The online racing simulator
Drift points system idea
(49 posts, started )
Drift points system idea
Hey ppl, I got this idea about 2 weeks ago but always forgot to post it but here it is. Personally, I like drifting, not as much as racing, but I do like it. So, I thought of an idea which could be implemented in LFS. Now, the logic behind it is fairly simple. I was thinking that if a drift point system like in NFS UG and UG2 would be really cool. You'd have an angle meter, and your speed, and then with a clever calculating system, base how much points you can get in the one drift. Example, lets use the 2nd corner at WE, now, the usual speed around that corner in an XRT would be around 140 KM/H, so lets say you drift at that speed at an angle of 30 deg. which could be the same as drifting the car at 60 deg. but at a speed of 70. I know it seems very messy but I admit, I am having a hard time explaining this but I think you got the idea.
As much as I like some ideas like this, they are creative... I don't think LFS needs a 'points system' for drifters. Rather, this could really be an addon done with InSim or something, I don't know. Maybe a mod... something, but LFS itself doesn't have a huge focus on drifting... and doesn't cater towards it.
Well, LFS does cater to drifting, simply because it is a realistic sim.

I do agree though that this would be better implemented as an InSim mod in stead of included in the official game release. It is, after all, a "racing simulator".
a mod would be good as well but whats InSim? I've heard about it a lot and heard it can add some cool things to LFS. Can you give me a link to where I can get it and instructions of how to use it?, Glad you liked my ideas by the way .
What I mean by cater is... LFS doesn't give any special needs to drifters. When will there be a downhill road course, more max steering lock, longer lasting tires/drift tires... I mean come on, and now you think we will have a Drift points system???? :zombie:

Which is why I suggest this be a mod, as a lot of the serious sim racing fans would look at LFS as a drifting game rather than a true racing game.
I think we don't really need a point counter like that, it would never be as good as a living, breathing real person as a judge. There is much more to a drift than just the speed and the angle during a drift. A good drift should be judged by entry speed, complete line, angle, speed during the drift and speed at the exit.
Quote from Matrixi :I think we don't really need a point counter like that, it would never be as good as a living, breathing real person as a judge. There is much more to a drift than just the speed and the angle during a drift. A good drift should be judged by entry speed, complete line, angle, speed during the drift and speed at the exit.

And there are actual LFS contests organised that are judged this way. So I suggest you take a look at those, Leprekaun. (they'll probably be at lfstorque)
FORGET IT! Didn't even read the thread, the title says it all. This is not NFSU. Don't misunderstand me. My primary activity in LFS is driftnig but do you think young kids on the real road see the number of points they collected on the windshield! Well ofcourse not. Just drift.
Take it easy Primo! just an idea hence the lightbulb
(MonkOnHotTinRoof) DELETED by MonkOnHotTinRoof
I've tried to make an app that does just this a while back using OutSim
but i also have kinda given up since it would give more 'points' for wiping
out than for clean drifts. It not impossible though.
Quote from Fonnybone :I've tried to make an app that does just this a while back using OutSim
but i also have kinda given up since it would give more 'points' for wiping
out than for clean drifts. It not impossible though.

interesting, what if the car doesn't wipe out in his entire run? in this case, how does the program react regarding to the drifting performance, is it any good (without wiping out)?
Here can be used the same system that is used in Hotlapping - leave the road = no points for drift. Drift angle greater than 75 degrees = it is not a drift anymore. Drift speed less than 50 km/h(approx 35mph) = again, no drift....

Im not a drifter, I just said an idea...
What about South City hairpin and 4wd car, proper setup can gain you nice Gigi Galli style entry.
personally, i would think that just the ability to ahve a drift meter(like the racelogics drift box) which features a digital-esque display with angle, speed and maximum angle saved. another thing that could be incorperated is to have a program that sences the start of a drift, and records the entry speed, average angle, max angle, average speed, and exit speed. dont know how easy this would be in implement, and i think it would have to be made seperate to lfs(as a tweak or stat tracker type)
just an idea. for competition and practice. so def not a points system, as i dont like that idea, too arcade.
If u want a driftcompetition, why not do it right?
3 to 5 respected(as in decent drifters) and unbiased judges spectate while each driver drifts 2? laps(alone on the track) and award points afterwards.

Would be more realistic, more fun, and u wont have to rely on software which can always be exploited or has inevitable bugs

+ it allows the devs to code stuff that 95% of the drivers will cars or tracks ,etc. Instead of spending time on a feature that not even 5% of the userbase will use.

or would organizing something like this ask too much from the mature and professional drift teams?
ahh, but to do it right(at least now) you must have a driftbox fitted to your car, with a radio transmitter fitted to that to beam the info direct to a screen infront of the least in the lowely levels of D1.

and like i said, why not get some of the very talented people her in the lfs community to stretch their coding wings and devise a system to mesure the things i mentioned in my other post.
v4life you must? No need to. Drift competitions are mostzly judged from replays and have been going smoothly for a while. With no driftboxes. That's just a 'gadget' to throw money away for. Useless.
as far as i was aware, in quite a few proffesional comps they are saying that you must have this installed. it puts a stop to whining etc. i also heard about it in a jap car mag here in the uk.....ill go see if i can find anything evedent on the net.
Quote from Tweaker :What I mean by cater is... LFS doesn't give any special needs to drifters. When will there be a downhill road course, more max steering lock, longer lasting tires/drift tires... I mean come on, and now you think we will have a Drift points system???? :zombie:

Which is why I suggest this be a mod, as a lot of the serious sim racing fans would look at LFS as a drifting game rather than a true racing game.

