The online racing simulator
I made short drift 3345
Lapper say that 3345,83800952143
Where i make change in config-file for delete numbers after coma?
I need this score 3345, but not need 3345,83800952143
Where is this parameter in LFSLapper.lpr ?

You can't do anything. Fixed for the next release

Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello, You can't do anything. Fixed for the next release

O Gai-Luron, thanks!!!
You superman!
Quote from drew555 :Another plea for help.

Is there a way of notifying people when a new top Drift Score has been posted?

Not with Lapper but it could be made using a PHP-script and connecting Lapper to that.
The script has to read out drift.txt and convert it to an array, which good be sorted on date set. This script could show the best time and send it to Lapper.
Drift score display
Hey guys

I'm hoping you can help me sort an an issue with displaying the drift score. I have the latest LSFLapper and its all connected properly and working, I get certain messages such as PB split times and 0 100km but no drift score.

I've been on drift servers where each drift you do it will show you immediately after completing the score what you just got and adds it to a total for that lap. it evens says when you have performed a big drift.

I can see all these options in the config file but I don't see anyway to enable the display of these ingame.

I'll be eternally grateful for any help you might have to get the score to show while I'm driving
Quote from Chuff :
I can see all these options in the config file but I don't see anyway to enable the display of these ingame

Hi Chuff,

All the part's in the config file between /* and */ are not working in lapper.
Remove the /* and */ and that part of the config file will work.

# Drifting options #

$DriftDatabase = "./DriftPB.txt";
# Actions to do on new personal best drift lap.
Event DriftPBAction()
cmdLFS( "/rcm " . $Nickname . "^3 made new PB: ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3pts!" );
cmdLFS( "/rcm_all" );
Event DriftPBAction()
cmdLFS( "/msg " . $Nickname . "^3 made new PB: ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3pts!" );
# Actions to do to when total lap drift score is higher or equal to MinimumDriftScore.
Event DriftLapAction()
cmdLFS("/msg " . $Nickname . " ^3drifted to ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3pts" );
Quote from Tim NL :Hi Chuff,

All the part's in the config file between /* and */ are not working in lapper.
Remove the /* and */ and that part of the config file will work.


Tim, I can't thank you enough, works perfectly now.

I wish I had asked earlier, you wouldn't believe how long Ive been scratching my chin over this

Kudos to all the guys here that have the time and patients to help others out. I've only been playing LFS for just over a week and I have to say it has a great community!

New version of Lapper : 7.0.4 Beta

Quote :+----------------------------+
|Changes from v5.703 to 5.704|

1. Fix wrong decimal value in driftscore.

2. Many modification and Upgrade in expression evaluator
operator allowed:
3. You can use IF( expr ) THEN ... ELSE ... ENDIF in script, take a look on onSpbSplit for an averview
Exemple if you want kick unnamed on OnConnectClose Sub called when player click Accept
Sub OnConnectClose()
IF( $Nickname == "unnamed" )
cmdLFS( "/kick " . $Username );
You can also test this when a player join a race

4. Event removed in config file:

5. New Event in config file
OnSpbSplit When a split is done
OnSpbLast When a lap is done

6. Remove turn off button when spectated

7. Add config version file from Yisc[NL]

8. New color syntax file for PSPPAD editor in doc folder

Have a good test

Thanks for the new test-version.
The things I found so far:

-using Shift+P gives the following message on the console of Lapper: Sub 'EnterPitAction' not found in your config file
*this sub is blocked by default in config file so no error should be thrown.

-Doing practise session and going to pit for adjusting setup still spectates you after 20 seconds
*a driver in pits should be ignored by the idle routine
hi Gai-Luron...

any oficial version of the Lapper ?

its just that i have a server with storm-servers and they dont have that version of the lapper..

i need to call the PB.txt from the server to my website

Hi Gai-Luron,

I found out on one of the demo server i run ( [NLR]NL Racing#3) that one guy logged in with different usernames and different nicknames (6 times) but with the same IP adress and he banned everyone on the server.
Is there a posibility to kick or ban player's on IP?
IF IP= THEN /KICK the Muppet.

