The only time I've ever charged for development, is when a client has come to me directly and said "can you code me..........". It was part of $day_job. Everything else I've coded, since I was 8 years old, has been for free.. trying to tell me that $50 (or the equiv.) is a steal means sweet FA to me when I've worked my bollox off for months or whatever and released XYZ for free

I'm very much an open-source man.. my servers run FreeBSD adn have done for the past 7 years, that software didn't cost me a penny, but has enabled me to earn some cash in the process.. prices mean nothing.. my regret now is that I feel I may as well have just pissed it up the wall in a pub somewhere.
But these bugs have been in there since the day I started playing LFS, over 4 years ago! That's simply just unacceptable. It's one thing knowing about something, it's an entirely different matter dealing with it.
A lot of what I do revolves around security and servers. No software is perfect.. so from time to time, there are patches I need to install to fix security issues. I don't just the software / company so much on what / number of issues they have but on their resolution activity. 1 security hole ignored for 2 years is by far worse than 10 holes patched within 24 hours.
Granted, we're not talking about security here with LFS, but I hope the above seems relevant. If LFS only had 1 bug (lets take the collision detection for an example) that so far hasn't been fixed in at least 4 years, that's far worse than company XYZ who manage to patch 10 bugs within 6 months (just example figures).