seriously learn the price of a wheel before say something stupid -_- (g25 : around 300-350$)
i dont know why ppl vote to remove the mouse from lfs ...
a lot of driver(like me) use it
i dont have money for a wheel cuz im going to buy a car...
if you think mouse is faster then ... use it if you think wheel is better ... use it
if you cant beat a mouse driver ... practice more ...
I was using mouse in LFS for a long time. I used mouse X axis for steering with center steer reduction set to 0 for full linearity and sensitivity and was driving without braking help or autoclutch - had directional arrows on keyboard set to shiftup/down, clutch and handbrake. Imo I was above average amongst mouse users on my favorite combos - after quite a bit of practicing could get within 1.5 s - 1.0 s from WR (depending on track length).
A couple of months ago brought a wheel from a friend (logitech formula force gp), as he was not using it anymore. Was really looking forward to the moment I could drive LFS properly - with a wheel that is... What really happened was a disaster My laptimes were so much slower that than before. Even now, after many hours driving those same combos with a wheel, I'm still much slower - more than 2 seconds in some cases...
My point is that race driving on a track is hard IRL, and it is similar in LFS when using a wheel, which should be the only "realistic" way to drive in a simulator. As was mentioned, driving with mouse is quite effortless. Moreover, when using mouse I "felt" the car better than I do with a wheel now :/ (although it should be the opposite way) - It felt like I was turning car's front wheels with my hand - this strange unity can give an impression of total control. Sadly it isn't the case with a wheel, at least for me
I understand and agree that mouse option can't be removed (it is there for some good reasons), but server side control method limiting could be implemented. However, the best way as always is to cure the cause, not the effect. The main problems are LFS's physics which in some aspects are not realistic enough and the way mouse steering works. Physics will surely improve and become even more realistic in the future, but the best solution atm would be to limit wheel turning speed, as was suggested by android.
1) Those games are meant to be played with a mouse.
2) LFS isn't a game, it's a simulator and
3) it's a car racing simulator, cars are generally controlled using a disk-ish thing, usually referred to as "steering wheel".
So using your feet roughly the way they are intended is more fatiguing than using your hand in a way it isn't? As for the operations, tell me what mouse users don't do that wheel users do... Steering? Yes... Braking? Check... Accelerating? Yep... Shifting? Also in there... Clutching? Well, some do, but not even the majority of wheel users does, so that's no different either...
I suppose you're not sweating from turning the wheel so hard (you'd be SERIOUSLY unfit then), so that's down to your excitement... Do you think others don't get excited when they're battling someone just because they use another controller?
A mouse is just a different controller, the input, while not as sophisticated, is the same, AS IS THE PHYSICS... So while someone might beat you with a mouse doesn't mean his controller is better, just that he used its potential better than you...
Wheel users are driving a virtual car in a simulator, mouse users are playing a computer game.
I don't care if I get beaten by a mouse user, what bothers me is that some mouse users use the mouse because they're better with it instead of going for realism and suck with the wheel. It's a simulator for gods sake, the whole point of it is to simulate the real driving experience.
Using a device not available for any real life, non-prototype car (meaning production car or race car that's actively used), just because you're better with it is pathetic IMHO.
You've completely missed the point
LFS runs on a computer, it's all virtual, nobody gets hurt in a crash (well, thanks to ffb wheels it can happen) and apart from a virtual mess on your screen, damage doesn't mean anything. Still, it's not a game, try a FFB wheel and Force Dynamics and you'll feel the difference.
It's a simulation game, that's why we're here in the first place.. With all these freaking arcadey and casual options, LFS became a cruising kindergarden simulator ffs.. Maybe i'm really in the wrong place here, searching for ultimate simulation
Can someone please explain to me what's the thing with removing the freakin digital speedo?? (i never used it btw), or removing the auto blip option after 5 years, WHILE adding a perfect racing line, puting speed limiters (which sounds awfull) in production cars and making a mouse the best controller for low powered cars (which are the most interesting to drive)... seriously, where is this sim going?
It's freakin frustrating, is my only option now to switch to iRental? I don't wanna do that, but LFS pace and decisions are like aaaaaaaaaaaaa :Kick_Can_:expressio
look as u can see i am a demo user.... i really cant afford a 600 dollar logitech wheel... i wish i had one.. atm i use a mouse but i would certainly trade the mouse for a wheel.. i find it more fun that way, ive played once wit a wheel nd i loved it lol. i wouldnt hesitate to trade, becuase the wheel is more realistic and wit the force put to 100% is soo good, from what i heard lfs is a driving sim...
I guess Microsoft should remove mouse and keyboard support from MS Flight Simulator too.
After reading most of the posts here I have found that this thread is just full of 'stupid' and ignorance and a lot of other adjectives. point of this thread was?
There might as well be a ban on game-pads with analog sticks too...since that's what I use because my wheel is broken and I have better things to spend money on than a new wheel right now...I get all the benefits of a mouses quick lock to lock with a variable break and gas...did I mention it is boat loads harder to play even though I have a 'huge advantage"?
I think that's a great idea for the devs to truncate a large chunk of the community that uses alternative control devices other than a wheel. I think they should also add a hardware check so that if you don't have at least a quad core CPU you are unable to play LFS. It just makes sense, doesn't it?
