Electric Raceabout?
(130 posts, started )
Come on guys, electric cars are the future and of course it would seem now that electric cars are more expensive then fossil fuel powered cars, it's a new technology. From my point of view history is repeating itself.Back in the 1900-1910 people tought the exact thing about the petrol powered cars, that they were rubish.Actually at that time they really where more rubish then steam powered cars but the people were interested in them so they improved the technology.If you research the electric cars technology for 30 years you will get a 100% better car then a petrol-powered one.

+1 for an electric powered car in LFS.It will just obliterate any other car.

PS: We already have an electric car that is faster then a Lamborghini Gallardo, a Ferrari F430, a Porsche 911 Turbo, it's called a Tesla Roadster : http://www.teslamotors.com/
#52 - JJ72
....sorry but define "better".

A brand new Skyline GTR is outright faster than a miata by a long shot but if I have the choice to race either of both I'll take the Miata.

It can be quicker but so what, the eurostar is quick is well.
Well, you will get a faster car, a more econominal car, a easier car to drive and a car that doesn't pollutes in any way.And a new definition of power,you will as fast with half the horsepower.And LFS will get more popular if we would have one in the game.

Edit: I almost forgot we will also get a more reliable car, lesser moving parts.
#54 - JJ72
well first "faster" is relative, for a racing sim you need cars of different "fastness", the outright quickness of a car really ain't relevant.

economy....err...not really a factor in racing? endurance perheps but if it runs out of electricity it's not a 20 second charge I guess.

easier car to drive - not like petrols cars are especially difficult, don't think electric motor will make it more fun.

and pollution just isn't relevant.
Well no noise pollution so you will never know when a driver is in your blindspot
Quote from BAMBO :Well no noise pollution so you will never know when a driver is in your blindspot

It's not like you can hear an internal combustion car in your blind spot, anyway.
I still think an electric car would be a great add to the game, let me put the question different. Why not? Another type of car in LFS that will bring more people to it can only be a good thing.
Quote from BAMBO :Why not?

Because all of the cars we already have aren't even finished yet.
EVs arn't silent at all, I realy don't know where people get that idea.

Most EV motors run through at least a step down box, which has gears in it, and thus makes a whining noise when you accelerate, decelerate, and even while cruising.

It may not be as loud as an IC powered car, but some IC powered cars are very quite these days. silent enough that I only hear the tires on alot of cars that go by my house.

If sound is realy an issue, just put straight cut gears in the stepdown boxes. then you'd hear them comming.
straight cut gears, pffffft. These days we put a paper flap in the wheel, like all the cool kids.
In my day, we looked both ways before we crossed the street.
Quote from wheel4hummer :In my day, we looked both ways before we crossed the street.

You say that as though you're an adult? Why not leave the smartass comments until you are actually smart, rather than just an ass.
Quote from tristancliffe :You say that as though you're an adult? Why not leave the smartass comments until you are actually smart, rather than just an ass.

Aww, did Tristan lose a race? Looks like you're grumpy, don't gotta be so mean to the guy. But that's something we learn as a kid, should be a lesson well learned.
No, actually I've only not won a race twice this year, and both times I was 2nd. Thanks for asking. Will hopefully clinch the championship at the next round, if a few certain conditions are met...
But I still hold my opinion, I still think that electric cars are absolutely NOT the future, but a politically fuelled stop-gap by 'green' idiots/fanboys, I still think anyone who uses the initialism EV is a twat... I'm not fooled by people who think that burning fossil fuels in a power station constantly just in case everyone plugs in their car is significantly better for the environment that gasoline engines. Once electric cars become widespread I'm going to convert all the cars I own to carbs, and make people envious of proper cars again

But I got bored of this forum a few months ago, and post relatively infrequently. Too many morons these days. The only rescue would be a lot of new content and features in LFS (I can't believe I'm writing this) that doesn't appeal to morons (the F1 car was one of the worst things to happen to LFS) so that people actually discuss LFS rather than come up with stupid off-topic stuff all the time... Maybe the off-topic forum needs removing?

