Ok looking for some inspirational/or funny quotes that are held close to the heart of the LFS community. Of course for one to expect participation, one must participate oneself (I've stumbled across a couple of Stephen Fry book's....I think they are starting to have a slight side affect :shrug

- "Intellects solve problems; Geniuses prevent them." - Albert Einstein.
- "Don't judge a man by his umbrella - it might not be his" - Talbot House.
- "A wise man washes his hands after he pees. A wiser man doesn't pee on his hands." - Unknown
- "Always do Sober what you said you,d do Drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." - Ernest Hemmingway
- "Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people."
- "It was a woman who drove me to drink, and I never had the courtesy to thank her for it."
- "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damn fool about it."