And again, that's a view that only Tristan expressed - and almost everyone else doesn't agree with.
If you consider that slow, why is there a Caterham in your avatar? It's also a sporty car that's not focused on top-speed. Is it slow? No, Caterhams are some of the fastest road-legal cars ever produced. Or do you consider the R8 on which it is based as slow? Nobody has hard numbers yet except for the Finns at Helsinki Poly, so we can only speculate - but it's reasonable to assume that it'll beat the crap out of XFGs, XRGs, and maybe even the higher TBO cars.
A) Nope, per mile they don't use more energy - on raw energy calculations, electric cars can do over 100MPG, if you calculate it to factor the amount of joules in a gallon.
B) No, the amount of fuel needed for a given amount of electricity (or power) is lower in a big, centralized powerstation than in thousands of little cars.
C) No, power-stations lower their output at off-peak hours and, as others pointed out, excess energy is stored.
This is turning into a "pick a side and stick with it" argument, so perhaps it should stop?