The online racing simulator
LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
I cleared up the config-file and added two sections about the use of colors on text (somehow dissapeared from the file) and the codes that can be used on the button format.
Please let me know if I missed something.
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LFSLapper.txt - 42.4 KB - 280 views

List of all variables that can be used in all events

it was forgotten


i take and modify your file config

Quote from Yisc[NL] :What exactly do you want to know? First download Lapper from the first page (choose between stable version or test version) and safe the file on your computer. Then extract the files from the archive to a folder. Open that folder, go to the CFG-folder and open LFSLapper.cfg (stable version) or LFSLapper.lpr (test version). The only thing you have to change is the admin-password and safe the file. Then start you LFS-server and open the insim-port by typing /insim 29999 and hitting enter. The last step is to start NetStartDefault.bat to start Lapper.

thanks for the answer... the server isn´t my PC

i have a server in stormservers and i dont know if ther lapper are the same of Gai-Luron

i need to call the pb.txt and show in a .php website

Hi Gai,
Is there a variable to display a drivers PB and then show the difference +/- to his PB while lapping through start/finish line.
@Andy King : Relative to other players ? No, give me an exemple!

@Neto_r : no i think Lapper is Stable version

Hi Gai,
I want to race against my own PB, so want lapper to display what my PB is on the track I am on then let it show me wether I am slower or faster than my PB.

Say my PB is 1:44:00 at AS3, I can display a button with that time in it.
Then next to it I display another button that shows on passing Split1, 2 and 3 wether I am + or - my best split for that sector, then as I cross start/finish I am shown + or - relative to my own PB.

Quote from Andy King :Hi Gai,
I want to race against my own PB, so want lapper to display what my PB is on the track I am on then let it show me wether I am slower or faster than my PB.

Say my PB is 1:44:00 at AS3, I can display a button with that time in it.
Then next to it I display another button that shows on passing Split1, 2 and 3 wether I am + or - my best split for that sector, then as I cross start/finish I am shown + or - relative to my own PB.


I get the smell of a pitboard in my nose
Attached images
Quote from Yisc[NL] :I get the smell of a pitboard in my nose




Request: Any chance of us having a sync for the Ban List, this will enable me to ban users from all my servers immediatley as at the moment I have to copy the ban list from one server to the other 4. While I am doing this the nuissance driver is on one of my other servers creating havock.
Hi all,

My admin list is not working anymore .
In lapper 5.701 it was working fine but i testing now 5.706 and it don't want work.

This dont work
Quote :Register MsgAction("!test",MA_test);
Sub MA_test()
$allow = "tim nl";
cmdLFS("/rcm " . $Nickname . " is testing...");
cmdLFS("/rcm_ply " . $Nickname );

This dont work
Quote :
Register MsgAction("!test",MA_test);
Sub MA_test()
$allow = ""&./admin.lst";
cmdLFS("/rcm " . $Nickname . " is testing...");
cmdLFS("/rcm_ply " . $Nickname );

This dont work
Quote :
Register MsgAction("!test",MA_test);
Sub MA_test()
IF( $Username == "&./admin.lst" )
cmdLFS("/rcm " . $Nickname . " is testing...");
cmdLFS("/rcm_ply " . $Nickname );

If i use this with the IF THEN it works but i cant use the adminlist
Quote :
Register MsgAction("!test",MA_test);
Sub MA_test()
IF( $Username == "tim nl" )
cmdLFS("/rcm " . $Nickname . " is testing...");
cmdLFS("/rcm_ply " . $Nickname );

Adminlist ( admin.lst ) is a text file with every username on a new line
Quote :
tim nl

What do i wrong? is there a change in the syntax?
I tryed a lot of different thing's now

Ps. i found a small type mismatch in the Acceleration options

Event OnAcceleration()
privMsg( "^8Excelerated in ^3" . $AccelerationTime . "^8 seconds to " . $AccelerationEndSpeed . " " . $UnitSpeed ."!" );

I think it should be Accelerated

@GAI-Luron 5.706 is realy super now. I really like the IF THEN options. THANKS

New version

|Changes from v5.706 to 5.707|
1. Add new var
$isBestSectorSplit1 -> 1 if this sector split is best than previous Best, otherwise 0
$isBestSectorSplit2 -> 1 if this sector split is best than previous Best, otherwise 0
$isBestSectorSplit3 -> 1 if this sector split is best than previous Best, otherwise 0
$isBestSectorSplitLast -> 1 if this sector split is best than previous Best, otherwise 0

2. Remove var
$CurSplit -> Split duration for the last sector
$BestSplit -> Best Split duration for the last sector
$DiffSplit -> CurSplit - BestSplit
$BestSPB -> is the last sector is best than previous Best
$SplitNumber -> Split number

3. Remove event

4. Add event
OnSpbSplit1 -> Event triggered when sector split is done and showsplit on config player is true
OnSpbSplit2 -> Event triggered when sector split is done and showsplit on config player is true
OnSpbSplit3 -> Event triggered when sector split is done and showsplit on config player is true
OnSpbSplitLast -> Event triggered when sector split is done and showsplit on config player is true

5. Add Var
$PBLapTime -> Current PB on current Combo
$diffLapTimeToPb -> Laptime - PBLTime

6. Now +-/* work also on time value
"0.10.10" + "0.01.20" = "0.11.30".

7. Fix disconnection when request button sended to fast to host ( LFS bug )

8. Add event
OnSplit1 -> Event triggered when sector split is done
OnSplit2 -> Event triggered when sector split is done
OnSplit3 -> Event triggered when sector split is done
OnLap -> Event triggered when sector split is done

Quote from Gai-Luron :
Pubstat is a string! Quote it!

