Always wanted to express my frustration about this but never did..
Thing that started to put me off from LFS (among other things) is this freakin mouse domination. It's gettin redicolous that in almost all cars (if not all) you get pwned by mouse users!? I thought that real cars are driven with the steering wheel and pedals, but LFS doesn't think so..
It's stupid how precise you can drive with the mouse, and it's stupid how effortless it is. You basicaly move the mouse 2 cm to both sides and that's full lock for ya..
Gas and brake on the mouse seems to have no disadvantage when you do it with real pedals, ON THE CONTRARY, it seems it's better and faster, so what's the point in wheel and pedals, let's cancel them altogether..
Don't say how mouse users can't drive long stints because of the tires, cause they CAN, and besides, i mostly drive short races so that doesn't matters...
I don't know, it seems that anyone can get good with the mouse, just give them free time and perfect racing line display (yes, that new uber realistic option that replaced that arcade thing from hell, the Digital Speedo!)
It seems like Counter strike players can get super fast with the mouse, that's how i feel..
They can drive 24h races by themselves probably, since there's no physical fatigue involved..
Don't get me wrong, i'm perfectly aware that there are people with physical incapabilities and can't use their legs, i'm talking more about the steering, since it's redicolous how precise you can be with the mouse and how fast you can countersteer.
/rant over
Thing that started to put me off from LFS (among other things) is this freakin mouse domination. It's gettin redicolous that in almost all cars (if not all) you get pwned by mouse users!? I thought that real cars are driven with the steering wheel and pedals, but LFS doesn't think so..
It's stupid how precise you can drive with the mouse, and it's stupid how effortless it is. You basicaly move the mouse 2 cm to both sides and that's full lock for ya..

I don't know, it seems that anyone can get good with the mouse, just give them free time and perfect racing line display (yes, that new uber realistic option that replaced that arcade thing from hell, the Digital Speedo!)
It seems like Counter strike players can get super fast with the mouse, that's how i feel..

Don't get me wrong, i'm perfectly aware that there are people with physical incapabilities and can't use their legs, i'm talking more about the steering, since it's redicolous how precise you can be with the mouse and how fast you can countersteer.
/rant over