Heheh, funny thread.

I use mouse exclusively and will continue to use it just because I don't feel like spending loads of money on a good wheel, I have other priorities at the moment.
What I don't get is why people get mad about it. I've seen things like "zomg they can simulate everything we do with a wheel, it's not fair!!". Yes, I try as hard as I can to roughly simulate the moviments you make
naturally with your wheel.
Another thing, you're actually complaining about FFB? Jesus, it's there to make you "feel" the car and help you understand what it's happening and what you can do to go faster. I agree I can steer more quickly, but with what precision? You
know how much you're turning (because you are turning it) while I need a visual feedback to know how much I'm turning (in my case, the virtual steering wheel). Reduce FFB or turn it off if you can't turn the wheel.
Also, I have to use conservative setups because there's no way I can brake or accelerate as hard as you can (specially on the more powerful cars). And how do you think I keep 50-70% throttle on a long corner? I don't! I have to put on a higher gear and count on the lack of torque while on full throttle, enter the corner on a higher speed, understeer, wait for the car to get back on the line, accelerate; or keep slaming my gas button to try to simulate a partial throttle - any of them are hardly the ideal thing to do.
And for longer races, you get massive arm pain. You have to keep it steady in only one position for the entire race. I only race in leagues, so it's really rare to have less then 40min of racing. It gets really hard to concentrate when your arms start to fatigate.
I don't want to sound rude or anything, but if you're getting beaten by mouse users, either you can't drive, your setup is completely wrong, you're just slow or the other guy is just fast.

All I can say for sure is that you're having a lot more fun than him.