$PubStatIdk = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";

I was having problems with this as well...then I noticed the "$" sign before the string...this is NOT shown in the cfg file that came with the latest release!

Another query, when trying to synchronise PB.TXT files, must we create a folder called "synchro" or is it created automagically? I f we have to create it, where should it be in the directory structure?
Hi Gai,

$diffLapTimeToPb is showing UNKNOWN

Thanks for adding it.

Request: Can you add $ServerName so we can use it like $LongTrackName, $ShortTime etc etc

Request: Any chance of us having a sync for the Ban List, this will enable me to ban users from all my servers immediatley as at the moment I have to copy the ban list from one server to the other 4. While I am doing this the nuissance driver is on one of my other servers creating havock.

While your in the mood for it lol
Slightly adjusted config-file.


ClosePrivButton - renamed to - CloseGlobalButton - in button example
#PubStatIdk = ; - renamed to - #$PubStatIdk = "";
Excelerated - renamed to - Accelerated

Some other layout issues.

To Tim NL:

Register MsgAction("!admin",MA_admin);
Sub MA_admin()
$allow = "&./admin.txt";

To Andy King:

Banlist doesn't need to be synchronised. I'm running 7 LFS-servers on one virtual machine and they all use the same ban-file without any problem.

To Bladerunner:

You have to manualy create a Synchro-dir (or any other name you like) in the BIN-folder. You could place it somewhere else but then you have to adjust the path in your config-file.
Attached files
LFSLapper.txt - 43.7 KB - 242 views
Quote from Yisc[NL] :To Andy King:

Banlist doesn't need to be synchronised. I'm running 7 LFS-servers on one virtual machine and they all use the same ban-file without any problem.

Hi Yisc,
I have my servers with StormServers and each one has its own folder, each Lapper is serperate so what you quoted isn't always the case.
Quote from Bladerunner :Another query, when trying to synchronise PB.TXT files, must we create a folder called "synchro" or is it created automagically? I f we have to create it, where should it be in the directory structure?

Hi Bladerunner,
For database sync just put all PB.txt files in one folder with different names ( PB1.txt , PB2.txt ....) and set the path by SyncDir to that folder.
The database sync in allmost realtime ( i think lesser then 30 sec.).

On server 1:

SyncDir=C:\Program Files\LFS\PBdir;
Database = C:\Program Files\LFS\PBdir\PB1.txt;

And on server 2

SyncDir=C:\Program Files\LFS\PBdir;
Database = C:\Program Files\LFS\PBdir\PB2.txt;
Thanks Tim.. think I got it now
Hi Gai,

Register MsgAction("!ontrack",MA_ontrack);
Sub MA_ontrack()
$allow = "&./admin.txt";
cmdLFS( "/msg ^3If you ^1STOP ^3ontrack then expect to be ^1KICKED !");

Some of my action commands won't work wether they need admin.txt or not, such as !powered !test !kick quite a few are broke.

$allow is optionnal.

if $allow not present all player can do command.

Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

$allow is optionnal.

if $allow not present all player can do command.


Hi Gai,
I understand that, what I am saying like Tim said is it isn't working anymore, they all used to but not with latest exe, seems something has got broken.

$diffLapTimeToPb is showing UNKNOWN

Request: Can you add $ServerName so we can use it like $LongTrackName, $ShortTime etc etc

Request: Any chance of us having a sync for the Ban List, this will enable me to ban users from all my servers immediatley as at the moment I have to copy the ban list from one server to the other 4. While I am doing this the nuissance driver is on one of my other servers creating havock.

Thankyou for your development with lapper, its getting massive lol
Try DiffLapTimeToPB

I look for $allow

For banlist i can't do anything.

For servername, i look for it

Hi Gai,
The $DiffLapTimeToPB is working fine now, sorry typed it wrong. I only have one problem left now,

$AvgSpeed is showing unknown when using it in Event OnLap()

Edit: Just done some testing on a local to me server and $AvgSpeed works here on my server but exactly the same code won't work when I run it on my hosts server. Weird eh

Thanks for your time.
Quote from turnbull :I cant worked pit speed kick help please or add me [email protected]

Please post a sample of the script you have, so we can look at it and try to solve your problem.

I can confirm the problems with $allow in version 5.707beta.
It doesn't matter if you're using a name or admin.txt, it doesn't work at all.
Quote from Andy King :Hi Gai,
The $DiffLapTimeToPB is working fine now, sorry typed it wrong. I only have one problem left now,

$AvgSpeed is showing unknown when using it in Event OnLap()

Edit: Just done some testing on a local to me server and $AvgSpeed works here on my server but exactly the same code won't work when I run it on my hosts server. Weird eh

Thanks for your time.

AvgSpeed is only known in OnSpbLast. It's Local var, i look if i can set it as global after lap

This thread is closed

LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )