it's possible to add an option to completely remove the save SPB.
I've added a screenshot to show what I mean.
Your welcome, it's nice to do something back for you. I just noticed I didn't change the name of the PB.txt I used. Make sure you revert that back to PB.txt.
Attached images
I remove your PB filename .

I write this post to inform you that I plain to do major changes to the syntax of the configuration file. For now, this file is not very clear. The syntax is sometimes different depending on variables.

Sorry, but i need to do this. for next releases

Quote from Gai-Luron :I remove your PB filename .

I write this post to inform you that I plain to do major changes to the syntax of the configuration file. For now, this file is not very clear. The syntax is sometimes different depending on variables.

Sorry, but i need to do this. for next releases


No problem. I'm happy to see all this development of a great application and I'm sure it will be even better when you have finished your work. Let me know if I can do something for you.
hi, i ve a lil question. I saw a server on that i could play tetris if i tipe in !tetris.

Whats the complete code for tetris???
This thread is closed

LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )