Ignore All The Rest And Click Here.
Edit: Please follow the link under here to go to my new request, the rest of this post doesn't matter now.
http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=909455#post909455 <-- Follow
Seeing as its my birthday at the end of this month my dad was thinking of geting me a new computer seeing as my old arse 4 year old one is about to set fire to itself.
And he's found a "top of the range" computer which is just over £1000
although it is pretty good a friend of mine said you could probably build a computer of the same specs for £600.
So i started wondering about maybe building my own computer (here comes the flaming :razz
Bassicly i need lots and lots of links to help about building computers, if it seems to hard or too confusing then pah ill just get the pre built one. Now im expecting alot of you to say "blah blah blah if your looking for help on how to build a computer your not smart enough to do it in the first place" well if this is true then how does anybody first build they're computer? They need help from somewhere
So yeah links to help with building a computer.
And seeing as i have a shed load of cash for this computer can you all recomend the best of everything?
Best graphics card, sound card, motherboard ect....
Or if one of you can do one of those little things where you set up a checkout on a website and then i get a link to that, that'd be cool
Thanks for any help
Edit: Please follow the link under here to go to my new request, the rest of this post doesn't matter now.
http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=909455#post909455 <-- Follow

Seeing as its my birthday at the end of this month my dad was thinking of geting me a new computer seeing as my old arse 4 year old one is about to set fire to itself.
And he's found a "top of the range" computer which is just over £1000
although it is pretty good a friend of mine said you could probably build a computer of the same specs for £600.
So i started wondering about maybe building my own computer (here comes the flaming :razz

Bassicly i need lots and lots of links to help about building computers, if it seems to hard or too confusing then pah ill just get the pre built one. Now im expecting alot of you to say "blah blah blah if your looking for help on how to build a computer your not smart enough to do it in the first place" well if this is true then how does anybody first build they're computer? They need help from somewhere

So yeah links to help with building a computer.
And seeing as i have a shed load of cash for this computer can you all recomend the best of everything?
Best graphics card, sound card, motherboard ect....
Or if one of you can do one of those little things where you set up a checkout on a website and then i get a link to that, that'd be cool

Thanks for any help