Well sifting through my
music collection i'd say I listen to most anything old or new.
I'll always love Bruce Dickinsons voice (lead singer Iron Maiden) even though he's a guy and I had a fight with him once (documented somewhere else on this forum). His tones just 'do it' for me
Some of my favorite new descoveries this year are Animal Alpha; Mindless Self Indulgeance; and Mad Capsule Markets. All are quite heavy bands with a black metal meets contemporary punk sound.
I've gotten quite into Lordi recently, ignoring that they won Eurovision a couple of years ago they're actually quite good! Who's Your Daddy!
I still like Abba though, and David "The Voice" Bowie, and desperately want to get some Queen back in my collection. All timeless classics.
I've listened to some of The Verve lately, and as always when in relationship difficulties i've been playing R.E.M.