LFS should be Sim for the Automotive fan club, that means everything from rallying a pug206 in the snow or racing a really tight wet track downhill a mountain. The omega version should have every type of automotive sport even if the game ends up costing triple the price. Dont forget drifting isn't an old sport, and its entertaining. F1 F3 Group A Group B Grounp C Rally GT500/300 Bathurst Drag racing Le mans 24h ETC. and take a look top left: "Online Racing Simulator"

Just because things like drifting is possible, thanks to LFS physics, it isn't the focus point of the program. I like paraller parking and once again, thanks to LFS physics, it's possible to do that quite nicely - but I don't have a need to get attention by making a thread to improvement suggestions for a clever "Rate My Paraller Parking-o-meter" simply because it ain't happening.

Quote from spankmeyer and take a look top left: "Online Racing Simulator"

Just because things like drifting is possible, thanks to LFS physics, it isn't the focus point of the program. I like paraller parking and once again, thanks to LFS physics, it's possible to do that quite nicely - but I don't have a need to get attention by making a thread to improvement suggestions for a clever "Rate My Paraller Parking-o-meter" simply because it ain't happening.


So you think drifting is just entertainment, well your wrong, but hey even if you don't like the idea, by doing so you would be reaching a wider audience.

With this accurated physics engine the game is running by then you will be eating square soft "gran turismo" series for breakfast.
But it's up to your ignorance and arrogance, I see this, it's a shame narrow minded people don't.
That's a bit rough bubble, I don't think he was being offensive And as a demo racer you won't have had the experience of seriously playing LFS S2 enough (online and offline) to get a feel for the game and get a real idea of what it's creators are trying to do here. To me, a demo racer rolling in and telling everyone what LFS should be, without knowing enough about the game to have an informed opinion, as well as slamming others' opinions, is ignorant arrogant.

LFS already reaches a wide audience because of its dedication to realistic driving. Because of the way it plays, it attracts all sorts of drivers - mostly racers ("grippers"). That's who the game is aimed at - people who want a realistic driving experience with a focus on online competition. The devs aren't going to cater to a minority group to just sell games, be they drifters, draggers, ricers or caravan owners. The realistic physics allows people to drift, drag, do big doughnuts etc but the focus (I think) will always be on racing.

As to your previous post about including every conceivable form of motorsport - while that would be nice, realistically that's another thing we'll probably never see in LFS (unless a modkit comes out after S3). 3 guys are developing this game, it's not like they have the huge financial and human resources of, for example, EA Games, that would be needed to model, test and license all the forms of motorsport you mentioned. I don't think the devs want LFS to cost three times as much as it does now and I, as just one LFS fan, don't want it too either. rFactor is moddable to an extreme degree, sounds like you'd like that more than LFS...
Quote from Hankstar :That's a bit rough bubble, I don't think he was being offensive And as a demo racer you won't have had the experience of seriously playing LFS S2 enough (online and offline) to get a feel for the game and get a real idea of what it's creators are trying to do here. To me, a demo racer rolling in and telling everyone what LFS should be, without knowing enough about the game to have an informed opinion, as well as slamming others' opinions, is ignorant arrogant.

LFS already reaches a wide audience because of its dedication to realistic driving. Because of the way it plays, it attracts all sorts of drivers - mostly racers ("grippers"). That's who the game is aimed at - people who want a realistic driving experience with a focus on online competition. The devs aren't going to cater to a minority group to just sell games, be they drifters, draggers, ricers or caravan owners. The realistic physics allows people to drift, drag, do big doughnuts etc but the focus (I think) will always be on racing.

As to your previous post about including every conceivable form of motorsport - while that would be nice, realistically that's another thing we'll probably never see in LFS (unless a modkit comes out after S3). 3 guys are developing this game, it's not like they have the huge financial and human resources of, for example, EA Games, that would be needed to model, test and license all the forms of motorsport you mentioned. I don't think the devs want LFS to cost three times as much as it does now and I, as just one LFS fan, don't want it too either. rFactor is moddable to an extreme degree, sounds like you'd like that more than LFS...

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I don’t no if this has been suggested but if they incorporate the company (don’t no how it works in their country) they can issue shares, by doing that there company can grow financial. Just an idea.

Ruff? How can you compare drifting to parking a car?? Sure drifting is based on judging rather than getting the right lap time, however the creators have to be aware that (I'm not trying to say that they should include a drift system has soon has possible) just keep it in mind at least. Its just the people that say, "Oh, drifting is stupid" sorry but that’s arrogance and ignorance. Why? Because the more types of motor sports you include the bigger the LSF community, the more funds they have on improve their game, it's as simple as that. Like I don’t like drag racing, but it’s in the game GOOD!!

You have categorized me as a demo player and that I should have no say. Think again, it's the demo players you have to convince to buy the game if you want to make this game better. In that case if you don’t think it’s the case go back to your cave. GT4 has achieved that, but this game is for kids, realism isn't there.

But I would like to congratulate the developers, the physics are there!! This game is as real as it gets Yous guys did a fantastic job.
Please take what I said litely, Im not trying to offend nobody.
Im sorry, but LFS is dedicated to motorsports not hobbies or exhibitions or shows. Hence, personally, i'd rather see them concentrate on features that are directly related to the actual content it is trying to embrace.... real racing.

Once S3 is released we might get a devkit, then you can mod and drift to your hearts content.

That i dont support drifting doesnt mean it shouldt be there, all im saying is that i prefeer if they stick to what they want to do.

Drift points system idea
(49 posts, started )