Lerts' ideas and theories
(921 posts, closed, started )
i already did the experiment with 2 different size solid steel balls(if you use a hollowed ball and a solid one is not valid)

and contrary of what physics states bigger goes down faster

but ill do it again and this time i will record it, though i dont know how with a webcam
The bigger one will have less rolling resistance, and at low speeds aero is negligable, so in real world experiments (with friction and win resistance) you would expect the big ball to take an early lead, and the little ball to catch up (if the ramp is long enough) as aero effects become greater than rolling resistance.
i gave you a formula that can answer all your questions... if you disregard air resistance and rolling resistance, it is correct... what is your problem now?
oh i just want to check if ive been lied

actually i was taught the pisa story but if you research this on the net seems quite probable that story is false, he used ramps

but to make it even worse i tested the experiment by galilelo with ramps and i saw that balls dont go down at the same speed, bigger one falls first

so appears a lie the pisa story and appears a lie he checked big and small marbles go down the ramp at the same time

i would have repeated the pisa experiment, but from that position i would be unable to know which hits the ground first


and shouldnt the biger mass actually have more rolling friction? friction=u*Fnormal
i don't understand why you are still talking about this...i gave you the formula. stop saying that they are lying to you if you can't understand what is going on. you said you haven't studied basics physics enough yet.
internet says that galileo sent down the ramp different size marbles and all reach the end of the ramp at the same time

this is false,i experimented it many times, and as galileo said:

'If experiments are performed thousands of times in all seasons and in every place without once producing the effect described by the philosophers, poets and historians, this means nothing and we must believe their words and not our own eyes.'

i wonder, how many people in the world knows that galileo stated that different size marbles go down the ramp at the same rate, very few, you didnt know,maybe 1%, so 50 million

and of this 50 million how many have actually tested this?

it might be easy i was the only one

see how easy would be lie to people?
Um, did he [George] say they won't go down at the same rate? And how have you disproved Gallileo?
Quote from george_tsiros :lol
i do not know what galileo was supposed to prove, but two balls of same material but different size will NOT go the same speed in an incline

hint: moment of inertia

(that's what i think, though... )

you see how he got it wrong and and i had to got upset to prove what phisics say

i want to learn but not what most say but the TRUTH

i repeated galileos experiment with a different outcome
In your experiment did you ensure that when you altered the mass you kept the MOI the same, and that when you changed the MOI you kept the mass the same?
Quote from lerts :you see how he got it wrong and and i had to got upset to prove what phisics say

so what? i gave you the formula that you can use to see what "physics" says about balls rolling down on inclines. did you notice that i said "that's what i think" ?

Quote from lerts : i want to learn but not what most say but the TRUTH

what "most" physicists say is what i said. if they don't say what physics says, then they are not physicists. read the ****ing formula. no physicist will JUST say "this will happen" or "that will happen". i gave you a reason why.

if you just say what you think or believe, that is not science. if you explain why (like i did with the formula) THEN it is science. if you can't explain why (i am sorry, but i am talking about people like you now, who have not studied basic physics but they still want to say about what is correct and what is wrong) then you are not doing science.

Quote from lerts : i repeated galileos experiment with a different outcome

so it was a different experiment. or you and him live in different realities. or you have been doing a lot of drugs again.
no i just did as galileo did: big marble v small marble

i mean seriously have i been the only person in xx century who has raced different size marbles to test galileos true gravity exeriment with different weights?


well you thought wrong and it took me blood and sweat to make you see what physics say, and you are a profesional im just an amateur

"what "most" physicists say is what i said. if they don't say what physics says, then they are not physicists."

what that they go down at different speeds? if it wasnt for me you would have kept in your wrong concept

and have you deleted some of your posts?probably because i recall you clearly saying smaller ball goes down first down the ramp but cant find it now

edit: not here it is:

"Um... ok... your experiment is wrong, if you had done this correctly, the small ball will reach the bottom of the ramp first. objects rotating while going down ramps can not be explained with the same mechanics that you explain objects falling down. "

btw i dont see much diference in calling me an idiot or saying ive been doing drugs

you know what im sick of this this ends my discussion with you with check mate, you said different size marbles didnt fall at same rate, you even fall in godwings law by calling me an idiot so automatically you lost

i was right you were wrong,you thought wrong i thought right, check mate , i wont discuss with you any more to get insulted, once ok 2 times no

and is funny that a person who goes around insulting and trying to make others feel bad signs: people ultimatly get what they deserve
so far what i have seen from you... inability to solve basic math, inability to calculate basic newtonian mechanics.

i have shown some things, things you could not do (and things you did wrong)

my work here is done. if you can't understand this, your ****ing problem, not mine. if there is even one who can say that my formula is wrong, i'd like to hear it. On the other hand, as far as science is concerned, you are an illiterate. go on with your nonsense, noone will stop you. But with your level of incompetence and ignorance you do not have any right to make comments about physics, it is disrespectful.
what do you think of karma?is luck karma?

then i must have an excellent karma cause im so lucky, for example of the traffic lights that i have to cross by my hom i get green 8 per 10 times i cross, though no so lucky with girls

anyway i dont like the concept of karma because for example you could say things so cruel as that child that is suffering so much he deserves it so i dont mind

i dont know ill only believe in god if one day is unveiled that most news are a pantomine, otherelse god cant exist, if he is bad he aint god and if isnt all mighty neither, and if he is good and allmighty, so if he really is god he wouldnt allow whats going on, so he cant exist unless the world is a patomine, is the only remote posibilty of god existing
actually ill stick with this forum because its like a treatment to me

now im pretty convinced many experiences i had were actually hallucinations due to my past substance abuse

but its so difficult looking back to tell what experiences of mine were real and which hallucinations

ill put you an example:

i was chatting in a chat and saying i though my inertial thruster being able to control gravity could be used to time travel

then suddenly for no reason somebody said to me in the chat dont you think being god infinite love he will forgive you?

next day in the chat i asked: what would you read the neverending story or lucifer rebellion? link:


a guy named michael said i would read lucifers rebellion, another guy argued you shouldnt have said him that to which michael argued misteries are to be explained not to be studied
next day i felt so identified with lucifer fighting fo the right of everybody to live forever that i joined the chat saying right the way joking

i believe im lucifer reincarnation but as i had typed "i beli...." a guy named magico responded to me: what makes you think that? but before i had finished writting that and press enter he responded me

then i said because i think i know why i did that

then i was gonna say : i trust divine justice and as i had typed: "i t..."
he responded to me dont doubt it

we kept chatting for anothe minute though he didnt do the mind reading trick again

well of course this must have been an hallucination but theres the posibility of a row of coincidences, i asked the chat operator how could that guy answer me before i finished writting, he adviced me to use an antivirus and look for trojans, i did so and effectively i had a trojan, so a bad taste joke on me cold be as posible instead of the hallucination

so i know i have hallucinations if use substances but its imposible to know wether something is an hallucination or not

well also is remotely posible that this is the reality show lucifers show but this posibility is quite remote


myself i think this story was an hallucination but isnt it amazing how my mind constructed the story through several days? seems the uncouncious can proccess 3 milion cahracters per second while the concious just 12

edit post edit:

everybody searches for something trascendental of life, ghosts, angels, god but whenever somebody is witness of this, its a mere mirage, theres no way to prove anything transcendental, less than anything your very own eyes
Quote from lerts :but as i had typed "i beli...." a guy named magico responded to me: what makes you think that? but before i had finished writting that and press enter he responded me

then i said because i think i know why i did that

then i was gonna say : i trust divine justice and as i had typed: "i t..."
he responded to me dont doubt it

This looks like a trick called cold reading. This is used by illusionists, and also by all kinds of "paranormal" frauds. Notice that the answers that he gave so quickly can be used for every response you would give. He didn't need to know what you were going to answer, he only needed some cleverly constructed sentences.
Quote : we kept chatting for anothe minute though he didnt do the mind reading trick again

He stopped because his cheating would have become apparent.
yep thats the thing i cant be sure of having hallucinations, it could just be that im a magnet to oddness since i think odd

for example i was wondering whats the true story of pandoras box and hope

it brings all bads but hope was left inside? it makes no sense, its hope a bad?

well i recall reading actually is the worse of the bads, the others keep the man suffering while hope extends that suffering by keeping them alive

thats not my opinion, this is an example of twisted truth
my thoughts on pandoras box or evas apple:

prometheo stole fire from gods for humanity, snake offered knowledge to humanity, adam and eve

curiosity both lost eve and pandora

zeus sent all evils to mankind, yavhe made mankind endure all evils

humanity fell from an ideal position in both cases

zeus instructed pandora not to open the box, yavhe instructed them not to eat apples

so you see that maybe a real story passed trough time with 2 different myths

but there are two versions:

the snake actually said the truth and by eating the aple they gained knowledge they realized the were naked, and they didnt die either the moment the ate the aple they were like us yavhe said, if they also eat from tree of life they would be in fact identical

so maybe the snake was the good guy and yavhe full o vengative rage

if the snake and prometheus stand for the same archetypte the greeks had a different view than judeochristians on the same myth

in fact the pandora myth cant be telling something that makes sense, it must have been twisted

how can all evil come out of the box remaning only hope inside?
it makes no sense, hope is not evil
what do you think of ai rights?

i was commenting in a forum games like gta was kind of unethical for vulnerating ai rights

i found out actually germany had passed laws about ai rights

so somebody else had my same odd idea, i hope toilet paper going through sanity controls for being addictive is next

here some info:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E ... f_artificial_intelligence

hey plz dont let this be a monologue


is also interesting the concept of ai singularity, if ever is built a machine more intelligent than human, this program will be able to build another slightly more intelligent than the first and the second could build a third more intelligent than the second and so on since is proved if somebody designs something more intelligent than the designer so the process could repeat ad infinitum faster and faster

so we would have a program that would increase its intelligence exponentially at superfast speed
im also wondering wether companies like bayer are tring to supress that urine might be the best medicine ever

seems extende in nature:


and urine seems not to be a waste:

For instance, Pergonal is a fertility drug made from human urine. 1992 sales of this drug were reported at $855 million while it costs a patient $1400 a month to consume. Urokinase, a urine ingredient, is used in drug form and sold as a miracle blood clot dissolver for unblocking coronary arteries. Urea, medically proven to be one of the best moisturizers in the world, is packaged in expensive creams and lotions. Take the M out of Murine eye drops and what do you have? Yep. It's made from carbamide - another name for synthetic urea.

and its been recorded first practice of it in india 5000 years ago
i know where all the antimatter that balances the universe is

its in the future, in the big bang theres matter in the big crunch it becomes antimatter

when the universe stops expanding everything will reverse

arrow of time, sign of electrons and protons, gravity, any force...

in fact we cant know if we are in the bigbang with matter or the big crunch and antimatter

theres no way to determine the sign, does it rotatate clockwise or counterclockwise, it depends on your position and you know your position by the sense of rotation which you know by position...

so does cause lead effect or is it the opposite?

i suppose it alternates and as it goes back and forward universe must be unique every aeon, if not what a bored


are we watching an outwards growing spiral with time forward or an inwards shrinking spiral with time backwards, theres just not way to know
Quote from lerts :i know where all the antimatter that balances the universe is

Oh Goody!

BTW Lerts, I have a conspiracy for you. When things are cooled, they contract in a linear fashion (except water). So theoretically, it's possible to freeze something into nothingness, and eventually, it'll have a negative size. Although the most you can freeze something is to 0K (-273.15 Celcius). I think it's a conspiracy by the CIA to stop us creating anti-matter and creating more space
well antimatter water would freeze at -273-273º but being negative actually positive doesnt really matter

as for having a negative size it would be a negative size in a negativicied world where everything is opposite to this world, so it would be negative for us but for them it would be positive

instead for them it would be us whose using negative space
I don't think anti-matter molecules behave in the exact opposite sense in every regard. How did you get -273-273°? If you work in Kelvin that's -0-0 = 0, so it doesn't change... You see?

Perhaps you should concentrate on passing your basic physics exams first, then consider moving onto to advanced physics.
the way i see it is that once something reaches a certian size, it would stop srinking, isnt it the atoms getting closer together what makes freezing liquids smaller? then wouldnt it get to a stage where the atoms cannot get any more compacted?
But science shows that things contract in a linear fashion. So eventually, at a certain temperature, they have to become 0 in size, and eventually, negative. But the problem is getting down to that temperature, as it's impossible (supposedly) to cool something below -273.15 Celcius.
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Lerts' ideas and theories
(921 posts, closed, started )