I think mouse is ok for people who can't afford wheels. I must admit after racing with Palluka (who drives VERY fast for a mouser) for the past month or so, I've learned how to simulate a mouse accelerating which is being quite aggressive with the throttle, it works in most cars believe it or not. Although people may say 'yeah but that just works in lfs', I know that it can work IRL. With my kart in the wet I drive alot like a mouse on the throttle, which helps me find where the traction is then I can get onto full throttle. I think that Ayrton Senna, God bless him, used to bang on the throttle a lot as well, to find where the grip is.
First, a Logitech G25 costs 400usd in Argentina, not 600, and yes the currency exchange is 3.07 to 1 dolar, so it's about 1200 pesos to buy a G25 (mensual wages are about 4500 pesos for a doctor, 1700 for an average person and less than 1000 for a crappy job) so a G25 is kind of elite here, but you can always buy a used Microsoft Sidewinder for 100 pesos wich is less than you pay for an S2 licence that costs about 140 pesos, if you can afford S2 you can afford a sidewinder wheel, it's not necesary to have the lastest wheel to actually use a wheel.
I started playing LFS with mouse and I was fast, when I got my wheel I couldn't get my times right for about two or three weeks but after that period of time I got even faster, so what I'm saying is that those mouse racers could be faster if they wanted to train with a wheel.
In the end what is the difference if someone is faster with mouse? it's a hotlap, a mouse racer with the same level of a wheel racer just can't win a race fight, if you get a mouser out of their perfect line they are in big trouble, maybe there are some people that can keep fighting for a while but in the end throttle control is the key when you have to make THE move to pass your opponent or at least it is with my driving style.
I was going to bring that up earlier in the thread
I used a xbox controller for the first few years in LFS 2004-2006 and since have progressed to momo and then G25.
Have to agree that the xbox controller was harder in some ways (consistency) but also I could get upto pace (within 1.5sec of wr) much more quickly than with a wheel. I still can get just as fast with a wheel but it takes more concetration on driving principles than it did with the xbox controller, more importantly though if I go for realism in wheel setup then it is harder to match the pace.
This whole frustration that people have with controllers is imo not just about mouse vs wheel but about the whole concept of how different people view LFS. Alot see LFS as a game with good physics and enjoy it as such but there are some that also see LFS as a potential serrious simulator, but the flexibility in controller choice and setup dampense their enthusiasm.
Even wheel uses can configure their wheels for optimum performance rather than realism. I can setup my wheel for outright pace (low deg of rotation, low ffb can even play with brake accelertor axis to give fastest response. Then setup my car so that max brake doesn't lock tyres on any corner, etc also the infinite setup options allow us to overcome most of the cars characteristics, the XFG for example can be made very responsive on corner exits allowing full power down before the apex with virtually no problems with understeer, etc
The problem is that some people would like to race in a more realistic environment where human error is more a key to race wins or loses, hey thats the whole reason why I love online racing no body likes racing against robots that never make an error.
Now I'm not against certain controllers in LFS but I think it would be good to have server side options for the people that seek a simulation experience rather than just wanting to relax and play a game with good physics.
I don't think restricitng a server to a certain controller is enough, as this can be circumvented relatively easy. The best way to have a server setup for serrious simulation imo would be to have the option to have restrictive setups on that server along with forced views, restricted access to f9, f10, cockpit view, etc this will then naturally favour wheel pedal setups rather than implicitly limiting the server to wheel only.
I've used a mouse a long time before I bought a wheel... I still like to play LFS once and awhile on my laptop when a wheel isn't accessible...
To really make a game where the only control able to be used is a wheel would be the dumbest move to make.. I had acess to a xbox controller I could of used for a controller instead of a mouse.. but it sucked ass even with axis throttle controls (sliders)
-Get better
I have a mouse but perfer my wheel most the time, even though I'm slower. This game isn't all about WR, unless you are going for a qualifying time.
So this is yet another "let's take a feature out of LFS thread"?
Assuming mouse driving is harder than wheel driving, that must mean that mouse driving is more realistic. The members of the "We're glad LFS is harder and more realistic now" club should all be using mice to drive, simply because it's harder.
The last "fix" (as in neutered) was removal of auto-cut and auto-blip feature from auto-clutch. I think this occurred because the developers spent so much time on making a clutch that could overheat, then realized too late that auto-cut and auto-blip would prevent many players from experiencing clutch burnt out that the developers spent so much time on, so they just had to remove auto-cut and auto-blip so that many players could "enjoy" the experience of clutch failure they otherwise would have missed out on if auto-cut and auto-blip had been left in the game.
My old momo racing wheel rarely got used, and then the buttons started getting bouncy so I threw it away, and I'm sticking with my trusty twin joystick setup (if twin sticks on a transmitter are good enough to deal with the truly difficult to control radio control helicopters, then it's more than good enough for a game). If a joystick was good enough for Wolfgang Woeger to achieve a GPL Rank of -78, which is very good, then a joystick is good enough for me.
For those of you wanting to wheel and pedals to be a requirement, then sign up for iRacing, because that's what they did.
In the mean time, I've almost completed my joystick scripting for a complete time trial run in the LX6 at Blackwood, for a record run.
1300 mangos , 500 pesos de diferencia , Onda si me das vos la guita lo compro con gusto , ademas bien sabes que la argentina es una mierda ultimamente , todos luchamos por tener plata en los bolsillos y poder tener para comer