W4H is a known smartass-troll. It just so happens I used this thread to point it out to him again. He should listen to me - I'm the reason he has an S2 licence
Oooh, ouch. Okay, didn't know you two had a history. But hey man, things might be better about EV than you might think. Already there is a tower that is going into development somewhere, forgot where, that uses heat to generate electricity. There will be five of them, and it's thought to be able to produce enough power to produce enough electricity to run a city if I remember correctly, I'll get the youtube video later demonstrating how it works. All I remember is that it is TALL. World Trade Center is nothing compared to that thing.. it's humongo.
why everybody here is arguing how dangerous are the batteries and everything. someone also said that pederastians wont hear electric car, well, i havent seen any pederastian crossing BL1...
these things wont appear in lfs.

i think its worthy to try, but we can't decide that.

sorry for bad english
Quote from Piilu :why everybody here is arguing how dangerous are the batteries and everything. someone also said that pederastians wont hear electric car, well, i havent seen any pederastian crossing BL1...
these things wont appear in lfs.

i think its worthy to try, but we can't decide that.

sorry for bad english

English isn't too bad, better than some here. And a very well-made point, Piilu!
Most power stations use heat to generate electricity, by heating water into steam and turning a turbine. The question is - how do you make the heat? Nuclear? Burning stuff? Geothermal?... Is the big tower essentially a large geothermal power station? But each one can only run one city? That's shit. I don't know how many cities there are in the UK alone, but got to be over 150? That would mean we need 150 really tall, vulnerable power stations to power them alone. Then you need another 1000 to run the electric cars. Then you need another 1000 to run all the villages. Then you need another 10000 to run all the businesses......

You see how it's a crap idea? Current power stations are at least quite small and unnoticable, yet produce a LOT of energy.

Edit: To make it in LFS, you just need to create a weird torque curve that falls away with speed and delete the sound files. It would end up very much like a gasoline car, but only about 1% of the fun.
Quote from Ca18Slider :Already there is a tower that is going into development somewhere, forgot where, that uses heat to generate electricity. There will be five of them, and it's thought to be able to produce enough power to produce enough electricity to run a city if I remember correctly, I'll get the youtube video later demonstrating how it works. All I remember is that it is TALL. World Trade Center is nothing compared to that thing.. it's humongo.

You mean this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_power_tower ?

According to the Clichéopedia, anything solar is a myth in the British Isles - but then again according to the same article they don't need electricity, things work on politeness there.
No Xaotik, it's a different concept. The "cover" over the ground is like a furnace to gather it then it goes up to the tower, where it does whatever it does.
Oh, solar. That's even worse. No thank you.
Oh... hey isn't that a big-ass this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_chimney ?

After reading a bit about it, yeah - it seems like the same concept only in a bigger scale so it can move turbines instead of just cause a draft.

I think that the key to this whole energy bla bla is efficiency. Get people to use less energy and be more efficient in their individual ways of thinking - not necessarily this whole "going green" crap thing, just put more thought into new house designs, improving old ones, and the way things are utilized in general. I see it a lot around here: houses are erected with no thought on "simple" things that are important, like orientation for example; a well oriented house will need less energy to heat/cool and less energy to light up.
Quote from tristancliffe :I'm not fooled by people who think that burning fossil fuels in a power station constantly just in case everyone plugs in their car is significantly better for the environment that gasoline engines.

Actually it is, very much so.
Anyone whos ever bothered to look into topics like load balancing and accepted power over the day, will know that the peak usage happens at around noon when every housewive turns on her stove (no im not bullshitting) and generally when people are awake. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wi ... s/8/8d/Tagesgang_engl.png
So the power generation has to be designed to be able to supply that peak power, and at the same time be able to cut back on power during the night (your equipement probably wouldnt react too well to 150Hz comming from the wall plug without load balancing).
In other words their either needs to be some load balancing (red and green bits on the curve) to put some load on the power plants at night and relieve some of it during the day or the plants generators need to be turned off during the night (which is not possible in any fossile fuel plant without causing a massive drop in efficiency).

Now imagine what would happen if everyone plugged in their cars to charge them during the night... yup it would keep the demand much more constant and help the plants run more efficiently.

Also we havent even touched the subject of effciency in city rush hour traffic where a petrol engine will sit buring fuel with no gain half of the time.
I know about load balancing. But what happens if the public don't leave on in such regular patterns? What if cars are charged at motorway services as and when they need it (ever 30 miles). The load will be massive. All the energy in all the fuel tanks around the world will need to be carried via the National Grid (or equivalent). I just don't see how it can be viable in anything but the short term, small scale - i.e. not a replacment or alternative for gasoline.

Electric Raceabout?
(130 posts, started )