+1 for Jakg...I am NOT a vegan, I am a true red blooded meat eating omnivore, and proud of it, but as somebody who has grown up around all sorts of animals from budgies to horses, I can attest to the fact that they DO have feelings..and in a lot of cases, emotions.
I can usually tell how my dog is feeling just by looking at her, and most of the time know exactly how to cheer her up, whether with a treat or a cuddle or whatever..
Rabbits are just as intelligent as dogs, and in some cases, more so, yet that doesn't make rabbit stew taste worse.
Just because we eat animals does not mean that we can't respect them.
I am just glad I am not a hypocrite like a certain well-known vegan...In an interview he said that he was totally against the killing of animals for ANY purpose, whether for food or clothing or whatever..he wouldn't even wear leather shoes! Then the interviewer guided the conversation to horse-riding, as the 'person' was a well-known equestrian. The 'person' then went on a spiel about how he treated his horse with love and respect, and saw it more as a partner than a slave etc etc...
When the interviewer pointed out that the horses tack was made of leather, the 'person' fell into a very embarrassed silence..was quite funny