The online racing simulator
Week 79 LX event:
Date: Wednesday, July 2. 2008
Server: Volvolandia LX
Start: 18:30 UTC
Car: LX4
Track: Blackwood GP (rev) (BL1R)

18:30 UTC - Qualification - 10 minutes
Race 1: 7 laps
Race 2: 7 laps
Race 3: 7 laps
- Qualification - 10 minutes
Race 4: 13 laps
Race 5: 13 laps

reverse grid will be used

edit: volvolandia lx is still on patch y, we will use the (FM) EVENT SERVER! this week.
Attached files
LX4_bl1r_e2mus2194.set - 132 B - 866 views
LX4_BL1rNiall_hotl.set - 132 B - 1053 views
There's a good chance I'll be there.
Is it going to be in Patch Z or Y? :P

I got Z and Y on seperate LFS's just in case you don't make the switch. I don't think there was any physics changes to the LX's so I think it's ok to race in Z but dunno if the server is switched. So up to you. But let me know please.
Hahaaaaa my fav combo! Oh yea, I´ll be there.
(ussbeethoven) DELETED by ussbeethoven
k so it will be in patch Z for sure?
(ussbeethoven) DELETED by ussbeethoven
kk ty for the update.
Wheres teh server?
Server still seems to be on Y. I think they'll be using a backup server for Z :P.
since Volvolandia LX is not on Patch Z now, we will be using the [url="lfs://%7C%28FM%29+EVENT+SERVER%21%7C0%7CS2%7C/"](FM) EVENT SERVER![/url], it's all set up now and your welcome to join [url="lfs://%7C%28FM%29+EVENT+SERVER%21%7C0%7CS2%7C/"]
NooooooooOOoOOOO! Now I missed my favorite combo.
you missed nothing, the event starts in 30 minutes, we're just using a different server today
thanks for joining guys, that was a lot of fun: fair racers, close fights, the right ingredients for a perfect evening

stats are online now
NOOOO NOT FAIRRRR I won last one. I don't care. I crossed the line first, started a cooldown lap, once at T1 I lose connection for like an hour. So nuh uh uh. Race 5 is MINE. lol

Was some spectacular racing today. Really loved it. Hopefully the LXO race will be just like this I really loved it. I think the reverse grid played a huge role in the great racing but was truly amazing. Nice fights with right about everyone I think.
Telefonica died yesterday and only ressurected now. :mad:
Volvolandia LX is back on patch Z, so we will use that again this week

Week 80 LX event:
Date: Wednesday, July 9. 2008
Server: Volvolandia LX
Start: 18:30 UTC
Car: LX6
Track: Kyoto GP Long (rev) (KY3R)

18:30 UTC - Qualification - 10 minutes
Race 1: 4 laps
Race 2: 4 laps
Race 3: 4 laps
- Qualification - 10 minutes
Race 4: 8 laps
Race 5: 8 laps

reverse grid will be used
Attached files
LX6_KY3r_Booge_hot.set - 132 B - 848 views
LX6_ky3r.set - 132 B - 876 views
just 10 minutes to go, i hope to see some of you lx lovers online

edit: was lots of fun, thanks for joining everybody, stats are done now
Here we go with another Wednesday public event hope to see you all in Jamaica.

Week 81 LX event:
Date: Wednesday, July 16. 2008
Server: Volvolandia LX
Start: 18:30 UTC
Car: LX4
Track: Fernbay Green (rev) (FE2R)

18:30 UTC - Qualification - 10 minutes
Race 1: 8 laps
Race 2: 8 laps
Race 3: 8 laps
- Qualification - 10 minutes
Race 4: 15 laps
Race 5: 15 laps

reverse grid will be used
Attached files
LX4_fe2_squas2263.set - 132 B - 926 views
Quote from troy :Here we go with another Wednesday public event hope to see you all in Jamaica.

Week 81 LX event:
Date: Wednesday, July 16. 2008
Server: Volvolandia LX
Start: 18:30 UTC
Car: LX4
Track: Fernbay Green (rev) (FE2R)

18:30 UTC - Qualification - 10 minutes
Race 1: 8 laps
Race 2: 8 laps
Race 3: 8 laps
- Qualification - 10 minutes
Race 4: 15 laps
Race 5: 15 laps

reverse grid will be used

i might pop up for this one

regards jwardy
just 30 minutes to go, join us if you want some practice
thanks for joining, stats available on:

i will probably start using a standard password for the racing on Wednesday (easy to remember and your free to give it out to anyone), the last few months i saw more and more drivers who are absolutely not qualified to race an lx4/6, that is really a problem on some of the tracks and hopefully it gets solved with a bit more restricted access.
Thanks for tonight's event.


Noticing though, that the wednesday's Volvolandia events are becomming ever more agressive and unsportive.
People come on the server, ask Troy or Lococost for their setup, they go fast for about 1.1 lap and act like a prick.
There's also slow people on the track, me! , racing with my own made setup which lets me go round sort-of normally instead of understeer-slinging myself into every corner like some "fast" people are. (hope they're telling themselves they enjoy racing their LX's that way.) Trying to keep my wheels in the same place relative to the car where they started. (taking the chicane at the speed some are you'd hit your head sideways against your ehh..knees and your going to have the monster of all hangovers the next day once you unbend your neck.)
In doing so they find it nescesary to hit me in the back about 100 times today since their setup doesn't require braking and they can't manage to get round me normally in the span of one corner.
I'm sure it's nice to be fast, but that stinks.

[/end whining]
Sorry, I'm a little late this week but I've got some news, the full LRF class will be allowed this Wednesday, Aston National should balance the class pretty well so i thought why not give it a try. There will also be a password set if we notice to many drivers who can't handle the cars, in case that happens i will mention it on the server before the password gets set.

Password will always be the same: volvo

Week 82 LX event:
Date: Wednesday, July 23. 2008
Server: Volvolandia LX
Start: 18:30 UTC
Cars: LRF
Track: Aston National (rev) (AS3R)

18:30 UTC - Qualification - 10 minutes
Race 1: 5 laps
Race 2: 5 laps
Race 3: 5 laps
- Qualification - 10 minutes
Race 4: 10 laps
Race 5: 10 laps

reverse grid will be used
Attached files
RAC_AS3_Booge_hot.set - 132 B - 841 views
FZ5_AS3r_DaveW_hot.set - 132 B - 903 views
LX6_AS3r_DaveW_hot.set - 132 B - 809 views
thanks for joining, had good fun today stats are done now.
#175 - dev
I think I'll become a regular participant in these events Great fun today, i did my first few laps in the LX6 and it's a very nice car to drive