I use on that server still 5.641 and can see in the log file of the dedi the IP's.

Username Nickname IP
trilby NorthCrest
trilby1 ‘‘‘ RALPH
trilby2 louis
trilby3 Dante
trilby4 Mussolini
trilby5 Æs^C³r

‘‘‘ RALPH^L voted to ban - taurus -^L (- taurus -^L) [1/5] (press 1)
Fusion. Dan^L voted to ban - taurus -^L (- taurus -^L) [2/5] (press 1)
louis^L voted to ban - taurus -^L (- taurus -^L) [3/5] (press 1)
Dante^L voted to ban - taurus -^L (- taurus -^L) [4/5] (press 1)
12 hour ban imposed on user name
Mussolini^L completed the vote
- taurus -^L was banned
/msg - taurus - leave connection
- taurus - leave connection
Mussolini^L voted to ban jamppa^L (jamppa24^L) [1/5] (press 1)
/msg NorthCrest is idle ! Spectate in 10 seconds
NorthCrest is idle ! Spectate in 10 seconds
Fusion. Dan^L voted to ban jamppa^L (jamppa24^L) [2/5] (press 1)
Dante^L voted to ban jamppa^L (jamppa24^L) [3/5] (press 1)
‘‘‘ RALPH^L voted to ban jamppa^L (jamppa24^L) [4/5] (press 1)
12 hour ban imposed on user name
NorthCrest^L completed the vote
NorthCrest^L voted to ban jamppa^L (jamppa24^L) [1/5] (press 1)
jamppa^L was banned
NorthCrest^L voted to END RACE
/msg jamppa leave connection
jamppa leave connection

I don't think that Insim send IP adress of the connected player. I can't do anything.. But now if you have his username, you can ban it!

For the official version, i want to terminate expr evaluation with '&&' and '||' to have multiple test in one.
I planned also to add
CALL function() with args and return value from a function

Hard work, the final version it's not for tommorow

Hi Gai,

Think this is a bug " . $LongTrackName . " doesn't work anymore, not tried any others as thats in my connect message so saw problem straight away.

Also I cannot get the Kick Unnamed to work and yes I logged in as NONE Admin before anyone says it lol.

Request: Can you add $ServerName so we can use it like $LongTrackName, $ShortTime etc etc
I'm constructing some sort of Pitbord shown on every split and it's working very well. Still I have a request for it. Please make $LapTime available in the Splitting section. At the moment I can only display the last split-time (see screenshot) so it would be great if you could make an option to remember split1/split2/split3 (if available ofcourse) so I can display all sectors on the pitbord. Those values should be cleared shortly after crossing the finish-line.
Attached images
Hi Yisc,
I like, infact I like alot, any chance of posting code so we can all use it.

new minor modification on

Quote :+----------------------------+
|Changes from v5.704 to 5.705|

1. Add new var
$Split1 -> Last First Split, updated when doing new Split1
$Split2 -> Last second Split, erased when doing Split1
$Split3 -> Last Third Split, erased when doing Split1
$LapTime -> Current Lap Time, erased when doing new LapTime

2. New script command
console( string_text );
output Text to console windows ( for debugging script )

3. Fix $LongTrackName and $ShortTrackName not displayed

Ow men, you are my alltime hero from now on!
Great great work and as said before, highly appreciated.

[edit 17:57]

Tested the new function and found a small bug.
$Split2 is remembered with the full laptime instead of the sectortime. (see screenshots. First is taken after passing sectorline 2, second one is taken after crossing finishline)

Extra wish for the splitting section:
Split $BestSplit into $BestSplit1 , 2 and 3
Add $color2 and 3 so every sector can have it's own color

Extra extra wish (sorry to bother you so much *shame*):

Option to display the gap to the player in front and behind you and attach a color to that.
Where green is a smaller gap and red a bigger one.

