New Layouts At Existing Venues
(31 posts, started )
New Layouts At Existing Venues
The recent addition of South City Chicane Route got me thinking. No new areas had to be made, yet we still got a new circuit to freshen up an already existing environment. This is an excellent idea and should be taken further.

First off, a super-long layout at Kyoto Ring using the GP Long section combined with the National section. Maybe call it Kyoto Ring Grand Touring? Or Kyoto Ring Endurance?

So much can be done with Aston that hasn't been done. Some slight modifications to existing layouts:

Maybe call this one Aston Club Long:

And this one National Short:

And a bunch of other ones which I can't think of names of. Several of them create new corners which look like they could be a lot of fun:

EDIT: Imageshack sucks. Tinypic is way better so I re-uploaded them.
The ONLY tracks I want now (that are based off original LFS tracks) are the super-long Kyoto configuration, and this 'extra long' South City track people are speculating.

PLEASE, no more Aston configs. That track is becoming such a boring venue because it is squeezing out so many more boring configurations like a soggy rag.

Other than this... actual new track environments is what LFS really needs. Holding a league and visiting a track venue more than twice in a season is just stupid. We need more variety... and we need to stop choosing between all these configurations. Tracks like Westhill and Blackwood are perfect examples of ONE confguration tracks that LFS needs. If we had lots more choices of one configuration tracks like those, we wouldn't be posting threads like this.
Quote from Tweaker :
I need more variety... and I need to stop choosing between all these configurations.

Fixed that for ya.

Your opinion is welcomed but you only speak for yourself, not everyone. I happen to like the different Aston configs and would welcome more of them, especially some of the ones I posted which create new corners.

As I already stated, these new configurations involve very little effort on the part of the developers compared to a completely new environment. I'd welcome any new content which could be released soon rather than waiting months and months for a new environment.
Quote from Lateralus :Fixed that for ya.

Your opinion is welcomed but you only speak for yourself, not everyone. I happen to like the different Aston configs and would welcome more of them, especially some of the ones I posted which create new corners.

As I already stated, these new configurations involve very little effort on the part of the developers compared to a completely new environment. I'd welcome any new content which could be released soon rather than waiting months and months for a new environment.

Don't be such a fool :rolleyes:. You have no idea how many people don't want yet another Aston config. So don't count me out, since there are many reasons why people don't want to beat that dead-horse of a track even more.

You probably would've understood my post a little better provided that YOU SEARCHED THE GOD DAMNED FORUM FOR DOZENS OF OTHER THREADS JUST LIKE THIS.
The last things LFS needs is more layouts on existing tracks. New tracks is what it really needs.

IMHO, obvsiously. Some tracks have 2-3 layouts, name me one track (aside from mazes like euroring) which have 3476754 layouts like Aston does.
+1 , i love AS3 i pass all the time in CD 1 or some server who has AS3

I like to see new layouts for AS

I like this , it?s see Fast and dangerous
-400 billion for new layouts on existing venues, especially bloody Aston. How many times should a driver be expected to go through the same sections in a different order or direction? South City, Fern Bay and Bloody Aston have been done to death (while Westhill remains untouched, interestingly enough). The lack of new venues is a large part of the reason I hardly race anymore - sure, a new config's a new challenge, but only for a couple of laps. The corners being used are still the same radius, same camber, same grip & same speed and memorising the new order is nothing like the challenge of learning a whole new track. I know I don't speak for everyone but I do know there are quite a few people who feel the same. Of course, I love the tracks we have but I can only enjoy driving the same sections for so long.
Hank, why do you think I find combos that I like and stick to them?

The illusion of single venues.

Moar venues plz. kthx.
I would love to see some of those new configs that you discribes in the first post, but I`ll also have to agree with the others. Starting to get seriously fed up by aston and the other tracks, we could need 2-3 new tracks like Westhill. A track with only 1 layout, but it would be a brand new track, not a other config to the tracks allready in game.

