The online racing simulator
Just Found A Fiver! :p
(60 posts, started )
#1 - Jakg
Just Found A Fiver! :p
Just found a fiver on the floor outside the staff-room. No-one else around, the doors closed so.... SWIPE.

Time to go out and see what junk food i can buy!

I remember a few years back I found a £20 note on the floor of Liverpool street station - even though there were so many people going past they seemed to ignore a 14 year old asking if anyone had dropped a £20 note so I took it

What money have the rest of you found?
100 swiss francs (about 60 euro) in the middle of the street, a few years ago.
And the 'quality content' rating of the OT forum suffers yet another blow...
When I was allowed to go to school alone for the first time (1. class elementary) I found 50DM (25EUR) on my way home. Later that day my dad got me my first savings book...
Quote from JamesF1 :And the 'quality content' rating of the OT forum suffers yet another blow...

At least he wants to create discussion rather than just reply with "useless thread" to every post someone makes.

Once someone posted a letter to me with nothing but a fiver in it, not sure who sent it or why. If that counts as "finding" money?
I once found a suitcase with £2M in it. It wasn't exactly hard though - it was exactly where I'd told the victim's parents to leave it.
It's nice when you find money and get to keep it, but likewise i've lost money too - I was at the Prada in Wien (a big permanent fairground) and lost over half my money when I was younger, it really put a dent in the day as I couldnt afford to go on as many rides.
Quote from thisnameistaken :I once found a suitcase with £2M in it. It wasn't exactly hard though - it was exactly where I'd told the victim's parents to leave it.

I've once found 100 EEK wich is about 6 euros,but it was back like 8 years,so estonian money had more value
#10 - Hou
I found 40 GBP in a bar one night while drinking, 2 20 pound nots on the floor, stepped on one, then the other, then pocketed them both and used them to buy a round share the wealth
The most I have ever found is a fiver, but I have a couple of stories about being given the wrong change...

Once in Co-Op, at the age of about 15, I walked in with about £20 with the intention of buying a lot of junky sweets and other 'munch' I bought about £6 worth, paid the woman with a £20, she started chatting, put my £14 change in the same hand as the £20 I just gave her and she give me £36 change. I walked in with a 20, walked out with loads of food and 36 quid. Happy days.

I went to a local Chinese take away with my mate. He ordered us both a chicken curry, come to about a tenner. He gave her a twenty, but she put the note on the counter and walked to the other side of the room to the other till. I swiped the twenty, going "Muhahaha" to my mate. She came back, give my mate his change. I asked for some Fortune Cookies, usually they are 15p each, she was like "Okay, okay...I give for free haha...yea, yea?!" I was like "Yea, sure..." She gave me my fortune cookies and I said, "Here. This is yours" waving the £20 note in her face. "No, no. For fwee I say haha"..."No...You don't understand, this is my mates money for the chicken curry." "No, is for fwee yea? Haha." This argument went on for a while, till I gave up and give my mate his 20 back. Again, walked in with a £20 note. Walked out with 2 chicken curries, 4 fortune cookies and about £30 quid. Happy days.
She wasn't to happy the next time I asked for fortune cookes, I think she realised what happened afterwards. When I asked for fortune cookies, she snarled at me and say, "You pay money, yes? Yes?" To which I replied, "No, I thought I could get away with shirt buttons..." The bloke behind me found it funny. She didn't.
Few years back I was out doing some shopping in the city and i stumbled apon £120 in £10 notes i was walking down a small allyway between 2 streets and it was spread out forabout 50 yards.
Never found much, i thik the highest was maybe a 2€ coin.
Most money I have found was 20€ on the train to Hannover. But I once found a digicam, to be honest it found me by hitting my head in the "Beatsteaks" moshpit on the Hurricane festival this summer. Luckily the guy who lost it was only three rows behind me.
£15 on my paper round, almost a weeks wage!
most I've ever found was a £10 note sticking out a drain on my way to school back when I was 9. Haven't found any really significant money for ages
100 Gulden, before Euro's.

And 2-3 years ago 20 euro.
Quote from JamesF1 :And the 'quality content' rating of the OT forum suffers yet another blow...

Quote from mcintyrej :At least he wants to create discussion rather than just reply with "useless thread" to every post someone makes.

Oh c'mon, James has a point. So he found a fiver - wow! Five whole pounds! - and just has to come rushing to the forum to tell everyone about it?

Sure, the answer is not to open the thread, but with a title such as "Just found a fiver", you can't help yourself whilst thinking, "surely dear to god nobody actually feels the need to share the fact they found a fiver? It can't really be about that, can it?"

What next? Posting a topic about borrowing a keyboard from work? Oh, wait...

Somehow I think that if we all started posting such banal, irrelevant aspects of our daily life, then really would be defined in the OED as "noun; (i) the official message board of Live For Speed, an online racing simulator; (ii) bebo for car enthusiasts, where members revel in exchanging poor quality messages lacking in value or worthiness."

Then again, maybe it's half way there already. Shall I post about what I had for breakfast, or how my back left tyre has a slow puncture, or what I did on my day off work yesterday?

Nope, thought not.
#19 - 5haz
I reckon if you were to have a search through any area of grass or parkland you would end up with at least £10.

I see nothing wrong with this thread, if you dont like it, dont post here and then it will drop off the first page of the forum, so it wont bother you anymore.

It's just a friendly discussion, if we didn't ever start threads, then forums would be very dull places indeed.

Its the fact that you all rush in with your "this thread is daft, close it cos I said so" posts that causes so many silly threads to end up on the first page, I often think you lot enjoy seeing silly threads so that you can get some attention by crapping on a thread, wow aren't you just so clever.
well I got a new haircut and a dressing down at work, and GF seems to be planning our wedding and am like, 'wtf, engagement first mebbe? And no, before you ask'. Weird day.

Oh wait, you said dont post benign crap. Well I wonder sometimes, there's some tight friendships around these forums and yes friends talk about benign stuff sometimes. Then again, I really dont care about or feel the need to discuss and dissect that fact that Jack found £5 today.

There must be a balance somewhere, but you wont get every forum member to agree on what it is, so I say live and let live.
In Scotland finding a fiver is big news, I've even seen some Scots put in a missing report for lost pound coins.

Personally I have found £20 in a bar just by my seat, obviusly I thought happy days..............

................till I realised that I was missing £20 from my wallet
Quote from thisnameistaken :I once found a suitcase with £2M in it. It wasn't exactly hard though - it was exactly where I'd told the victim's parents to leave it.

Where's my brother?!
Quote from thisnameistaken :I once found a suitcase with £2M in it. It wasn't exactly hard though - it was exactly where I'd told the victim's parents to leave it.

That made my day!
Before I was into Photography I found a beautiful Pro grade SLR sitting on a beautiful tripod in a park parking lot. Of course being the good lad I was I phoned the police and turned it in.
Turns out it had been stolen two years before and the insurance had already been claimed.
I cryed later when i took up Photography in a big way Could have saved myself thousands

I also used to work in a busy all night Conveniance store and found a few bags of weed over the years I worked there I had quite smoking by then so I gave it away to the same Cabby each time!!! The lucky bugger would walk in about 5 minutes after I would find it
So he found it too.
100 Dollars. Found a benny in a street. :P

Just Found A Fiver! :p
(60 posts, started )