Attached images
For color, use IF THEN ELSE ENDIF

IF( $SplitNumber == 1 ) THEN
$color = "^1";
IF( $SplitNumber == 2 ) THEN
$color = "^2";

Then use this var in the displayed line

you can also test is split different to "0.00.00" to not display it

if( $Split1 != "0.00.00" )
$dispSplit1 = $Split1;

$dispSplit1 = "";


and you display $diffSplit1

I look for other request

Quote from Gai-Luron :For color, use IF THEN ELSE ENDIF

IF( $SplitNumber == 1 ) THEN
$color = "^1";
IF( $SplitNumber == 2 ) THEN
$color = "^2";

Then use this var in the displayed line

you can also test is split different to "0.00.00" to not display it

if( $Split1 != "0.00.00" )
$dispSplit1 = $Split1;

$dispSplit1 = "";


and you display $diffSplit1

I look for other request


The problem is I can only asign one value to $color.
So if split1 is faster then bestsplit, this is displayed in green, if then split2 is slower as bestsplit this is displayed in red but also split1 turns red because $color is set to red. Therefore I need seperated color-values to asign to the different splits.
it's not new colors var you need but $BestSPB for each split and last lap.


or Better

One event for split1, split2, split3, splitLast, in this case you display only button for this event. When onSplit1 is reached, clear all button and create a new set.

onSPlit1, clear old button and then draw all button
onSplit2, draw only split 2
onSplit3, draw only split 3
onSplitLast, draw only splitLast

For now i give you a new version. I hope you have all var needed

Quote :+----------------------------+
|Changes from v5.705 to 5.706|

1. Add new var
$SectorSplit1 -> Last First sector Split, updated when doing new Split1
$SectorSplit2 -> Last second sector Split, erased when doing Split1
$SectorSplit3 -> Last third sector Split, erased when doing Split1
$SectorSplitLast -> Last Last sector Split, erased when doing Split1

$BestSectorSplit1 -> Best Split duration for the sector 1
$BestSectorSplit2 -> Best Split duration for the sector 2
$BestSectorSplit3 -> Best Split duration for the sector 3
$BestSectorSplitLast-> BestSplit duration for the last sector

$DiffSectorSplit1 -> $SectorSplit1 - $BestSectorSplit1
$DiffSectorSplit2 -> $SectorSplit2 - $BestSectorSplit2
$DiffSectorSplit3 -> $SectorSplit3 - $BestSectorSplit3
$DiffSectorSplitLast -> $SectorSplitLast - $BestSectorSplitLast

Hi Gai,
:wow: your fast, I only went out to feed horses came back and we have 2 newer versions, cannot keep up with you lol.


EDIT Yisc check your private messages

Did I already said that you are my hero?
Man you are fast, as said by Andy, and delivering almost when asked to.
Sorry to bother you so much on your sunday but again, it's highly appreciated from my side and by many other people I think.
Thank you so much!

[edit 21:23]

I've got it all working perfectly now.
There's just a small problem with: $SectorBestSplit1 , $SectorBestSplit2 , $SectorBestSplit3 , $SectorBestSplitLast , they show (unknown) instead of a value.
Minor bug I think

Yes because the correct name is


I do mistake in change file , sorry.

if anybody wan't to complete Wiki, i have no time and my english is so bad

hi Gai-Luron

any tuto for installing the lapper in a game server?

thanks and regards
Quote from Neto_r :hi Gai-Luron

any tuto for installing the lapper in a game server?

thanks and regards

What exactly do you want to know? First download Lapper from the first page (choose between stable version or test version) and safe the file on your computer. Then extract the files from the archive to a folder. Open that folder, go to the CFG-folder and open LFSLapper.cfg (stable version) or LFSLapper.lpr (test version). The only thing you have to change is the admin-password and safe the file. Then start you LFS-server and open the insim-port by typing /insim 29999 and hitting enter. The last step is to start NetStartDefault.bat to start Lapper.
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LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )