The online racing simulator
looks a bit like marmer too
WOA! I'm gonna have to say I dig that
me too cool skin
Quote from feat :I'd like to see that blue muffler.:riceboy:

i am a little confused... whats rice about that?
NICE! my new XRT skin
looks mad =]
Quote from Tekken :this is my first skins hope you guys like it =] and on the jin kazama skin can someone please make the pictures brighter so you can see it proply in the game thnks ... 19/wldbld/XRT_JINcopy.jpg ... wldbld/XRG_jin_kazama.jpg

Sorry Muzz, but they`re pretty lame, and I also thought after the last few bans, you wouldn`t dare show your face round here.
Deleting the links to your skin in your old post didn't work when it's been quoted.

Seriously kid, give up.
Quote from unseen1 :[-_-]"

Using that stupid little smilie thing really defeats the object of trying to be someone else.

Every account you've made, you've used that stupid little thing.
Quote from unseen1 :i told him 2 take it off and btw ill stop as soon as you stop banning my account and i dont get why your always butting in if your not involved

muzz you think copying someones name will get you anywhere it wont.
You are Tekken as well, idiot. You left the name of one of your banned accounts on the skinfile.

You use cracks constantly. You`ve ripped skins. It`s seriously about time this forum changed so people like you cannot have a voice on here.

Reported yet again

Goodnight and goodbye. Yet again
Quote from unseen1 :i know it wont i just did it till i no it will stop banning me then ill make a orignal one and get along with what i do ship wreck

reported also.
Quote from unseen1 :well done

omg the XR skins thread is turning into a spam dump <(-_-)>
:wtf2: who is that guy
People are on the cracker/skin stealer/multiple accounts/multiple bans bandwagon.
lol.. i don't get it.. how can people be so damn stupid to keep trying?
i know, now someone post some skins to get back on topic
Quote from mutt107 :i know, now someone post some skins to get back on topic


How's about a Kure R33 replica for XRR.

Already uploaded to LFSWorld.

Attached images
Very nice. Straight in the skins folder

XR Skins (All)
(7350 posts, started )