Wonder if their making some new tracks, it`s like 2 years since there was any new ones, they got to have done something on that time
(ussbeethoven) DELETED by ussbeethoven
Just a little bump (my biggest one ^^)

Some new venues really are what Live For Speed needs the most. I won't be very fond of single-layout ones because they would tend to be dedicated only to one class and thus people prefering GTR or road cars would complain from not having what other drivers had.
I'm totally for new layouts on existing venues because something a bit new is better than nothing new at all (even if something brand new is far better).

So what, in my mind, would be the best solution is that we should get (from the least expected to the most/most possible to the least) :
- New layouts on existing venues (some of the ones posted in the OP would be good).
- New parts on existing venues (create new bits of road, like in the center of Westhill, or more SO roads).
- Brand new venues with at least 2 configs each (to have as much diversity as possible)
Just like everyone else, I want new tracks. But IMHO having more Aston layouts will be fine too — I imagine they don't take long to implement.
Quote from Ahriman4891 :Just like everyone else, I want new tracks

Quote from Tomba(FIN) :Here's my track;

I'm not very good in designing. I was doing that track with cinema 4d but it bugged so had to make with photoshop

Oh, forget to attach pit text. It's in middle of those two spectator places on that straight

Isn't that great? lol
Wow looking at those pictures, theres a lot of sharp curves in those tracks, theres maby only 2-3 smooth curves the rest are sharp as hell or they look like it.

Man that Kyoto one man, thats gonna be about a 4-5 min track maby more...

Tomba: I think that would be a pretty nice track, the bridge part over the water would be pretty cool also..
hmm, would it be possible to have an "auto vote" system here? I would set it to YES for any new tracks! to answer in every thread wanting new tracks in one form or another...
Quote from Tweaker :
PLEASE, no more Aston configs. That track is becoming such a boring venue because it is squeezing out so many more boring configurations like a soggy rag.

Aston Historic is an Amazing track.. makes every other track in the game an addon to me..
Quote from Tomba(FIN) : Isn't that great? lol

That could become a very interesting track, esp. with some altitude changes. The bridge over lake has potential for being a signature LFS moment.

Quote from Richie Cahill :Aston Historic is an Amazing track.. makes every other track in the game an addon to me..

Yeah, you never know which track will "click" with you. That's why I don't see how more Aston/Kyoto layouts can hurt anyone
Quote from ussbeethoven :'KY Endurance'

I had to stifle a little chuckle about this. Where I come from, this could mean something entirely different

But either way, I do like the idea if the Kyoto Endurance track. Would be utterly epic. With that sort of set up, you would really want to force 3 or 4 pit stops. In fact, you'd have to as tires would be dead after 10 laps of that
Mmmm, lube-y. Nice.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure these payouts have been suggested before, and nearly always are universally agreed on.
However, you need to be careful with a lot of them (especially on Kyoto) that the corners don't bank the wrong way. I can't imagine a race authority allowing a fast left-hand turn onto a normally right-banked corner, because the cars would lift off the ground and sail into the barrier.
Quote from Dajmin :
However, you need to be careful with a lot of them (especially on Kyoto) that the corners don't bank the wrong way.

That's the thrill
Quote from dawguk :I had to stifle a little chuckle about this. Where I come from, this could mean something entirely different

Butter FTW! Be Green with your .......
I feel it would be best to, instead of adding layouts, if it were possible to rearrange barricades and timing-gates in much the same manner as the Autocross courses.

As a case-in-point, let it be user-adjustable to remove the tire- or stationary-barricades to allow track flow through the area, and allow any area to be blocked off. Every single layout above can be easily accomodated by simply allowing user-adjustability.
Quote from Daviticus :I feel it would be best to, instead of adding layouts, if it were possible to rearrange barricades and timing-gates in much the same manner as the Autocross courses.

As a case-in-point, let it be user-adjustable to remove the tire- or stationary-barricades to allow track flow through the area, and allow any area to be blocked off. Every single layout above can be easily accomodated by simply allowing user-adjustability.

Nope, wrong. Can't do that because of the way LFS draws and renders the track. It is the same issue as opening up the whole track to the cruise servers and has been discussed to death.
I hate seeing my thread being bumped again, exposing the evidence of the one time I didn't use the search feature and suggested something that had been suggested a thousand times before.