Anyone had the misfortune of seeing this (IMO) absolute dog turd of a movie. Got dragged out on Friday night by my mates, really must thank them for that, before heading out to the big city lights of Inversneckie (Inverness for anyone not aware of places north of the Border).
Anyway this has to be the worst, pee-poor, abomination of a movie ever to have been made, heck even Jason Stratham could have improved this movie as it was so ******* bad. Jack Black should never.....EVER... be seen topless, he makes me look as if I'm athletic. Robert Downing Jnr blackens up to play an actor who blackens up to play an African American (being PC today), who thought that was a good idea

. Ben Stiler plays the.....well the same type of role he normally plays. Whats more I loved Steve Coogan....I'm not ashamed to admit that, but I use the past term. Every time I saw his smug face appear one the screen...I clenched my teeth, angry that he will not be known for his Alan Partridge character anymore....but that now he has officially sold his soul, and creative character to Hollywood. These however these are but a few of the culprits and there are a many cameos that equally deserve a good kicking in the shin/groin area.
However this is all my opinion and when it comes down to it, what really worries me. My mates thought this was funny as anything, and what more I've seen good reviews for this....therefore I have come to one conclusion. I have grown up too fast, and at the tender age of 24, I have turned into my old man.........that padded room sounds like a very VERY good place to be.