Are you really that blind to see what happened in Monaco between Kimi and Sutil?

The conclusion is - bring gravel traps to EVERY single corner again. No passing straight through a chicane again, or at least put barriers and things to make it hard to go straight in a chicane and actually make them lose time, not gain.
Quote from PwrSlave :Thats plain ol' BS. All the fans are the same. Now one side is bitchin' and the next time the other side will be bitchin'.
And since Hamilton got into F1, all of the sudden we see a whole bunch of GBR hardcore fans here beeing the expert; thats just so cliche, and i dont even mind beeing burned for this bcz it feels damn good

I'm not a GBR hardcore fan, i'm a motorsports fan and all i see is someone(!) f..kin' all the formula1 and the racing soul...Lewis is one of the best drivers ever raced in F1. Born with talent and he's not a spoiled bast.rd like.... .He deserves to be praised..If you can't see this that means you can't be objective.

Quote from Intrepid :Most of the people I know who are annoyed are not from Britain. In fact most of the strong anti-Hamilton crew are British.

It's quite CLEAR to any sensible human what's going on here.

Massa is deemed to have performed an unsafe pit release and it's punished with a FINE. Bruno Senna does the same thing and is given a drive through penalty!

Heikki spins Webber and it given a drive through. Pantano takes out fiillipi after out braking himself and is not allowed to race the Sunday sprnit race. Kimi smashes into Sutil and there is ABSOLUTELY NO PUNISHMENT!

hamilton is punished in France for not letting Vettel back past. He has a similar incident and let's the driver past and is still punished!

I totally agree.Nice point.
Quote from Intrepid :So please explain the fine he recieved for an unsafe pit release? and then explain to Bruno Senna why his championship hopes have gone up in smoke for doing the same thing

I'd be interested to see footage of the incident with Senna you are referring to.. can't imagine you can put that and Sutil/Massa's one on one for a comparison.
They could do it like they do in NASCAR or BTCC at some chicanes: If you take the escape route, you have to come to a complete stop before rejoining the track. That'll certainly stop people from cutting, be safe and keep people at least in the race.

And just a general statement regarding those speculations what kind of discussion we'd have if Kimi or Massa had done what Lewis did: Please don't use the broad brush. I can tell you with absolute certainty that my opinion regarding the incident would not change one single bit. That's because I'm neither a Hamilton nor a Kimi or Massa fan and have always made that clear.

On a completely different note: Was Kubica really bitching about not getting enough support from the team and that it favours Heidfeld? If so, that's really lame. He should really be careful not to pull an Alonso. Alonsos stance towards McLaren was a disgrace last year, and for Kubica to take a similar stance towards BMW this year is just a joke, as there is absolutely nothing to back that up.
Quote from ZORER :I'm not a GBR hardcore fan, i'm a motorsports fan and all i see is someone(!) f..kin' all the formula1 and the racing soul...Lewis is one of the best drivers ever raced in F1. Born with talent and he's not a spoiled bast.rd like.... .He deserves to be praised..If you can't see this that means you can't be objective.

He's not a spoiled bastrd like who? He deserves to be praised; why?

I "praise" Kubica over him anytime. Why? Because he is in my eyes what a fresh young driver should be like: humble, fair and able to see his mistakes and apologise for them in public when he made something wrong. But going any further in this doesent make any sence since all you see is how Hamilton and McLaren get screwed over and over, and how the rest of the world apart from you fans hate the living thing out of them all.

And about beeing objective; thats just LOL and not worth comentating.
Quote from Intrepid :So please explain the fine he recieved for an unsafe pit release? and then explain to Bruno Senna why his championship hopes have gone up in smoke for doing the same thing

The FIA should have penalized the Team for the Massa incident. Massa is relying on the signal the team gives him to leave the pits. I doubt he can see/ concentrate on a car coming from behind, that's something the Team had to look after. Punishing Massa would have been even more unfair.

You can argue about considering the chicane as 1 turn or 2 turns, but those of you who say that Kimi should have given room to Lewis would also have to say that it's webbers fault Heikki crashed him. Because: Heikki was slightly next to Webber (almost as much as Lewis was next to Kimi) and even more, on the INSIDE! So why the hell did Webber try to force Heikki off track?
And, If you try to overtake on the outside you have to be aware of that fact that you do not own the right of way until you are considerably ahead.
Quote from Commander :You can argue about considering the chicane as 1 turn or 2 turns, but those of you who say that Kimi should have given room to Lewis would also have to say that it's webbers fault Heikki crashed him.

While I don't think that Kimi had to give Hamilton room, comparing the Kimi/Hamilton incident with the Heikki/Webber incident is ridiculous.
Wow so the Hamliton Kimi incident so much controversey, when i saw him get pushed off the track i was a bit shocked but he gave the position back then took it back, and damn was the lead up to that interesting.
I was happy that Lewis won not that im a Hamilton fan but the fact a McLaren won i was happy about the Webber incident though but damn happy he finished the race.
So whats the go with Lewis what was the verdict?
Massa won, not "Lewis".
Fair enough, i like Massa more then Hamilton anyway.
Though i was watching the post race interviews and damn is that McLaren suit but ugly i mean cream? what were they thinking.
Niki Lauda's verdict on Radio 5Live regarding this decision

"this is bullsh1t"

and who are we to argue against him!
Quote from Gil07 :Massa won, not "Lewis".

