Lerts' ideas and theories
(921 posts, closed, started )
Quote from Riders Motion :A month without LFS Forum, I wonder what you've been doing all these nights without posting here...

Most fun I've had in months.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Most fun I've had in months.

Was that your first ban? The first one always feels long. But the second time goes by really quickly. :P I forgot how many times I've been banned, but I suspect its somewhere around 2-3.
First ban seems long yeah, especiaslly when it's for Thanking Spammage.
Mine was for speaking the opinion of the enmasse of persons here, just in a direct way.

Although, I did enjoy the time away because of said activities I was doing away from these forums.
This is silly, Lerts doesn't deserve to get flamed, he should get a medall for his ideas and thoughts / belives.
Quote from the Very End :this Is Silly, Lerts Doesn't Deserve To Get Flamed, He Should Get A Medall For His Ideas And Thoughts / Belives.

he is... unconventional. possibly troubled. but he certainly doesn't want trouble.

apart from his genuine wackiness... why should you not think of him as someone welcome in our community? do i contribute substantialy more? do you?
It's better than the countless "DO YOU PLAY ..." threads, because it atleast provokes conversation and thoughts.
As I'm taking up physics for leaving cert, I think Lerts is helping me along with his wacky anti-gravity-floating-umbrella schemes. Good work
i was thinking why doesnt tobacco go through sanity controls, they could be added extra adictives substances

but well we chose to smoke but nobody chooses to use toilet paper, all kids use it, theres the strong posibility that the bad guys use this flaw of health system, of it not going through sanity controls, to put addictive substances on tolite paper, they could even put high doses of nicotine on tissue to make kids addicts

toilet paper should definitively go through sanity controls

my mother used to drink a natural juice to improve her health, she told me she stopped because the health minister had warned of some of this bottles containing huge doses of cocaine

i still recall once going to buy this for my mother to the herbal store and the woman saying to me oh this drink makes wonders
Quote from lerts :
my mother used to drink a natural juice to improve her health, she told me she stopped because the health minister had warned of some of this bottles containing huge doses of cocaine

i still recall once going to buy this for my mother to the herbal store and the woman saying to me oh this drink makes wonders

Can I place an order for 50 cases please...deliver to me as soon as possible...if not sooner,
Quote from lerts :my mother used to drink a natural juice to improve her health, she told me she stopped because the health minister had warned of some of this bottles containing huge doses of cocaine

i will skip the comment about cocaine

lerts, if the juice contained anything that is not contained in a real fruit, then it isn't a very natural juice, is it?

if your mom (or you) wants to drink natural juice, you can buy real fruit and put it in the blender. or make smoothies. they are very simple and very nice.
Quote from george_tsiros :i will skip the comment about cocaine

lerts, if the juice contained anything that is not contained in a real fruit, then it isn't a very natural juice, is it?

if your mom (or you) wants to drink natural juice, you can buy real fruit and put it in the blender. or make smoothies. they are very simple and very nice.

forgive me if I am mistaken, but isn't cocaine an extract of the coca plant...a NATURAL plant, that is ????
Quote from Bladerunner :forgive me if I am mistaken, but isn't cocaine an extract of the coca plant...a NATURAL plant, that is ????

just in case you are not flaming and are genuinely thinking this way...

an orange is something that occurs naturaly
and a stone is something that occurs naturaly as well
but orange juice with pieces of stone in it isn't something you would call 'natural juice' is it?
yes but what about putting addictives substances in toilet paper? they dont go through sanity controls so theres a free market for this

in a ship wreckage if you are short on water you can use dirty water as long as not poisinous as enema, seems the rectum skin is very absorvent

how do i know they dont put for example nicotine on toilet paper? they would turn kids into smokers in high proportion

i dont understand how soemthing like toilet paper that can be added drugs so easily doesnt go through a sanity control
OT - Hurrah! Hankstar is alive!
Who the fudge smokes toilet paper to become addicted
He's not talking about smoking it. He's got some weird theory that Andrex want to get everyone smoking by rubbing Nicotine on their arse.
... :biggrinfl
speaking of which... why dont they put nicotine in lubricants? that way it at least gets to where the absobant skin is
Maybe they do. And coat in-ear earphones with it. And chickens, cows and pigs. And the stick in a lollipop because everyone will lick the stick a bit. And on the arms of glasses, where they might run your temple each time you put them on. And on false teeth. And on contact lenses.

Lerts - you see how silly this is? Toilet roll isn't addictive.
Quote from tristancliffe : Toilet roll isn't addictive.

yeah? next time you take a dump, you won't use toilet paper? true, i wash my ass anyway afterwards but toilet paper is addictive really! everytime you want to use it.
Yes, but I don't have a crap just so that I can use the paper one more time... I can go to work in the morning without having to have a quick wipe... And I'm not a member of TRA - Toilet Roll Anonymous!
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Lerts' ideas and theories
(921 posts, closed, started )