The recent addition of South City Chicane Route got me thinking. No new areas had to be made, yet we still got a new circuit to freshen up an already existing environment. This is an excellent idea and should be taken further.
First off, a super-long layout at Kyoto Ring using the GP Long section combined with the National section. Maybe call it Kyoto Ring Grand Touring? Or Kyoto Ring Endurance?

So much can be done with Aston that hasn't been done. Some slight modifications to existing layouts:
Maybe call this one Aston Club Long:

And this one National Short:

And a bunch of other ones which I can't think of names of. Several of them create new corners which look like they could be a lot of fun:

EDIT: Imageshack sucks. Tinypic is way better so I re-uploaded them.
First off, a super-long layout at Kyoto Ring using the GP Long section combined with the National section. Maybe call it Kyoto Ring Grand Touring? Or Kyoto Ring Endurance?

So much can be done with Aston that hasn't been done. Some slight modifications to existing layouts:
Maybe call this one Aston Club Long:

And this one National Short:

And a bunch of other ones which I can't think of names of. Several of them create new corners which look like they could be a lot of fun:

EDIT: Imageshack sucks. Tinypic is way better so I re-uploaded them.