Lewis won, everyone saw it and agrees that he won that race. Massa settled for third because he can't drive a car on a slightly damp road let alone a fully wet one. I watched an entertaining, hard fought race, it finished with Hamilton crossing the line first. From that point Hamilton had won the race in my eyes, BBC News told me Massa won a few hours later, but imo you can only win on the track, not on the news.
Quote from Becky Rose :I dont think the position of the wheel turn is much use without data from laps when this issue didnt occur, one could argue he let the car run out.

of course he did thats why i said he let hamilton run wide... that still doesnt change the fact that he didnt turn in until after hamilton had decided to cut the corner and thus hamilton had no overlap at turn in whatsoever
kimi still has his wheel turned ~90° to the right the moment hamiltons front left touches the white line

Quote :but I dont see why Hamilton is then obliged to return the position.

he isnt but hes obliged to yield into the left hander when hes got no overlap worth mentioning... and of course he musnt cut the track unless its unavoidable and not gain an advantage in doing so neither of which applied to make the cut safe

Quote :I think the manner that Hamilton did return the position was indeed unfair, he let Kimi passed and did not have mommentum but after watching the replay I have to face the fact that he monopolised straight away as part of the same move - albiet a situation which arose from Kimi driving, for the sake of his fans i'll use delicate terminology, "cautiously".

still he should recieve at lest the mosley punishment for not making it more clear that he did give the position back by staying behind through source

Quote :In any case he was alongside Kimi in the [right hander] corner prior to the incident

but well behind with still a good 30cm or so of road left to drive on when he decided to cut

Quote :So did Hamilton require to yield the position? There is debate here, but my position is that he didnt.

wait he didnt have to yield a position he gained by cutting through a corner?

Quote :That was not the driving of a champion

no it wasnt but both have made moves this year that make them gp2 or f3 material rather than deserving f1 title contenders

Quote :Was Hamilton's punishment for those particular regulations unfair when Kimi breached the same ones on the following lap? Yes, and shows diabolical bias and a manufactured championship result.

how would you punish a driver the same way who didnt even finish the race? if i was a steward i wouldnt bother thinking about giving a dnf driver a 25 second penalty either

also according to our local rac...karting hero hamilton deserves any punishment for being stupid enough to overtake round the outside anyway since its something a driver as good as lewis would never attempt thanks to his wealth of karting experience
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Lewis won, everyone saw it and agrees that he won that race. Massa settled for third because he can't drive a car on a slightly damp road let alone a fully wet one. I watched an entertaining, hard fought race, it finished with Hamilton crossing the line first. From that point Hamilton had won the race in my eyes, BBC News told me Massa won a few hours later, but imo you can only win on the track, not on the news.


some people just don't like actual real racing.

This appears to be some peoples idea of proper racing -
And some people don't understand that gaining advantages by passing isn't allowed, and nor can they see the huge differences between the Kimi/Sutil accident and everyone elses accidents since then.

Blind Hamilton Fanboys.
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Lewis won, everyone saw it and agrees that he won that race. Massa settled for third because he can't drive a car on a slightly damp road let alone a fully wet one. I watched an entertaining, hard fought race, it finished with Hamilton crossing the line first. From that point Hamilton had won the race in my eyes, BBC News told me Massa won a few hours later, but imo you can only win on the track, not on the news.

Rubbish. And who made you Spokesman For The Human Race? Not everyone agrees with you (thank goodness!)
Some people don't like some drivers winning by cutting the track... Get back those gravel traps!
Quote from Linsen :While I don't think that Kimi had to give Hamilton room, comparing the Kimi/Hamilton incident with the Heikki/Webber incident is ridiculous.

I am not comparing them, but the peeps argumenting like I said would necesarily have to consider the Kova incident the same least a bit
Quote from Storm_Cloud :Rubbish. And who made you Spokesman For The Human Race? Not everyone agrees with you (thank goodness!)

Sorry I meant everyone with eyes that enjoys proper racing, don't worry I'm sure the next race will be like Valencia so you can enjoy it. Perhaps you guys should take a look further back in the thread where I said I wanted Kimi to win not Mr Arrogant UK "thou shalt not pass me".
Quote from tristancliffe :And some people don't understand that gaining advantages by passing isn't allowed, and nor can they see the huge differences between the Kimi/Sutil accident and everyone elses accidents since then.

Blind Hamilton Fanboys.

Did you see Pantano plant it into the back of Fillipi in the exact same way as Kimi on Sutil? Or are you going give it the 'its a different class' bull!?
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Sorry I meant everyone with eyes that enjoys proper racing, don't worry I'm sure the next race will be like Valencia so you can enjoy it. Perhaps you guys should take a look further back in the thread where I said I wanted Kimi to win not Mr Arrogant UK "thou shalt not pass me".

He could EASILLY settle for 2nd position, but he's a true racer, it seems most of you forgot what racing is all about, i apreciate that he's willing to sacrifice the whole race just for those 2 extra points, just as he sacrified the last season with that silly mistake, he doesn't do calculations and that's what i apreciate.... btw, if you don't want people to cut through chicanes, then put some trap there, sand, whatever, it was a split second decision and he did put his car all the way behind Kimi's after that anyway...
Quote from Linsen :While I don't think that Kimi had to give Hamilton room, comparing the Kimi/Hamilton incident with the Heikki/Webber incident is ridiculous.

The Kimi/Sutil incident was completely different, but what about Bourdais hitting Trulli at T1?

David Coulthard has done what Heikki did to Webber in almost every race this season, but has gone unpunished, whereas poor Heikki got stung almost instantly.
One of the stewerds that gave out this decision was the same one who said Loeb was scruffy in appearence and should change.... lol this decision is starting to make more sense when you think about the people improsing it!
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Sorry I meant everyone with eyes that enjoys proper racing, don't worry I'm sure the next race will be like Valencia so you can enjoy it. Perhaps you guys should take a look further back in the thread where I said I wanted Kimi to win not Mr Arrogant UK "thou shalt not pass me".

it was amusing to see his interview - "no one will ever pass me on the outside again", then 20 minutes later...

Proper racing does not include cheating.